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Polymorphism is the ability of a specific chemical composition to crystallize in more than one form. This generally occurs as a response to changes in temperature or pressure or both. The different structures of such a chemical substance are called polymorphic forms, or polymorphs. For example, the element carbon (C) occurs in nature in two different polymorphic forms, depending on the external (pressure and temperature) conditions. These forms are graphite, with a hexagonal structure, and diamond, with an isometric structure. The composition FeS2 occurs most commonly as pyrite, with an isometric structure, but it is also found as marcasite, which has an orthorhombic internal arrangement. The composition SiO2 is found in a large number of polymorphs, among them quartz, tridymite, cristobalite, coesite, and stishovite. The stability field (conditions under which a mineral is stable) of these SiO2 polymorphs can be expressed in a stability diagram, with the external parameters of temperature and pressure as the two axes. In the general quartz field, there is additional polymorphism leading to the notation of high quartz and low quartz, each form having a slightly different internal structure. Cristobalite and tridymite are the high-temperature forms of SiO2, and indeed these SiO2 polymorphs occur in high-temperature lava flows. The high-pressure forms of SiO2 are coesite and stishovite, and these can be found in meteorite craters, formed as a result of high explosive pressures upon quartz-rich sandstones, and in very deep-seated rock formations, as from Earth’s upper mantle or very deep in subduction zones.
Chemical composition
The chemical composition of a mineral is of fundamental importance because its properties greatly depend on it. Such properties, however, are determined not only by the chemical composition but also by the geometry of the constituent atoms and ions and by the nature of the electrical forces that bind them. Thus, for a complete understanding of minerals, their internal structure, chemistry, and bond types must be considered.
Various analytical techniques may be employed to obtain the chemical composition of a mineral. Quantitative chemical analyses mainly use so-called wet analytical methods (e.g., dissolution in acid, flame tests, and other classic techniques of bench chemistry that rely on observation), in which the mineral sample is first dissolved. Various compounds are then precipitated from the solution, which are weighed to obtain a gravimetric analysis. A number of analytical procedures have been introduced that provide faster but somewhat less accurate results. Most analyses use instrumental methods such as optical emission, X-ray fluorescence, atomic absorption spectroscopy, and electron microprobe analysis. Relatively well-established error ranges have been documented for these methods, and samples must be prepared in a specific manner for each technique. A distinct advantage of wet analytical procedures is that they make it possible to determine quantitatively the oxidation states of positively charged atoms, called cations (e.g., Fe2+ versus Fe3+), and to ascertain the amount of water in hydrous minerals. It is more difficult to provide this type of information with instrumental techniques.
To ensure an accurate chemical analysis, the selected sample, which might include several minerals, is often made into a thin section (a section of rock less than 1 mm thick cemented for study between clear glass plates). To reduce the effect of the impurities, an instrumental technique, such as electron microprobe analysis, is commonly employed. In this method, quantitative analysis in situ may be performed on mineral grains only 1 micrometre (10−4 centimetre) in diameter.
Mineral formulas
Elements may exist in the native (uncombined) state, in which case their formulas are simply their chemical symbols: gold (Au), carbon (C) in its polymorphic form of diamond, and sulfur (S) are common examples. Most minerals, however, occur as compounds consisting of two or more elements; their formulas are obtained from quantitative chemical analyses and indicate the relative proportions of the constituent elements. The formula of sphalerite, ZnS, reflects a one-to-one ratio between atoms of zinc and those of sulfur. In bornite (Cu5FeS4), there are five atoms of copper (Cu), one atom of iron (Fe), and four atoms of sulfur. There exist relatively few minerals with constant composition; notable examples include quartz (SiO2) and kyanite (Al2SiO5). Minerals of this sort are termed pure substances. Most minerals display considerable variation in the ions that occupy specific atomic sites within their structure. For example, the iron content of rhodochrosite (MnCO3) may vary over a wide range. As ferrous iron (Fe2+) substitutes for manganese cations (Mn2+) in the rhodochrosite structure, the formula for the mineral might be given in more general terms—namely, (Mn, Fe)CO3. The amounts of manganese and iron are variable, but the ratio of the cation to the negatively charged anionic group remains fixed at one Mn2+or Fe2+ atom to one CO3 group.