A pictorial representation of the sequence of events in the fission of a heavy nucleus is given in Figure 3. The approximate time elapse between stages of the process is indicated at the bottom of the Figure.
The phenomenology of fission
When a heavy nucleus undergoes fission, a variety of fragment pairs may be formed, depending on the distribution of neutrons and protons between the fragments. This leads to probability distribution of both mass and nuclear charge for the fragments. The probability of formation of a particular fragment is called its fission yield and is expressed as the percentage of fissions leading to it.
The separated fragments experience a large Coulomb repulsion due to their nuclear charges, and they recoil from each other with kinetic energies determined by the fragment charges and the distance between the charge centres at the time of scission. Variations in these parameters lead to a distribution of kinetic energies, even for the same mass split.
The initial velocities of the recoiling fragments are too fast for the outer (atomic) electrons of the fissioning atom to keep pace, and many of them are stripped away. Thus, the nuclear charge of the fragment is not fully neutralized by the atomic electrons, and the fission fragments fly apart as highly charged atoms. As the nucleus of the fragment adjusts from its deformed shape to a more stable configuration, the deformation energy (i.e., the energy required to deform it) is recovered and converted into internal excitation energy, and neutrons and prompt gamma rays (an energetic form of electromagnetic radiation given off nearly coincident with the fission event) may be evaporated from the moving fragment. The fast-moving, highly charged atom collides with the atoms of the medium through which it is moving, and its kinetic energy is transferred to ionization and heating of the medium as it slows down and comes to rest. The range of fission fragments in air is only a few centimetres.
During the slowing-down process, the charged atom picks up electrons from the medium and becomes neutral by the time it stops. At this stage in the sequence of events, the atom produced is called a fission product to distinguish it from the initial fission fragment formed at scission. Since a few neutrons may have been lost in the transition from fission fragment to fission product, the two may not have the same mass number. The fission product is still not a stable species but is radioactive, and it finally reaches stability by undergoing a series of beta decays, which may vary over a time scale of fractions of a second to many years. The beta emission consists of electrons and antineutrinos, often accompanied by gamma rays and X-rays.
The distributions in mass, charge, and kinetic energy of the fragments have been found to be dependent on the fissioning species as well as on the excitation energy at which the fission act occurs. Many other aspects of fission have been observed, adding to the extensive phenomenology of the process and providing an intriguing set of problems for interpretation. These include the systematics of fission cross sections (a measure of the probability for fission to occur); the variation of the number of prompt neutrons (see below) emitted as a function of the fissioning species and the particular fragment mass split; the angular distribution of the fragments with respect to the direction of the beam of particles inducing fission; the systematics of spontaneous fission half-lives; the occurrence of spontaneous fission isomers (excited states of the nucleus); the emission of light particles (hydrogen-3, helium-3, helium-4, etc.) in small but significant numbers in some fission events; the presence of delayed neutron emitters among the fission products; the time scale on which the various stages of the process take place; and the distribution of the energy release in fission among the particles and radiations produced.
A detailed discussion of all of these facets of fission and how the data were obtained is not possible here, but a few of them are treated to provide some insight into this field of study and a taste of its fascination.
Fission fragment mass distributions
The distribution of the fragment masses formed in fission is one of the most striking features of the process. It is dependent on the mass of the fissioning nucleus and the excitation energy at which the fission occurs. At low excitation energy, the fission of such nuclides as uranium-235 or plutonium-239 is asymmetric; i.e., the fragments are formed in a two-humped probability (or yield) distribution favouring an unequal division in mass. This is illustrated in Figure 4. As will be noted, the light group of fragment masses shifts to higher mass numbers as the mass of the fissioning nucleus increases, whereas the position of the heavy group remains nearly stationary. As the excitation energy of the fission increases, the probability for a symmetric mass split increases, while that for asymmetric division decreases. Thus, the valley between the two peaks increases in probability (yield of formation), and at high excitations the mass distribution becomes single-humped, with the maximum yield at symmetry (see ). Radium isotopes show interesting triple-humped mass distributions, and nuclides lighter than radium show a single-humped, symmetric mass distribution. (These nuclides, however, require a relatively high activation energy to undergo fission.) For very heavy nuclei in the region of fermium-260, the mass-yield curve becomes symmetric (single-humped) even for spontaneous fission, and the kinetic energies of the fragments are unusually high. An understanding of these mass distributions has been one of the major puzzles of fission, and a complete theoretical interpretation is still lacking, albeit much progress has been made (see below).