Variations in isotopic abundances
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- On the Web:
- National Park Service - Isotopes in environmental science (Feb. 28, 2025)
Although isotopic abundances are fairly constant throughout the solar system, variations do occur. Variations in stable isotopic abundances are usually less than 1 percent, but they can be larger. Whatever their size, they provide geologists and astronomers with valuable clues to the histories of the objects under study. Several different processes can cause abundances to vary, among them radioactive decay and mass fractionation (see below).
Radioactive decay
This process transmutes an isotope of one element into an isotope of another; e.g., potassium-40 (40K) to argon-40 (40Ar) or uranium-235 (235U) to lead-207 (207Pb). As a consequence, the isotopic composition of the daughter element produced by the radioactive decay—argon or lead in the cases cited—may vary significantly from sample to sample. The variations become especially pronounced when the material under study forms with only a small amount of the daughter element present initially. The isotopic composition of argon in the Earth’s atmosphere is a case in point.
Compared to stellar or solar-system abundances, atmospheric argon contains a much higher proportion of 40Ar and much less 36Ar and 38Ar. The excess 40Ar in the atmosphere evidently leaked out of crustal rocks and other potassium-bearing materials where it was produced by the decay of 40K. Because the Earth trapped a relatively small amount of cosmically normal argon during its accretion, the 40Ar generated since then by radioactive decay dominates the isotopic pattern in the atmosphere.
Mass fractionation
Physical and/or chemical processes affect differently the isotopes of an element. When the effect is systematic, increasing or decreasing steadily as mass number increases, the new pattern of isotopic abundances is said to be mass fractionated with respect to some standard pattern. For small fractionations—a few percent or less—the normal isotopic ratio Mh/Ml changes by an amount proportional to Δm = Mh– Ml, where Ml is the mass of the lighter isotope. For oxygen subjected to mass fractionation the percentage change of the ratio 18O/16O should be twice that in the ratio 17O/16O. Sometimes a set of samples will form from a single reservoir but with each one having experienced a different degree of mass fractionation. A graph of one isotopic ratio, Mh/Ml, against a second, Mh′/Ml, will then yield a straight line of slope (Mh – Ml)/(Mh′ – Ml). Such plots find important use in deciding whether groups of objects originated from a common source and how those groups evolved. When the oxygen isotope abundances of samples from the Earth and the Moon are considered in this way, the results suggest that both the planet and its satellite are members of a family of objects distinct from the families to which most meteorites belong.
Other causes of isotopic abundance variations
Several other causes may contribute to observed variations in isotopic abundances. First, in rare instances, materials can preserve the isotopic signatures of unusual material from other stars. In particular, certain meteorites contain microscopic diamonds and silicon carbide grains thought to predate the formation of the solar system. These grains escaped thorough blending with average solar system matter by virtue of their resistance to thermal processing and to chemical reactions. Second, planetary atmospheres and the surface of airless bodies in the solar system undergo intense irradiation by high-energy particles, which affects their isotopic composition. Finally, certain kinds of chemical reactions induced by light can lead to changes in isotopic composition.

Physical properties associated with isotopes
Broadly speaking, differences in the properties of isotopes can be attributed to either of two causes: differences in mass or differences in nuclear structure. Scientists usually refer to the former as isotope effects and to the latter by a variety of more specialized names. The isotopes of helium afford examples of both kinds. Mass effects are considered first.
Helium has two stable isotopes, 3He and 4He, and exists in the gaseous state under normal conditions. At a given temperature and pressure, any volume of 4He will weigh one-third more than the same volume of 3He. More generally, for the same spatial distribution of atoms, the substance with the heavier isotope is expected to have the larger density. When deuterium, 21H, is substituted for hydrogen, 11H, to form heavy water, 21H2O, its density is about 10 percent greater than that of normal H2O.
A second difference related directly to mass concerns atomic velocities. Lighter species travel at higher average speeds. Atoms of 3He, on the average, move 15 percent faster than those of gaseous 4He at the same temperature. Many other properties that depend on atomic motion, such as the thermal conductivity and viscosity of gases, manifest predictable isotope effects.
Contrasts in the behaviour of the helium isotopes extend to the liquid and solid states and are attributable to the effects of both mass and nuclear structure. The superfluidity), while 4He may exist only as two distinct liquids of which one is a superfluid. Unlike all other isotopes of the elements in the periodic table, neither 3He nor 4He solidifies under low pressures at a temperature near absolute zero, 0 Kelvin (K) (−273 °C, or −459 °F).
