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The principal forces acting to initiate water movements in lakes are those due to hydraulic gradients, wind stress, and factors that cause horizontal or vertical density gradients. Lake water movement is usually classified as being turbulent.
Hydraulic effects are frequently the result of inflows and outflows of water. These may be substantial and continuous or weak and sporadic; in terms of the ratio of the volume of the inflow or outflow to the lake volume, the latter is the most frequently observed situation.
The stress of wind moving over the lake surface causes a transport of water within the lake, as well as the movement of energy downwind through the mechanism of surface waves. The wind is therefore one of the most important external forces on a lake. It can be relatively consistent in speed and direction, or it can be highly variable in either or both.
Pressure gradients
Water movements can occur as a result of internal pressure gradients and from density gradients caused by variations in temperature, sediment concentration, or the concentration of dissolved substances. Surface water in lakes can become denser than underlying water either by cooling or heating, because the temperature of maximum density for pure lake water is about 4 °C (39 °F). Water entering a lake from rivers with a high concentration of dissolved substances will sink to a lake level of similar density. These movements are both horizontal and vertical, but the net effect is downward, if not vertical, motion.
Horizontal pressure gradients can result from many different processes that act to produce density gradients. One example is the situation of solar heating in a shallow nearshore region, where the heat is committed to the warming of a relatively small volume of water. This produces a water of lower density than the near-surface water of an adjacent deep region, where the heat is spread throughout a greater volume. Consequently, the pressure gradient force will act to move the warmer water offshore and to replace it from below with cooler water.
Lake currents are the result of complex interactions of forces, but in many cases a small number of particular forces dominate. In the case of horizontal flow in the absence of horizontal pressure gradients, assuming no friction, water set in motion will curve to the right in the Northern Hemisphere because the Earth rotates from west to east. This effect is called the Coriolis force, and it will continue to influence water motion until there is a balance with the centrifugal force. This movement causes free-floating markers to move in an elliptical manner with a period that depends upon the latitude. In Lake Ontario, for example, it is about 17 hours. Where a dominating pressure gradient exists, the balance of the pressure-gradient force with the Coriolis force results in the so-called geostrophic flow, at right angles to the pressure gradient, with low pressure on the left (Northern Hemisphere). These conditions are most nearly realized only in very large lakes and in the oceans.
In those small lakes where hydraulic effects dominate, steady flow conditions may be achieved through balance with friction. This situation is commonly encountered in rivers, and relationships exist between mean current speed and the slope and mean depth of the river or narrow lake. These are called gradient currents and occur following situations where the wind or atmosphere pressure gradient causes a tilting of the lake surface (denivellation). In cases where the Coriolis force is a significant factor, the flow down a lake will tend to move toward the right (in the Northern Hemisphere). The development of a deeper countercurrent to the left will occur to compensate for the piling up of water on the right side.
Horizontal pressure gradients will be important in lakes where there are significant inflows of water with markedly different density from ambient lake density or where significant differential surface heating occurs.
Wind stress
Currents resulting from wind stress are the most common in lakes. Considerable research is still under way into the mechanism of transfer of wind momentum to water momentum. The stress on the lake is proportional to some power of wind speed, usually taken to be 2, although it evidently varies with wind speed, wave conditions, and atmospheric stability. In large deep lakes, away from the boundaries, where wind stress effects may be balanced by Coriolis force effects, theory suggests that the surface current will move in a direction 45° to the right of the wind and that deeper currents are progressively weaker and directed farther to the right. The depth at which flow is opposite to the wind direction is effectively the depth below which there is no influence from the wind. This depth, designated D, can theoretically occur at about 100 metres (300 feet) in large, deep, midlatitude lakes. Observations show varying degrees of fidelity to theory because of complications from coastal effects and thermal stratification.
In coastal regions, if water depth is a significant fraction of or greater than D, winds blowing parallel to the shore will transport water either onshore or offshore. In the latter case, where the coast is to the left of the wind flow (Northern Hemisphere), the water driven offshore is replaced by cooler, deeper water (upwelling).
Internal waves and Langmuir circulation
Under stratified conditions a strong thermocline will essentially separate a lake into two layers. Shearing forces that develop between these layers cause a motion, termed internal waves, that may serve to directly dissipate a substantial portion of a lake’s kinetic energy and act as a coupling between motion in the epilimnion and hypolimnion. A great range of periodicities is observed in the oscillations of the thermoclines, particularly in large lakes. Internal seiches, which are responsible for relatively long-period internal waves, are discussed later.
A small-scale circulation phenomenon that has aroused considerable attention on lakes is Langmuir circulation. On windy days, parallel “streaks” can be observed to develop on the water surface and exhibit continuity for some distance. These streaks may be caused by convergence zones where surface froth and debris collect. Langmuir circulation thus appears to be a relatively organized mixing mechanism wherein sinking occurs at the streaks and upwelling occurs between the streaks. Under favourable circumstances, this appears to be a key process for mixing heat downward in lakes.