When a second molecule is located near an electronically excited molecule, the excitation can be transferred from one to the other through space. If the second molecule is chemically different, there can be a substantial change in the luminescence. For example, the chemiluminescence of a jellyfish is actually blue, but, because the energy is transferred to GFP, the observed fluorescence is green.
Photosensitized molecular oxygen is a powerfully oxidative species that severely hampers the photosynthetic efficiency of plants and causes health problems such as cataracts in humans. The ground state of molecular oxygen is very unusual in that it is a triplet; hence, it can accept electronic energy from more-energetic triplet states of other molecules in a process called quenching (as in the case of the space shuttle wing described above). When this occurs, the donor molecule begins in its triplet state and undergoes a change in spin to its singlet ground state. The molecular oxygen begins in its triplet ground state and also changes spin to a singlet excited state. Because the total spin between the two molecules is unchanged, the transfer of energy can occur rapidly and efficiently. The resulting molecular oxygen singlet state phosphoresces in the far red and the near infrared. Moreover, it is both a strong oxidant and peroxidant and, if formed, may chemically attack (oxidize) a nearby molecule, often the same molecule that sensitized the molecular oxygen. The oxidation reaction often changes the molecule to a form without colour. This light-induced bleaching (one kind of photodamage) can be observed in nearly any coloured material left in sunlight. In fact, the photosynthetic systems in plants must be continuously dismantled, repaired, and rebuilt because of photodamage (primarily from singlet molecular oxygen).
Some organisms use photodamage to their advantage. A remarkably effective plant-pathogenic fungus, Cercospora, produces a pigment that efficiently sensitizes singlet molecular oxygen. Peroxidation of the plant cell membrane causes the cells of the infected plants to burst, giving nutrients to the fungus.
Chemical reactions can leave a molecule with enough internal energy to produce fluorescence and phosphorescence, called chemiluminescence. Deep-sea explorers remark on the eerie red glow in the gloom of the ocean abyss given off by volcanic vents called “black smokers.” This is phosphorescence from singlet molecular oxygen excited by a chemical reaction with sulfur compounds in seawater. A familiar example is the glow sticks that are popular at nighttime entertainments.
Many living organisms give off a chemiluminescence, which is often called bioluminescence. A familiar example is the yellow flash of a firefly. In the firefly the chemical compound luciferin is converted by the enzyme luciferase into an intermediate compound. The newly formed intermediate compound spontaneously degrades into oxyluciferin and carbon dioxide while emitting a photon of light. Other examples of bioluminescence include the yellow glow of the ocean waves at night from ubiquitous marine bacteria and the South American railroad worm, which has a female larval form with a red bioluminescent glow at its head and a series of green glowing spots along its body.

Photoprotection involves the nonradiative dissipation of excess electronic energy to avoid damaging chemical processes from the excited state. The simplest example is a molecule (such as a carotenoid) that has highly efficient internal conversion so that the other competing processes (fluorescence, intersystem crossing, and photochemistry) are negligible. The absorbed energy is simply dissipated as heat.
In DNA, absorption of UV light yields an excited singlet state on one base of the DNA. This excited base can undergo a chemical reaction, called 2 + 2 cyclophotoaddition, with a nearby base that fuses the two together into a dimer. It is a remarkable aspect of the right-handed helical conformation of DNA that this photodimer does not cause dramatic changes in the shape of the helix. However, this defect in the DNA strand may eventually lead to a mutation and induce cancer or cell death (apoptosis). Fortunately, rapid internal conversion is an inherent property of the heterocyclic bases that make up DNA and is the primary basis for protection of DNA against damage. In addition, when skin is exposed to intense optical radiation, organelles called melanocytes begin to multiply and migrate and also begin the synthesis of melanin granules that darken the skin and reduce the amount of UV light reaching the underlying DNA.
Perhaps the most ubiquitous photoprotectants in nature are the carotenoids. They provide essential protection to all known photosynthetic organisms, as well as to the eyes of animals. Carotenoids make ideal photoprotectant molecules because they possess rapid internal conversion from all states, including from S1 to S0 (1–100 ps, depending on the carotenoid), and because fluorescence from their S1 states is not allowed. Thus, all possible outlets for electronic excitation are effectively shut off except for dissipation of the energy as heat.
More critical is the fact that the T1 energy of all biologically important carotenoids, such as beta-carotene, lies below the S1 energy of molecular oxygen. Thus, carotenoids are unable to sensitize singlet molecular oxygen and actually quench it, dissipating the energy safely as heat and leaving harmless ground-state molecular oxygen. This antioxidant effect also protects animals and plants from singlet molecular oxygen generated during biological processes and is the reason for the large medical interest in carotenoids. In addition, carotenoids quench other molecules in their T1 states, preventing the formation of singlet molecular oxygen. This explains the vast quantity of carotenoids found in photosynthetic systems and in the retina, where continuous photoexcitation unavoidably generates large numbers of triplet states.
A commercial example of the need for photoprotection is the yellowing of wood and paper due to sunlight. Paper contains the chemical lignin. A photoreaction converts a lignin derivative into a benzofuran, which gives a yellow coloration.
One type of photochemical reaction is the dissociation of a molecule into two fragments. Since it is the electrons that provide the bonding forces that hold atoms together into molecules, if the distribution of electrons within a molecule changes drastically, the bonding forces may also change. In photodissociation, also called photolysis, the absorption of light raises the molecule into an excited state in which one of the chemical bonds no longer exists. Thus, absorption of light causes cleavage of a chemical bond and the release of two fragments called radicals because they each have enough electrons to form half of a chemical bond and are generally quite reactive.
The most prevalent example of photodissociation involves molecular oxygen in the stratosphere. Even though the molecular oxygen absorption between 180 and 240 nanometres (nm; 1 nm is 10−9 metre) is extremely weak, it is able to drive this process because of the large amount of molecular oxygen in the stratosphere and the many photons in this region of the solar spectrum. In the reaction, molecular oxygen is fragmented into two oxygen atom radicals, which react with other oxygen molecules to form ozone. This ozone constitutes the ozone layer, which absorbs photons strongly at 180–280 nm, thereby protecting organisms on the surface of Earth from most of the damaging UV light from the Sun.