Ion-exchange procedures
Only rarely are ion exchangers used in stepwise procedures, in which the resin is mixed into a container of solution and then removed for further treatment. Much more frequently the exchanger is packed into a tube or column through which the solution is made to flow. The column arrangement forces the ion-exchange reaction, which is intrinsically reversible, to go to completion in the desired manner. The solution flowing down the column continually meets fresh exchanger, and a reaction that goes half way in the first centimetre of the column may be three-quarters completed in the second centimetre, seven-eighths in the third, and so on. In a short time, the exchangeable ions that entered the column have been adsorbed and become undetectable analytically. When the exchangeable ions do start to emerge from the end of the column, however, the column has become completely saturated with them. It may be restored to its original condition, or regenerated, by passing through it a solution of the ions that it originally contained.
Ion-exchange columns are easy to use, but the theory behind their use is extremely complicated. A column with a solution flowing through it is a nonequilibrium system, and its interpretation must consider not only equilibrium distributions but rates of transfer of material and statistical variations in the paths of liquid flow between the granules that make up the exchanger. There are two chief theories of ion-exchange processes related to the two principal ways in which the columns are employed. In the first procedure, displacement, the column originally contains mobile ions of one kind that are pushed down the column by the steady flow of a solution of ions of a second kind. The theory for this procedure deals with the rate at which the “front” (the boundary between the different classes of ions) advances and its concentration profile (whether the front stays sharp as it moves down the column or whether it becomes progressively more diffuse). In the second process, elution, a thin layer of ions is introduced at the top of a column already saturated with ions of a second kind; it then is washed down the column with the same kind of ions that saturated the column at the start. In elution, the theory must account for the rate of movement of the narrow band of ions and its spread as it proceeds down the column.
When a mixture of two kinds of ions that are held by the exchanger with differing strengths is introduced at the top of a column, the mixture of ions separates as it moves down the column, with the result that the original single band of ions is resolved into two separate bands. This process is called ion-exchange chromatography. Ion-exchange chromatography is an important tool in chemical analysis because it permits separation of materials that are very difficult to separate by other means. It can be applied to organic and inorganic ions and even to substances that are not ionic. It is often used to separate mixtures of many components.
Ion-exchange columns are made in all sizes, from the large tanks used to soften the water supply of great cities to the tiny columns holding less than a cubic centimetre of resin that are used for recovering short-lived radioactive elements in the laboratory. (The element mendelevium was discovered by the isolation of a few atoms on an ion-exchange column.) Care is needed in preparing columns for the laboratory. Dry resin must be stirred with water to let it swell before it is poured into the column. Air bubbles must not be allowed to form in the resin bed, for they interfere with the liquid flow. It is desirable to backwash the column—that is, to pass liquid upward to expand the resin bed—in order to release air bubbles and to segregate the resin particles according to size before the column is used. The aim of the preparation procedure is to assure even packing and even flow. For difficult chromatographic separations, resins having uniform, very small particles are used to facilitate mass transfer and give sharper bands. As fine particles offer much resistance to flow, solutions must be forced through under pressure. One procedure is to use long, narrow columns of stainless steel (like those used in a related process called gas chromatography) and to hasten mass transfer by using, instead of resin beads, glass spheres coated with ion-exchange resin.
Ion exchangers, especially inorganic and cellulose-based exchangers, are used in thin-layer chromatography. Chromatographic paper for this purpose is manufactured from finely ground resins and cellulose fibres. One use for this procedure is to filter small traces of metal ions from large volumes of solution.

Ion-exchange resins also may be fabricated into thin sheets, although it is not easy to make a sheet of ion exchanger that is strong and flexible and at the same time permeable; development of ion-exchange membranes has been slow for this reason. Ion-exchange membranes are used, however, to separate the electrodes of fuel cells and to remove salts from water by the physical processes termed reverse osmosis and electrodialysis. The former is a kind of filtration process—water is squeezed through the membrane under pressure while the dissolved salts are left behind. The reaction can be carried out, for example, by placing a membrane of cation-exchange resin loaded with sodium ions in contact with a dilute solution of sodium chloride. Because of the characteristics of the ion-exchange process, neither the sodium nor the chloride ions can enter the membrane. Water molecules can penetrate the membrane, however; and because of the pressure exerted on the system, they do so, crossing to the other side. The result is the removal of salt from the water without distillation (the usual desalting process).
Electrodialysis is a process somewhat similar to reverse osmosis. Ions are able to enter an ion-exchange membrane if they are simultaneously removed from it at the other side; the effect is the same as passing an electric current through the membrane. In practice, electrodialysis is carried out by placing a cation-exchange membrane on one side of the solution to be desalted and an anion-exchange membrane on the other and then passing an electric current through the system. The result is that positive ions pass through the membrane on one side and negative ions pass through the membrane on the other. Pure water is left eventually in the area between the membranes.