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Also known as: insanity, madness, mental illness, psychiatric disorder


Federal Agency Dedicated to Mental Illness and Addiction Faces Huge Cuts Mar. 12, 2025, 8:51 AM ET (New York Times)

Behavioral theories for the causation of mental disorders, especially neurotic symptoms, are based upon learning theory, which was in turn largely derived from the study of the behavior of animals in laboratory settings. Most important theories in this area arose out of the work of Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov and several American psychologists, such as Edward L. Thorndike, Clark L. Hull, John B. Watson, Edward C. Tolman, and B.F. Skinner. In the classical Pavlovian model of conditioning, an unconditioned stimulus is followed by an appropriate response; for example, food placed in a dog’s mouth is followed by the dog salivating. If a bell is rung just before food is offered to a dog, eventually the dog will salivate at the sound of the bell only, even though no food is offered. Because the bell could not originally evoke salivation in the dog (and hence was a neutral stimulus) but came to evoke salivation because it was repeatedly paired with the offering of food, it is called a conditioned stimulus. The dog’s salivation at the sound of the bell alone is called a conditioned response. If the conditioned stimulus (the bell) is no longer paired with the unconditioned stimulus (the food), extinction of the conditioned response gradually occurs (the dog ceases to salivate at the sound of the bell alone).

Behavioral theories for the causation of mental disorders rest largely upon the assumption that the symptoms or symptomatic behavior found in persons with various neuroses (particularly phobias and other anxiety disorders) can be regarded as learned behaviors that have been built up into conditioned responses. In the case of phobias, for example, a person who has once been exposed to an inherently frightening situation afterward experiences anxiety even at neutral objects that were merely associated with that situation at the time but that should not reasonably produce anxiety. Thus, a child who has had a frightening experience with a bird may subsequently have a fear response to the sight of feathers. The neutral object alone is enough to arouse anxiety, and the person’s subsequent effort to avoid that object is a learned behavioral response that is self-reinforcing, since the person does indeed procure a reduction of anxiety by avoiding the feared object and is thus likely to continue to avoid it in the future. It is only by confronting the object that the individual can eventually lose the irrational, association-based fear of it.

Major diagnostic categories

Organic mental disorders

This category includes both those psychological or behavioral abnormalities that arise from structural disease of the brain and also those that arise from brain dysfunction caused by disease outside the brain. These conditions differ from those of other mental illnesses in that they have a definite and ascertainable cause—i.e., brain disease. However, the importance of the distinction (between organic and functional) has become less clear as research has demonstrated that brain abnormalities are associated with many psychiatric illnesses. When possible, treatment is aimed at both the symptoms and the underlying physical dysfunction in the brain.

There are several types of psychiatric syndromes that clearly arise from organic brain disease, the chief among them being dementia and delirium. Dementia is a gradual and progressive loss of intellectual abilities such as thinking, remembering, paying attention, judging, and perceiving, without an accompanying disturbance of consciousness. The syndrome may also be marked by the onset of personality changes. Dementia usually manifests as a chronic condition that worsens over the long term. Delirium is a diffuse or generalized intellectual impairment marked by a clouded or confused state of consciousness, an inability to attend to one’s surroundings, difficulty in thinking coherently, a tendency to perceptual disturbances such as hallucinations, and difficulty in sleeping. Delirium is generally an acute condition. Amnesia (a gross loss of recent memory and of time sense without other intellectual impairment) is another specific psychological impairment associated with organic brain disease.

Steps toward the diagnosis of suspected organic disorders include obtaining a full medical history of the patient followed by a detailed examination of the patient’s mental state, with additional tests for particular functions as necessary. A physical examination is also performed with special attention to the central nervous system. In order to determine whether a metabolic or other biochemical imbalance is causing the condition, blood and urine tests, liver function tests, thyroid function tests, and other evaluations may be performed. Chest and skull X-rays may be taken, and computed tomography (CT) scanning or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used to reveal focal or generalized brain disease. Electroencephalography (EEG) may show localized abnormalities in the electrical conduction of the brain caused by a lesion. Detailed psychological testing may reveal more-specific perceptual, memory, or other disabilities.

