Tectonic processes that create and destroy mountain belts and their components
- Key People:
- Alfred Elis Törnebohm
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Mountains and mountain belts exist because tectonic processes have created and maintained high elevations in the face of erosion, which works to destroy them. The topography of a mountain belt depends not only on the processes that create the elevated terrain but also on the forces that support this terrain and on the types of processes (erosional or tectonic) that destroy it. In fact, it is necessary to understand the forces that support elevated terrains before considering the other factors involved.
Mechanisms that support elevated terrains
Two properties of rocks contribute to the support of mountains, mountain belts, and plateaus, namely strength and density. If rocks had no strength, mountains would simply flow away. At a subtler level, the strength of the material beneath mountains can affect the scale of the topography.
In terms of strength, the lithosphere, the thickness of which varies over the face of the Earth from a few to more than 200 kilometres, is much stronger than the underlying layer, the asthenosphere (see plate tectonics). The strength of the lithosphere is derived from its temperature; thick lithosphere exists because the outer part of the Earth is relatively cold. Cold, thick, and therefore strong lithosphere can support higher mountain ranges than can thin lithosphere, just as thick ice on a lake or river is better able to support larger people than thin ice.
In terms of chemical composition, and therefore density, the Earth’s crust is lighter than the underlying mantle. Beneath the oceans, the typical thickness of the crust is only six to seven kilometres. Beneath the continental regions, the average thickness is about 35 kilometres, but it can reach 60 or 70 kilometres beneath high mountain ranges and plateaus. Thus, most ranges and plateaus are buoyed up by thick crustal roots. To some extent the light crust floats on the heavier mantle, as icebergs float on the oceans.
It should be noted that the crust and lithosphere are defined by different properties and do not constitute the same layer. Moreover, variations in their thicknesses have different relationships to the overlying topography. Some mountain ranges and plateaus are buoyed up by a thick crust. The lithosphere beneath such areas, however, can be thin, and its strength does not play a significant role in supporting the range or plateau. Other ranges may overlie thick lithospheric plates, which are flexed down by the weight of the mountains. The crust beneath such ranges is likely to be thicker than normal but not as thick as it would be if the lithosphere were thin. Thus, the strength of the lithosphere supports these mountains and maintains the base of the crust at a higher level than would have been the case had the strong layer been absent. For instance, the Himalayas have been thrust onto the crust of the Indian shield, which is underlain by particularly cold, thick lithosphere that has been flexed down by the weight of the high range. The thickness of the crust is about 55 kilometres beneath the high peaks, which stand more than 8,000 metres high. The thickest crustal segment of 70 kilometres, however, lies farther north beneath the Plateau of Tibet (or Tibetan Plateau), whose altitude is about 4,500 to 5,000 metres but whose lithosphere is much thinner than that beneath the Himalayas. The strong Indian lithosphere helps to support the Himalayas, but the buoyancy of the thick Tibetan crust maintains the high elevation of the plateau.
Tectonic processes that produce high elevations
As noted above, individual mountains, mountain ranges, mountain belts, and plateaus exist because tectonic processes have elevated terrains faster than erosion could destroy them. High elevations are created by three major processes: these are volcanism, horizontal crustal shortening as manifested by folding and by faulting, and the heating and thermal expansion of large terrains.
Most, but not all, volcanoes consist of material that is thought to have melted in the mantle (at depths of tens of kilometres), which rose through the overlying crust and was erupted onto the surface. To a large extent, the physical characteristics of the erupted material determines the shape and height of a volcano. Material of low density can produce taller mountains than can denser material. Lavas with low viscosity, such as in Hawaii, flow easily and produce gentle slopes, but more viscous lavas mixed with explosively erupted solid blocks of rocks can form steeper volcanic cones, such as Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Rainier in the northwestern United States, or Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa.
Many volcanoes are built on elevated terrains that owe their existence to the intrusion into the crust of magmas—i.e., molten rock presumably derived from the mantle. The extent to which this process is a major one in mountain belts is controversial. Many belts, such as the Andes, seem to be underlain, at least in part, by solidified magmas, but the volume of the intruded material and its exact source (melting of either the crust or the mantle) remain poorly understood.
Crustal shortening
In most mountain belts, terrains have been elevated as a result of crustal shortening by the thrusting of one block or slice of crust over another and/or by the folding of layers of rock. The topography of mountain ranges and mountain belts depends in part on the amount of displacement on such faults, on the angles at which faults dip, on the degree to which crustal shortening occurs by faulting or by folding, and on the types of rocks that are deformed and exposed to erosion. Most of the differences among mountain belts can be ascribed to some combination of these factors.
Heating and thermal expansion
Rocks, like most materials, expand when they are heated. Some mountain ranges and plateaus are high simply because the crust and upper mantle beneath them are unusually hot. Most broad variations in the topography of the ocean floor, the mid-ocean ridges and rises, are due to horizontal variations in temperature in the outer 100 kilometres of the Earth. Hot areas stand higher—or at shallower depths in the ocean—than cold areas. Many plateaus, such as the Massif Central in south central France or the Ethiopian Plateau, are elevated significantly because the material beneath them has been heated.
Tectonic processes that destroy elevated terrains
Besides erosion, which is the principal agent that destroys mountain belts, two tectonic processes help to reduce high elevations. Horizontal crustal extension and associated crustal thinning can reduce and eliminate crustal roots. When this happens, mountain belts widen and their mean elevation diminishes. Similarly, the cooling and associated thermal contraction of the outer part of the Earth leads to a reduction of the average height of a mountain belt.