Saline lakes (i.e., bodies of water that have salinities in excess of 3 grams per litre) are widespread and occur on all continents, including Antarctica. Saline lakes include the largest lake in the world, the Caspian Sea; the lowest lake, the Dead Sea; and many of the highest lakes, such as those in Tibet and on the Altiplano of South America. Although inland saline water constitutes some 45 percent of total inland water, it is largely concentrated in only a few deep lakes, principally the Caspian Sea. Saline lakes are most common in the semiarid regions of the biosphere, which encompass approximately 27 percent of total land area, because two preconditions for the formation of salt lakes occur there most frequently: a balance between input of water (precipitation and inflows) and output of water (evaporation and seepage) and the presence of endorheic drainage basins.
Despite their wide geographic distribution and large total volume, the importance of salt lakes as an integral element in biospheric processes generally has been overlooked. Indeed, not until the effects of human impact began to be noticed—from about 1960—did their environmental significance become clear. An example of this is provided by the Aral Sea, a large salt lake in Central Asia. After much of the input of fresh water was diverted before reaching the lake to be used for irrigation, the level of the lake fell, salinity rose, and vast expanses of the lake bed were exposed. As a result, the fishing industry collapsed, islands that had served as wildlife refuges became peninsulas, biological diversity and productivity fell, biota disappeared, large quantities of salt blew from the lake bed onto neighbouring lands, groundwater salinity rose, and the local climate was altered. The effects on the local human population were catastrophic as well.
Permanent salt lakes show the same sort of vertical differences in physicochemical attributes as permanent bodies of standing fresh water do; similarly, temporary salt lakes and temporary bodies of standing fresh water respond alike to environmental disturbances. However, all salt lakes are distinguished from all freshwater bodies by differences in ionic composition and, obviously, much higher salinities. Depending on the dominant ions present, salinities may reach values well above 300 grams per litre. In permanent, deep salt lakes, annual salinities as well as water levels may fluctuate only slightly, while, in shallow, temporary lakes, salinities may range from less than 50 grams per litre to more than 300 grams per litre over a period of a single year and be accompanied by wide water-level fluctuations. Moreover, because all salt lakes are dependent on a climatic balance, they are a great deal more sensitive to long-term climatic changes than are freshwater lakes. Thus, even large, deep, permanent salt lakes display marked changes in salinity and water level over time, reflecting long-term shifts in climate. Often these changes are compounded by the human diversion of water, as described above. Salinity has many direct effects on other physicochemical features. Its effect on freezing points has already been noted (see above The environment: Physical and chemical properties of water). Salinity also affects the amount of oxygen that can be dissolved. As illustrated in Figure 3, the greater the concentration of sodium chloride, which is the solution most similar to that encountered in saline lakes, the less soluble is oxygen.
Running water
Permanent and temporary running waters (streams, brooks, rivers) occur throughout the biosphere. Well-watered regions (temperate and humid tropical areas) are characterized by permanent streams and large, permanent rivers; drier regions are characterized by temporary streams. However, even dry regions may have large permanent allogenic rivers that arise in humid areas and flow into the arid region—e.g., the Nile River in North Africa.
Rivers and streams provide the essential link in the global hydrologic cycle—i.e., the means whereby all water evaporated from the sea and precipitated onto land is ultimately returned to the sea. Nevertheless, running waters account for less than 1 percent of all inland free waters, a good deal of which occurs within only one river, the Amazon.

Running waters have several physicochemical features that distinguish them from standing waters. The most obvious are unidirectional flow of water, a generally linear morphology, and shallow depth. Less obvious, but distinctive nonetheless, is the constant low salinity of lotic environments. With very few exceptions, all running waters are fresh and contain the same major ions as standing fresh waters. These and other physicochemical features combine to create an aquatic environment very different from the lentic environment. The result is that most biological communities that originate within a lotic system, and their associated ecological processes, are so specialized that they are confined to this type of environment. Nonetheless, the difference between lentic and lotic habitats is not always clear-cut. The decisive criterion is the length of time a given mass of water resides within a certain part of an aquatic ecosystem, a concept clearly related to flow rates. Some large rivers with only a slight gradient have low rates of discharge and flow and extensive floodplains with many interconnected bodies of lentic waters. Similar to this situation is the extensive reach of a large river that is well protected from the main current and may seem more lentic than lotic. Conversely, some small freshwater lakes with short water-residence times that are in areas that receive a large amount of precipitation are essentially no more than enlarged river pools, or, to coin a medical analogy, aneurysms in the biosphere’s hydrologic system.
Although running waters do not display the range of salinity that standing waters do, the diversity of physical form and the variety of biological habitats is just as extensive as those of standing waters. Running waters range from small, temporary streams that flow only after irregular rain has fallen in deserts, to large, permanent tropical rivers so wide that opposing banks are not visible. Extensive floodplains may be present or absent; flow may be more or less constant or highly variable, with actual rates from high to almost nothing; and substrates may range from bare rock to fine mud. Great differences occur among their physicochemical processes, including biogeochemical pathways, the relative ecological importance of the floodplain (if present), the main stem of the river or stream, the hyporheic zone (the environment below the bed), and contiguous terrestrial areas.