- Also known as:
- mathematical programming
- Key People:
- Richard Karp
- Related Topics:
- game theory
- control theory
- mathematical programming
- maximin value
- minimax value
Although the linear programming model works fine for many situations, some problems cannot be modeled accurately without including nonlinear components. One example would be the isoperimetric problem: determine the shape of the closed plane curve having a given length and enclosing the maximum area. The solution, but not a proof, was known by Pappus of Alexandria c. 340 ce:
Bees, then, know just this fact which is useful to them, that the hexagon is greater than the square and the triangle and will hold more honey for the same expenditure of material in constructing each. But we, claiming a greater share of wisdom than the bees, will investigate a somewhat wider problem, namely that, of all equilateral and equiangular plane figures having the same perimeter, that which has the greater number of angles is always greater, and the greatest of them all is the circle having its perimeter equal to them.
The branch of mathematics known as the calculus of variations began with efforts to prove this solution, together with the challenge in 1696 by the Swiss mathematician Johann Bernoulli to find the curve that minimizes the time it takes an object to slide, under only the force of gravity, between two nonvertical points. (The solution is the brachistochrone.) In addition to Johann Bernoulli, his brother Jakob Bernoulli, the German Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and the Englishman Isaac Newton all supplied correct solutions. In particular, Newton’s approach to the solution plays a fundamental role in many nonlinear algorithms. Other influences on the development of nonlinear programming, such as convex analysis, duality theory, and control theory, developed largely after 1940. For problems that include constraints as well as an objective function, the optimality conditions discovered by the American mathematician William Karush and others in the late 1940s became an essential tool for recognizing solutions and for driving the behaviour of algorithms.
An important early algorithm for solving nonlinear programs was given by the Nobel Prize-winning Norwegian economist Ragnar Frisch in the mid-1950s. Curiously, his approach fell out of favour for some decades, reemerging as a viable and competitive approach only in the 1990s. Other important algorithmic approaches include sequential quadratic programming, in which an approximate problem with a quadratic objective and linear constraints is solved to obtain each search step; and penalty methods, including the “method of multipliers,” in which points that do not satisfy the constraints incur penalty terms in the objective to discourage algorithms from visiting them.
The Nobel Prize-winning American economist Harry M. Markowitz provided a boost for nonlinear optimization in 1958 when he formulated the problem of finding an efficient investment portfolio as a nonlinear optimization problem with a quadratic objective function. Nonlinear optimization techniques are now widely used in finance, economics, manufacturing, control, weather modeling, and all branches of engineering.

An optimization problem is nonlinear if the objective function f(x) or any of the inequality constraints ci(x) ≤ 0, i = 1, 2, …, m, or equality constraints dj(x) = 0, j = 1, 2, …, n, are nonlinear functions of the vector of variables x. For example, if x contains the components x1 and x2, then the function 3 + 2x1 − 7x2 is linear, whereas the functions (x1)3 + 2x2 and 3x1 + 2x1x2 + x2 are nonlinear.
Nonlinear problems arise when the objective or constraints cannot be expressed as linear functions without sacrificing some essential nonlinear feature of the real world system. For example, the folded conformation of a protein molecule is believed to be the one that minimizes a certain nonlinear function of the distances between the nuclei of its component atoms—and these distances themselves are nonlinear functions of the positions of the nuclei. In finance, the risk associated with a portfolio of investments, as measured by the variance of the return on the portfolio, is a nonlinear function of the amounts invested in each security in the portfolio. In chemistry, the concentration of each chemical in a solution is often a nonlinear function of time, as reactions between chemicals usually take place according to exponential formulas.
Nonlinear problems can be categorized according to several properties. There are problems in which the objective and constraints are smooth functions, and there are nonsmooth problems in which the slope or value of a function may change abruptly. There are unconstrained problems, in which the aim is to minimize (or maximize) the objective function f(x) with no restrictions on the value of x, and there are constrained problems, in which the components of x must satisfy certain bounds or other more complex interrelationships. In convex problems the graph of the objective function and the feasible set are both convex (where a set is convex if a line joining any two points in the set is contained in the set). Another special case is quadratic programming, in which the constraints are linear but the objective function is quadratic; that is, it contains terms that are multiples of the product of two components of x. (For instance, the function 3(x1)2 + 1.4x1x2 + 2(x2)2 is a quadratic function of x1 and x2.) Another useful way to classify nonlinear problems is according to the number of variables (that is, components of x). Loosely speaking, a problem is said to be “large” if it has more than a thousand or so variables, although the threshold of “largeness” continually increases as computers become more powerful. Another useful distinction is between problems that are computationally “expensive” to evaluate and those that are relatively cheap, as is the case in linear programming.
Nonlinear programming algorithms typically proceed by making a sequence of guesses of the variable vector x (known as iterates and distinguished by superscripts x1, x2, x3, …) with the goal of eventually identifying an optimal value of x. Often, it is not practical to identify the globally optimal value of x. In these cases, one must settle for a local optimum—the best value in some region of the feasible solutions. Each iterate is chosen on the basis of knowledge about the constraint and objective functions gathered at earlier iterates. Most nonlinear programming algorithms are targeted to a particular subclass of problems. For example, some algorithms are specifically targeted to large, smooth unconstrained problems in which the matrix of second derivatives of f(x) contains few nonzero entries and is expensive to evaluate, while other algorithms are aimed specifically at convex quadratic programming problems, and so on.
Software for solving optimization problems is available both commercially and in the public domain. In addition to computer optimization programs, a number of optimization modeling languages are available that allow a user to describe the problem in intuitive terms, which are then automatically translated to the mathematical form required by the optimization software.
Stephen J. Wright