- Also called:
- methane gas or natural methane gas
- Related Topics:
- shale gas
- liquefied natural gas
- wet gas
- dry gas
- associated gas
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The largest natural gas fields are the supergiants, which contain more than 850 bcm (30 tcf) of gas, and the world-class giants, which have reserves of roughly 85 to 850 bcm (3 to 30 tcf). Supergiants and world-class giants represent less than 1 percent of the world’s total known gas fields, but they originally contained, along with associated gas in giant oil fields, approximately 80 percent of the world’s reserves and produced gas.
Russia has the largest natural gas reserves in the world (some 47 tcm [1,680 tcf]), and it periodically changes place with the United States as the world’s largest or second largest producer. Some of the world’s largest gas fields are in Russia, in a region of West Siberia east of the Gulf of Ob on the Arctic Circle. The world’s second largest gas field is Urengoy, which was discovered there in 1966 and was estimated to have initial reserves as great as 8.1 tcm (286 tcf). Roughly three-quarters of this gas is found in the shallowest reservoir, 1,100 to 1,250 metres (3,600 to 4,100 feet) deep, which is Late Cretaceous in age (about 66 million to 100.5 million years old). In all, Urengoy has 15 separate reservoirs, some in Lower Cretaceous rocks (approximately 100.5 million to 145 million years old). The deepest is a gas condensate zone in Upper Jurassic strata (about 145 million to 163.5 million years old). Urengoy began production in 1978, and, though its output has declined over its peak years, it still exceeds the production from any other gas field in the world.
Yamburg, Russia’s second largest gas field, was discovered north of the Arctic Circle and north of Urengoy. Its original reserves were estimated at 4.7 tcm (166 tcf) of gas, mostly from Upper Cretaceous reservoir rocks at depths of 1,000 to 1,210 metres (3,300 to 4,000 feet). Development of Yamburg began in the early 1980s.
Orenburg, discovered in the Volga-Urals region in 1967, is the largest Russian gas field outside West Siberia. It had initial reserves of 1.8 tcm (64 tcf) of gas and began production in 1974.
The largest natural gas field in Europe is Groningen, with original recoverable reserves of 2.7 to 2.8 tcm (95 to 99 tcf). It was discovered in 1959 on the Dutch coast and went into production in 1963. Some 60 percent of the original reserves have been recovered. The discovery well was drilled through evaporites of Permian age (about 251.9 million to 298.9 million years old) into a thick basal Permian sandstone that was gas-productive. Subsequent drilling outlined a broad anticline about 24 km (15 miles) wide by 40 km (24 miles) long, which has a continuous basal Permian sandstone reservoir capped by evaporites. The reservoir contains natural gas at depths between 2,500 and 3,000 metres (8,000 and 10,000 feet). It overlies the truncated and strongly faulted coal-bearing Pennsylvanian sequence (the Pennsylvanian Subperiod extended from about 323 million to 299 million years ago), which is considered to be the main source of the gas.
The second largest gas field in Europe is the Troll field, located in Upper Jurassic sandstones under the North Sea less than 100 km (60 miles) off the coast of Norway. It was discovered in 1979 and was estimated to contain some 1.3 tcm (45.9 tcf) of recoverable gas reserves. Soon after production began in 1996, Norway became one of the largest natural gas producers and exporters in the world. Troll contains more than half of Norway’s 2 tcm (72 tcf) of proven natural gas reserves.
North America
The United States has proven natural gas reserves of 9.7 tcm (341 tcf). Its largest gas field, the Marcellus Shale, may have up to 14 tcm (500 tcf) according to some estimates. Spanning Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, New York, and small parts of neighbouring states and producing more than 80.3 bcm (2,836 bcf) a year, this field is the largest source of natural gas in the United States and is one of the largest gas fields in the world.
Hugoton was discovered in 1927 in Kansas and was found to extend through the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. Hugoton has an estimated ultimate recovery of 1.5 tcm (53 tcf), of which some 65 percent has been produced. More than 10,000 wells have been drilled in this extensive field, which produces from a series of Permian limestones and dolomites. The gas accumulations are stratigraphically controlled by variations in lithology. The productive area extends along a 400-km (250-mile) trend.
Canada has an estimated 2.1 tcm (73 tcf) of proven natural gas reserves. Its undiscovered resource potential is almost equal to that of the United States. One of the largest gas fields is Elmworth, discovered in Alberta in 1976. Elmworth contained some 560 bcm (20 tcf) of gas in a Cretaceous sandstone reservoir.
Mexico’s proven natural gas reserves amount to some 356 bcm (12.6 tcf). Its gas production is spread throughout the country, much of it coming from the Canterell oil field in the Gulf of Mexico. Although Mexico’s consumption of natural gas is rising, partly because of increasing demand from the electric power industry, billions of cubic metres of associated gas are flared every year at petroleum production facilities that cannot process all the gas produced.
North Africa
In North Africa the central basin of Algeria is the location of the Hassi R’Mel gas and condensate field, discovered in 1956 in a large anticline. The field is estimated to have originally contained about 2.52 tcm (89 tcf) of recoverable gas in reservoirs of permeable Triassic sandstone (about 201.3 million to 251.9 million years old) capped by salt beds. Hassi R’Mel produces some 100 bcm (3,530 bcf) of gas per year, about 60 percent of Algeria’s total dry gas production.