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- nucleotide
- base pair
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- On the Web:
- Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta - Nucleotides and Nucleic acids (PDF) (Feb. 25, 2025)
DNA is a polymer of the four nucleotides A, C, G, and T, which are joined through a backbone of alternating phosphate and deoxyribose sugar residues. These nitrogen-containing bases occur in complementary pairs as determined by their ability to form hydrogen bonds between them. A always pairs with T through two hydrogen bonds, and G always pairs with C through three hydrogen bonds. The spans of A:T and G:C hydrogen-bonded pairs are nearly identical, allowing them to bridge the sugar-phosphate chains uniformly. This structure, along with the molecule’s chemical stability, makes DNA the ideal genetic material. The bonding between complementary bases also provides a mechanism for the replication of DNA and the transmission of genetic information.
Chemical structure
In 1953 James D. Watson and Francis H.C. Crick proposed a three-dimensional structure for DNA based on low-resolution X-ray crystallographic data collected by biophysicists Rosalind Franklin and Maurice Wilkins and on Erwin Chargaff’s observation that, in naturally occurring DNA, the amount of T equals the amount of A and the amount of G equals the amount of C. Watson and Crick, who shared a Nobel Prize in 1962 for their efforts, postulated that two strands of polynucleotides coil around each other, forming a double helix. The two strands, though identical, run in opposite directions as determined by the orientation of the 5′ to 3′ phosphodiester bond. The sugar-phosphate chains run along the outside of the helix, and the bases lie on the inside, where they are linked to complementary bases on the other strand through hydrogen bonds.
The double helical structure of normal DNA takes a right-handed form called the B-helix. The helix makes one complete turn approximately every 10 base pairs. B-DNA has two principal grooves, a wide major groove and a narrow minor groove. Many proteins interact in the space of the major groove, where they make sequence-specific contacts with the bases. In addition, a few proteins are known to make contacts via the minor groove.
Several structural variants of DNA are known. In A-DNA, which forms under conditions of high salt concentration and minimal water, the base pairs are tilted and displaced toward the minor groove. Left-handed Z-DNA forms most readily in strands that contain sequences with alternating purines and pyrimidines. DNA can form triple helices when two strands containing runs of pyrimidines interact with a third strand containing a run of purines.
B-DNA is generally depicted as a smooth helix; however, specific sequences of bases can distort the otherwise regular structure. For example, short tracts of A residues interspersed with short sections of general sequence result in a bent DNA molecule. Inverted base sequences, on the other hand, produce cruciform structures with four-way junctions that are similar to recombination intermediates. Most of these alternative DNA structures have only been characterized in the laboratory, and their cellular significance is unknown.
Biological structures
Naturally occurring DNA molecules can be circular or linear. The genomes of single-celled bacteria and archaea (collectively, the prokaryotes), as well as the genomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts (certain functional structures within the cell), are circular molecules. In addition, some bacteria and archaea have smaller circular DNA molecules called plasmids that typically contain only a few genes. Many plasmids are readily transmitted from one cell to another. For a typical bacterium, the genome that encodes all of the genes of the organism is a single contiguous circular molecule that contains a half million to five million base pairs. The genomes of most eukaryotes and some prokaryotes contain linear DNA molecules called chromosomes. Human DNA, for example, consists of 23 pairs of linear chromosomes containing three billion base pairs.
In all cells, DNA does not exist free in solution but rather as a protein-coated complex called chromatin. In prokaryotes, the loose coat of proteins on the DNA helps to shield the negative charge of the phosphodiester backbone. Chromatin also contains proteins that control gene expression and determine the characteristic shapes of chromosomes. In eukaryotes, a section of DNA between 140 and 200 base pairs long winds around a discrete set of eight positively charged proteins called a histone, forming a spherical structure called the nucleosome. Additional histones are wrapped by successive sections of DNA, forming a series of nucleosomes like beads on a string. Transcription and replication of DNA is more complicated in eukaryotes because the nucleosome complexes have to be at least partially disassembled for the processes to proceed effectively.
Most viruses contain linear genomes that typically are much shorter and contain only the genes necessary for viral propagation. Bacterial viruses called bacteriophages (or phages) may contain both linear and circular forms of DNA. For instance, the genome of bacteriophage λ (lambda), which infects the bacterium Escherichia coli, contains 48,502 base pairs and can exist as a linear molecule packaged in a protein coat. The DNA of phage λ can also exist in a circular form (as described in the section Site-specific recombination) that is able to integrate into the circular genome of the host bacterial cell. Both circular and linear genomes are found among eukaryotic viruses, but they more commonly use RNA as the genetic material.
Biochemical properties
The strands of the DNA double helix are held together by hydrogen bonding interactions between the complementary base pairs. Heating DNA in solution easily breaks these hydrogen bonds, allowing the two strands to separate—a process called denaturation or melting. The two strands may reassociate when the solution cools, reforming the starting DNA duplex—a process called renaturation or hybridization. These processes form the basis of many important techniques for manipulating DNA. For example, a short piece of DNA called an oligonucleotide can be used to test whether a very long DNA sequence has the complementary sequence of the oligonucleotide embedded within it. Using hybridization, a single-stranded DNA molecule can capture complementary sequences from any source. Single strands from RNA can also reassociate. DNA and RNA single strands can form hybrid molecules that are even more stable than double-stranded DNA. These molecules form the basis of a technique that is used to purify and characterize messenger RNA (mRNA) molecules corresponding to single genes.
Ultraviolet absorption
DNA melting and reassociation can be monitored by measuring the absorption of ultraviolet (UV) light at a wavelength of 260 nm (nanometer; 1 nm = 10-9 meter). When DNA is in a double-stranded conformation, absorption is fairly weak, but when DNA is single-stranded, the unstacking of the bases leads to an enhancement of absorption called hyperchromicity. Therefore, the extent to which DNA is single-stranded or double-stranded can be determined by monitoring UV absorption.
Chemical modification
After a DNA molecule has been assembled, it may be chemically modified—sometimes deliberately by special enzymes called DNA methyltransferases and sometimes accidentally by oxidation, ionizing radiation, or the action of chemical carcinogens. DNA can also be cleaved and degraded by enzymes called nucleases.