- Key People:
- Claude Shannon
- Harry Nyquist
- David Blackwell
- On the Web:
- CiteSeerX - Information Theory Primer (PDF) (Mar. 02, 2025)
Shannon’s communication model
As the underpinning of his theory, Shannon developed a very simple, abstract model of communication, as shown in the . Because his model is abstract, it applies in many situations, which contributes to its broad scope and power.
The first component of the model, the message source, is simply the entity that originally creates the message. Often the message source is a human, but in Shannon’s model it could also be an animal, a computer, or some other inanimate object. The encoder is the object that connects the message to the actual physical signals that are being sent. For example, there are several ways to apply this model to two people having a telephone conversation. On one level, the actual speech produced by one person can be considered the message, and the telephone mouthpiece and its associated electronics can be considered the encoder, which converts the speech into electrical signals that travel along the telephone network. Alternatively, one can consider the speaker’s mind as the message source and the combination of the speaker’s brain, vocal system, and telephone mouthpiece as the encoder. However, the inclusion of “mind” introduces complex semantic problems to any analysis and is generally avoided except for the application of information theory to physiology.
The channel is the medium that carries the message. The channel might be wires, the air or space in the case of radio and television transmissions, or fibre-optic cable. In the case of a signal produced simply by banging on the plumbing, the channel might be the pipe that receives the blow. The beauty of having an abstract model is that it permits the inclusion of a wide variety of channels. Some of the constraints imposed by channels on the propagation of signals through them will be discussed later.
Noise is anything that interferes with the transmission of a signal. In telephone conversations interference might be caused by static in the line, cross talk from another line, or background sounds. Signals transmitted optically through the air might suffer interference from clouds or excessive humidity. Clearly, sources of noise depend upon the particular communication system. A single system may have several sources of noise, but, if all of these separate sources are understood, it will sometimes be possible to treat them as a single source.
The decoder is the object that converts the signal, as received, into a form that the message receiver can comprehend. In the case of the telephone, the decoder could be the earpiece and its electronic circuits. Depending upon perspective, the decoder could also include the listener’s entire hearing system.
The message receiver is the object that gets the message. It could be a person, an animal, or a computer or some other inanimate object.
Shannon’s theory deals primarily with the encoder, channel, noise source, and decoder. As noted above, the focus of the theory is on signals and how they can be transmitted accurately and efficiently; questions of meaning are avoided as much as possible.
Four types of communication
There are two fundamentally different ways to transmit messages: via discrete signals and via continuous signals. Discrete signals can represent only a finite number of different, recognizable states. For example, the letters of the English alphabet are commonly thought of as discrete signals. Continuous signals, also known as analog signals, are commonly used to transmit quantities that can vary over an infinite set of values—sound is a typical example. However, such continuous quantities can be approximated by discrete signals—for instance, on a digital compact disc or through a digital telecommunication system—by increasing the number of distinct discrete values available until any inaccuracy in the description falls below the level of perception or interest.
Communication can also take place in the presence or absence of noise. These conditions are referred to as noisy or noiseless communication, respectively.
All told, there are four cases to consider: discrete, noiseless communication; discrete, noisy communication; continuous, noiseless communication; and continuous, noisy communication. It is easier to analyze the discrete cases than the continuous cases; likewise, the noiseless cases are simpler than the noisy cases. Therefore, the discrete, noiseless case will be considered first in some detail, followed by an indication of how the other cases differ.