ice in lakes and rivers
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- ice
- ice formation
ice in lakes and rivers, a sheet or stretch of ice forming on the surface of lakes and rivers when the temperature drops below freezing (0° C [32° F]). The nature of the ice formations may be as simple as a floating layer that gradually thickens, or it may be extremely complex, particularly when the water is fast-flowing.
Geographic extent
Much of the world experiences weather well below the freezing point, and in these regions ice forms annually in lakes and rivers. About half the surface waters of the Northern Hemisphere freeze annually. In warmer climates, waters may freeze only occasionally during periods of unusual cold, and in extremely cold areas of the world, such as Antarctica, lakes may have a permanent ice cover.
The seasonal cycle
In most regions where ice occurs, the formation is seasonal in nature: an initial ice cover forms some time after the average daily air temperature falls below the freezing point; the ice cover thickens through the winter period; and the ice melts and decays as temperatures warm in the spring. During the formation and thickening periods, energy flows out of the ice cover, and, during the decay period, energy flows into the ice cover. This flow of energy consists of two basic modes of energy exchange: (1) the radiation of long-wavelength and short-wavelength electromagnetic energy (i.e., infrared and ultraviolet light) and (2) the transfer of heat energy associated with evaporation and condensation, with convection between the air and the surface, and (to a lesser extent) with precipitation falling on the surface. While radiation transfers are important, the dominant energy exchange in ice formation and decay is the heat transfer associated with evaporation and condensation and with turbulent convection—the latter being termed the sensible transfer. Since these transfers of heat are driven by the difference between air temperature and surface temperature, the extent and duration of ice covers more or less coincide with the extent and duration of average air temperatures below the freezing point (with a lag in the autumn due to the cooling of the water from its summer heating and a lag in the spring due to the melting of ice formed over the winter).
As a general rule, small lakes freeze over earlier than rivers, and ice persists longer on lakes in the spring. Where there are sources of warm water—for example, in underground springs or in the thermal discharges of industrial power plants—this pattern may be disrupted, and water may be free of ice throughout the winter. In addition, in very deep lakes the thermal reserve built up during summer heating may be too large to allow cooling to the freezing point, or the action of wind over large fetches may prevent a stable ice cover from forming.
Ice in lakes
Ice formation
Changes in temperature structure
The setting for the development of ice cover in lakes is the annual evolution of the temperature structure of lake water. In most lakes during the summer, a layer of warm water of lower density lies above colder water below. In late summer, as air temperatures fall, this top layer begins to cool. After it has cooled and has reached the same density as the water below, the water column becomes isothermal (i.e., there is a uniform temperature at all depths). With further cooling, the top water becomes even denser and plunges, mixing with the water below, so that the lake continues to be isothermal but at ever colder temperatures. This process continues until the temperature drops to that of the maximum density of water (about 4° C, or 39° F). Further cooling then results in expansion of the space between water molecules, so that the water becomes less dense. This change in density tends to create a new stratified thermal structure, this time with colder, lighter water on top of the warmer, denser water. If there is no mixing of the water by wind or currents, this top layer will cool to the freezing point (0° C, or 32° F). Once it is at the freezing point, further cooling will result in ice formation at the surface. This layer of ice will effectively block the exchange of energy between the cold air above and the warm water below; therefore, cooling will continue at the surface, but, instead of dropping the temperature of the water below, the heat losses will be manifested in the production of ice.

The simple logic outlined above suggests that water at some depth in lakes during the winter will always be at 4° C, the temperature of maximum density, and indeed this is often the case in smaller lakes that are protected from the wind. The more usual scenario, however, is that wind mixing continues as the water column cools below 4° C, thereby overcoming the tendency toward density stratification. Between 4° and 0° C, for example, the density difference might be only 0.13 kilogram per cubic metre (3.5 ounces per cubic yard). Eventually some particular combination of cold air temperature, radiation loss, and low wind allows a first ice cover to form and thicken sufficiently to withstand wind forces that may break it up. As a result, even in fairly deep lakes the water temperature beneath the ice is usually somewhere below 4° C and quite often closer to 0° C. The temperature at initial ice formation may vary from year to year depending on how much cooling has occurred before conditions are right for the first initial cover to form and stabilize. In some large lakes, such as Lake Erie in North America, wind effects are so great that a stable ice cover rarely forms over the entire lake, and the water is very near 0° C throughout the winter.
Nucleation of ice crystals
Before ice can form, water must supercool and ice crystals nucleate. Homogeneous nucleation (without the influence of foreign particles) occurs well below the freezing point, at temperatures that are not observed in water bodies. The temperature of heterogeneous nucleation (nucleation beginning at the surface of foreign particles) depends on the nature of the particles, but it is generally several degrees below the freezing point. Again, supercooling of this magnitude is not observed in most naturally occurring waters, although some researchers argue that a thin surface layer of water may achieve such supercooling under high rates of heat loss. Nucleation beginning on an ice particle, however, can take place upon only slight supercooling, and it is generally believed that ice particles originating from above the water surface are responsible for the initial onset of ice on the surface of a lake. Once ice is present, further formation is governed by the rate at which the crystal can grow. This can be very fast: on a cold, still night, when lake water has been cooled to its freezing point and then slightly supercooled on the surface, it is possible to see ice crystals propagating rapidly across the surface. Typically, this form of initial ice formation is such that the crystal c-axes are vertically oriented—in contrast to the usual horizontal orientation of the c-axis associated with later thickening. Under ideal conditions these first crystals may have dimensions of one metre or more. An ice cover composed of such crystals will appear black and very transparent.
Effects of wind mixing
If the lake surface is exposed to wind, the initial ice crystals at the surface will be mixed by the agitating effects of wind on the water near the surface, and a layer of small crystals will be created. This layer will act to reduce the mixing, and a first ice cover will be formed consisting of many small crystals. Whether it is composed of large or small crystals, the ice cover, until it grows thick enough to withstand the effects of later winds, may form and dissipate and re-form repeatedly. On larger lakes where the wind prevents a stable ice cover from initially forming, large floes may be formed, and the ice cover may ultimately stabilize as these floes freeze together, sometimes forming large ridges and piles of ice. Ice ridges generally have an underwater draft several times their height above water. If they are moved about by the wind, they may scour the bottom in shallower regions. In some cases—particularly before a stable ice cover forms—wind mixing may be sufficient to entrain ice particles and supercooled water to considerable depths. Water intakes tens of metres deep have been blocked by ice during such events.