Senile and presenile dementia

In these dementias there is a progressive intellectual impairment that proceeds to lethargy, inactivity, and gross physical deterioration and eventually to death within a few years. Presenile dementias are arbitrarily defined as those that begin in persons under age 65. In old age the most common causes of dementia are Alzheimer disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis. Dementia from Alzheimer disease usually begins in people over age 65 and is more common in women than in men. It begins with incidences of forgetfulness, which become more frequent and serious, and the disturbances of memory, personality, and mood progress steadily toward physical deterioration and death within a few years. In dementia caused by cerebral arteriosclerosis, areas of the brain are destroyed through a loss of blood supply caused by pieces of blood clots that become lodged in small arteries. The course of the illness is rapid, with periods of deterioration followed by periods of slight improvement. Death may be delayed slightly longer than with dementia from Alzheimer disease and often occurs from ischemic heart disease, causing a heart attack, or from massive cerebral infarction, causing a stroke.

Other causes of dementia include Pick disease, a rare inherited condition that occurs in women twice as often as in men, usually between the ages of 50 and 60; Huntington disease, an inherited disease that usually begins at about age 40 with involuntary movements and proceeds to dementia and death within 15 years; and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, a rare brain condition that is caused by an abnormal form of protein called a prion. Dementia may also result from head injury, infection—e.g., with syphilis or encephalitis—various tumors, toxic conditions such as chronic alcoholism or heavy-metal poisoning, metabolic illnesses such as liver failure, reduced oxygen to the brain due to anemia or carbon monoxide poisoning, and the inadequate intake or metabolism of certain vitamins.

There is no specific treatment for the symptoms of dementia; the underlying physical cause needs to be identified and treated when possible. The goals of care of the individual with dementia are to relieve distress, prevent behavior that might result in injury, and optimize remaining physical and psychological faculties.

Other organic syndromes

Damage to different areas of the brain may cause particular psychological symptoms. Damage to the frontal lobe of the brain may manifest itself in such disturbances of behavior as loss of inhibitions, tactlessness, and overtalkativeness. Lesions of the parietal lobe may result in difficulties of speech and language or of the perception of space. Lesions of the temporal lobe may lead to emotional instability, aggressive behavior, or difficulty with learning new information.

Delirium occurs secondarily to many other physical conditions such as drug intoxication or withdrawal, metabolic disorders (for example, liver failure or low blood sugar), infections such as pneumonia or meningitis, head injuries, brain tumors, epilepsy, or nutritional or vitamin deficiency. Clouding or confusion of consciousness and disturbances of thinking, behavior, perception, and mood occur, with disorientation being prominent. Treatment is aimed at the underlying physical condition.

Substance use disorders

Substance abuse and substance dependence are two distinct disorders associated with the regular nonmedical use of psychoactive drugs. Substance abuse implies a sustained pattern of use resulting in impairment of the person’s social or occupational functioning. Substance dependence implies that a significant portion of a person’s activities are focused on the use of a particular drug or alcohol. Substance dependence likely leads to tolerance, in which markedly increased amounts of a drug (or other addictive substance) must be taken to achieve the same effect. Dependence is also characterized by withdrawal symptoms such as tremors, nausea, and anxiety, any of which might follow decreases in the dose of the substance or the cessation of drug use. (See chemical dependency.)

A variety of psychiatric conditions can result from the use of alcohol or other drugs. Mental states resulting from the ingestion of alcohol include intoxication, withdrawal, hallucinations, and amnesia. Similar syndromes may occur following the use of other drugs that affect the central nervous system (see drug use). Other drugs commonly used nonmedically to alter mood are barbiturates, opioids (e.g., heroin), cocaine, amphetamines, hallucinogens such as LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), marijuana, and tobacco. Treatment is directed at alleviating symptoms and preventing the patient’s further abuse of the substance.