shows which states or phases of helium are stable—i.e., which ones actually occur at various temperatures and pressures. The lines on the diagrams delimit the ranges of stability of each phase. Although there are many similarities between the two diagrams, close examination reveals that they do not match up either quantitatively (in the positions of the lines) or qualitatively (in the types and numbers of phases at the lowest temperatures). It will be noted that 3He forms three distinguishable liquid phases of which two are superfluids (seeSeveral other differences between isotopes depend on nuclear structure rather than on nuclear mass. First, radioactivity results from the interplay, distinctive for each nucleus, of nuclear and electrostatic forces between neutrons, protons, and electrons. Helium-6, for example, is radioactive, whereas helium-4 is stable. Second, the spatial distribution of the protons in the nucleus affects in measurable ways the behaviour of the surrounding electrons. The addition of one neutron to the nucleus of an isotope allows the protons to spread out and to occupy a larger region of space. An added neutron may also cause the nucleus to assume a nonspherical shape. Any electron that spends time close to the nucleus will be sensitive to these changes. In particular, the new distribution of nuclear charge changes the way that the electron (or, more strictly, the atom as a whole) emits or absorbs light. Finally, nuclei may have angular momentum or spin. The term spin derives from a simple picture of the nucleus as a lumpy ball of protons and neutrons rotating about an axis. The number and the arrangement of neutrons and protons in a nucleus determine its spin, with higher spins corresponding roughly to faster rotation. About half of all stable nuclei have nonzero spin; as a consequence they act as tiny magnets, a fact that has far-reaching consequences. Scientists often describe the magnetic character of a nucleus in terms of a quantity closely related to spin called the nuclear magnetic moment (see nuclear magnetic resonance). The larger the nuclear magnetic moment of a nucleus, the more that nucleus will “feel” the force exerted by any nearby magnet. For example, a hydrogen nucleus, 1H, and a tritium nucleus, 3H, have about the same nuclear magnetic moment and react about equally when placed between the poles of a horseshoe magnet. In contrast, the same horseshoe magnet will affect a deuterium nucleus (2H) about twice as much and the nucleus of a 12C atom, which has no spin, not at all.
Effect of isotopes on atomic and molecular spectra
The study of how atoms and molecules interact with electromagnetic radiation, of which visible light is one form, is called spectroscopy. Spectroscopy has contributed much to the understanding of isotopes, and vice versa. To the extent that the characteristic spectrum of an atom or a molecule (i.e., the light emitted or absorbed by it) is regarded as a physical property, the special relation between spectroscopy and isotopy warrants individual treatment here.
Atoms typically absorb or emit light exclusively at certain frequencies. Quantum mechanics explains this observation in a general way by associating with each atom (or molecule) well-defined states of energy. The atom may pass from one state to another only when energy is supplied (or removed) in the amount separating one state from another.
Precise measurements of the light emitted by isotopes of an element show small but significant differences termed shifts by spectroscopists. On the whole, these shifts are quite small. They originate in both mass and nuclear structure effects. The effects due to mass are largest for light isotopes. As nuclear mass increases, they decrease by an amount roughly proportional to 1/A2 and become insignificant in the heavier elements.
The effects due to nuclear structure relate primarily to the angular momentum, the magnetic moment, and the so-called electric quadrupole moment of the nucleus. The latter measures deviations from sphericity in the charge distribution. The magnetic moment and its attendant effects form the foundation of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a field that has become very important in many branches of science.
Once of interest mainly to academic physicists and chemists, the methods of NMR now find widespread application in medical imaging facilities. In a simple experiment for NMR, a tubeful of liquid methane, 12C1H4, at low temperature, might be set between the poles of a very strong external magnet. According to the laws of quantum mechanics, the axes of the 1H nuclei may orient themselves in one of only two possible directions. The “poles” of the 1H nucleus may either line up (approximately) with those of the external magnet, north to north and south to south; or the two sets of poles may oppose each other, as when a compass needle aligns itself with the Earth’s magnetic field. The former orientation (N to N and S to S) has the higher energy. A 1H nucleus in the lower-energy state can move to the higher-energy state by absorbing light. With the magnets used today, light in the radiowave portion of the electromagnetic spectrum carries the right amount of energy to cause the transitions, i.e., to flip the nucleus on its axis. The task of the NMR spectroscopist is to determine precisely which frequencies make nuclear spin changes occur and with what likelihood. Results may be reported as “NMR spectra,” graphs that show the probability that any given frequency of light will induce a transition. The great power of NMR derives from the observation that the spectra reflect the structure of the molecule studied, that is, the linkage of atoms within the molecule. For example, in the molecule methanol, CH3OH, three atoms of hydrogen bind to carbon, C, and one atom of hydrogen binds to oxygen, O. Broad (low resolution) peaks at two different frequencies in the proton NMR spectrum of methanol show the existence of the two distinct chemical environments for hydrogen. The mathematical difference between frequencies, adjusted to take into account the strength of the external magnetic field, is an example of what spectroscopists call a chemical shift. Chemists refer to published libraries of chemical shifts both to identify the substances present in samples of unknown composition and to infer the structures of newly synthesized molecules. Nuclei popular for NMR studies include 1H, 13C, 15N, 17O, and 31P.