Surface manifestations of permafrost and seasonally frozen ground
- Related Topics:
- pingo
- thermokarst
- subsea permafrost
- discontinuous permafrost zone
- dry permafrost
- On the Web:
- CiteSeerX - Recent Advances in Permafrost Modelling (PDF) (Mar. 11, 2025)
Many distinctive surface manifestations of permafrost exist in the Arctic and subarctic, including such geomorphic features as polygonal ground, thermokarst phenomena, and pingos. In addition to the above, there are many features caused in large part by frost action that are common in but not restricted to permafrost areas, such as solifluction (soil flowage) and frost-sorted patterned ground.
Areas underlain by permafrost
Polygonal ground
One of the most widespread geomorphic features associated with permafrost is the microrelief pattern on the surface of the ground generally called polygonal ground, or tundra polygons. This pattern, which covers thousands of square miles of the Arctic and less in the subarctic, is caused by an intersecting network of shallow troughs delineating polygons 3 to 30 metres (roughly 10 to 100 feet) in diameter. The troughs are underlain by more or less vertical ice wedges 0.6 to 3 metres (approximately 2 to 10 feet) across on the top that are joined together in a honeycomb network. These large-scale polygons should not be confused with the small-scale polygons or patterned ground produced by frost sorting.
The ice-wedge polygons may be low-centred or high-centred. Upturning of strata adjacent to the ice wedge may make a ridge of ground on the surface on each side of the wedge, thus enclosing the polygons. Such polygons are lower in the centre and are called low-centre polygons or raised-edge polygons and may contain a pond in the centre. Low-centre, or raised-edge, polygons indicate that ice wedges are actually growing and that the sediments are being actively upturned. If erosion, deposition, or thawing is more prevalent than the up-pushing of the sediments along the side of the wedge or if the material being pushed up cannot maintain itself in a low ridge, the low ridges will be absent, and there may be either no polygons at the surface or the polygons may be higher in the centre than the troughs over the ice wedges that enclose them. Both high-centre and low-centre tundra polygons are widespread in the polar areas and are good indicators of the presence of foliated ice masses; care must be taken, however, to demonstrate that the pattern is not a relic and an indication of ice-wedge casts.
In many parts of the temperate latitudes of Asia, Europe, and North America, incompletely developed or poorly developed polygonal ground occurs on the same scale as in the Arctic. These large-scale polygons in the non-permafrost areas are excellent evidence of the former extent of permafrost and ice wedges in the past glacial period.
In many areas of the continuous permafrost zone surface, drainage follows the troughs of the polygons (tops of the ice wedges). At ice wedge junctions or elsewhere, melting may occur to form small pools. The joining of these small pools by a stream causes the pools to resemble beads on a string, a type of stream form called beaded drainage. Such drainage indicates the presence of perennially frozen fine-grained sediments cut by ice wedges.

Thermokarst formations
The thawing of permafrost creates thermokarst topography, an uneven surface that contains mounds, sinkholes, tunnels, caverns, and steep-walled ravines caused by melting of ground ice. The hummocky ground surface resembles karst topography in limestone areas. Thawing may result from artificial or natural removal of vegetation or from a warming climate.
Thawed depressions filled with water (thaw lakes, thermokarst lakes, cave-in lakes) are widespread in permafrost areas, especially in those underlain with perennially frozen silt. They may occur on hillsides or even on hilltops and are good indicators of ice-rich permafrost. Locally, deep thermokarst pits 6 metres (about 20 feet) deep and 9 metres (about 30 feet) across may form as ground ice melts. These openings may exist as undetected caverns for many years before the roof collapses. Such collapses in agricultural or construction areas are real dangers. Thermokarst mounds are polygonal or circular hummocks 3 to 15 (about 10 to 49 feet) metres in diameter and 0.3 to 2.5 metres (about 1 to 8 feet) high that are formed as a polygonal network of ice melts and leaves the inner-ice areas as mounds.
The most spectacular landforms associated with permafrost are pingos, small ice-cored circular or elliptical hills of frozen sediments or even bedrock, 3 to more than 60 metres (roughly 10 to more than 200 feet) high and 15 to 450 metres (49 to about 1,500 feet) in diameter. Pingos are widespread in the continuous permafrost zone and are quite conspicuous because they rise above the tundra. They are much less conspicuous in the forested area of the discontinuous permafrost zone. They are generally cracked on top with summit craters formed by melting ice. There are two types of pingos, based on origin. The closed-system type forms in level areas when unfrozen groundwater in a thawed zone becomes confined on all sides by permafrost, freezes, and heaves the frozen overburden to form a mound. This type is larger and occurs mainly in tundra areas of continuous permafrost. The open-system type is generally smaller and forms on slopes when water beneath or within the permafrost penetrates the permafrost under hydrostatic pressure. A hydrolaccolith (water mound) forms and freezes, heaving the overlying frozen and unfrozen ground to produce a mound.
Present pingos are apparently the result of postglacial climate and are less than 4,000–7,000 years old. Pingos were present in now temperate latitudes during the latest glacial epoch and are now represented by low circular ridges enclosing bogs or lowlands.
Near the southern border of permafrost occur palsas, low hills and knobs of perennially frozen peat about 1.5 to 6 metres (roughly 5 to 20 feet) high, evidently forming with accumulation of peat and segregation of ice.
Features related to seasonal frost
Many microgeomorphic features common to the periglacial environment may or may not be associated with permafrost.
Patterned ground
Intense seasonal frost action, repeated freezing and thawing throughout the year, produces small-scale patterned ground. Repetitive freezing and thawing tends to stir and sort granular sediments, thus forming circles, stone nets, and polygons a few centimetres to 6 metres (20 feet) in diameter. The coarse cobbles and boulders form the outside of the ring and the finer sediments occur in the centre. The features require a rigorous climate with some fine-grained sediments and soil moisture, but they do not necessarily need underlying permafrost. Permafrost, however, forms an impermeable substratum that keeps the soil moisture available for frost action. On gentle slopes the stone nets may be distorted into garlands by downslope movement or, if the slope is steep, into stone stripes about half a metre (1.6 feet) wide and 30 metres (about 100 feet) long.
Soil flow
In areas underlain by an impermeable layer (seasonally frozen ground or perennially frozen ground), the active layer is often saturated with moisture and is quite mobile. The progressive downslope movement of saturated detrital material under the action of gravity and working in conjunction with frost action is called solifluction. This material moves in a semifluid condition and is manifested by lobelike and sheetlike flows of soil on slopes. The lobes are up to 30 metres wide and have a steep front 0.3 to 1.5 metres (about 1 to 5 feet) high. An outstanding feature of solifluction is the mass transport of material over low-angle slopes. Solifluction deposits are widespread in polar areas and consist of a blanket 0.3 to 1.8 metres (about 1 to 6 feet) thick of unstratified or poorly stratified, unsorted, heterogeneous, till-like detrital material of local origin. In many areas the terrain is characterized by relatively smooth, round hills and slopes with well-defined to poorly defined solifluction lobes or terraces. If the debris is blocky and angular and fine material is absent, the lobes are poorly developed or absent. Areas in which solifluction lobes are well formed lie almost entirely above or beyond the forest limit.
In many areas the frost-rived debris contains few fine materials and little water and consists of angular fragments of well-jointed resistant rock. Under such circumstances, solifluction lobes do not often occur, but instead striking sheets or streams of angular rubble form. These are called rock streams or rubble sheets.