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- On the Web:
- National Capital Poison Center - What is a poison and what is Poison Control? (Feb. 21, 2025)
The toxicity of ultraviolet light depends on its wavelength. Ultraviolet-A (near UV) has a wavelength of 315–400 nanometres, ultraviolet-B (mid UV) has one of 280–315 nanometres, and ultraviolet-C (far UV) has one of 200–280 nanometres. Ultraviolet-A affects primarily the skin and causes burns at high energy levels. The toxicities of ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-C are similar, but ultraviolet-C is less toxic because it does not penetrate tissues as deeply. Both ultraviolet-B and ultraviolet-C cause injuries to the eyes and skin. Ultraviolet-B is the major component of sunlight and accelerates the aging of skin by damaging the collagen fibres under it. Ultraviolet-B also is the cause of an occupational disease known as “welder’s flash,” or “arc eye,” which is characterized by photophobia, tears in the eyes, spasm of the eyelids, and eye inflammation. Finally, ultraviolet-B can cause skin cancer, which may be a result of the linking of thymidines, a base in DNA, produced by ultraviolet-B radiation.
Infrared radiation and microwaves
The major mechanism of toxicity of infrared radiation and microwaves is the production of heat in tissues. Infrared-A (wavelength 0.8–1.4 micrometres) penetrates the skin, causing burns and pigmentation. Infrared-A also penetrates the liquid content of the eye to reach the retina and can therefore produce damage to all parts of the eye. In contrast, infrared-B and infrared-C (wavelength 1.4–3,000 micrometres) are almost completely absorbed by the superficial layers of the skin and eyes, and the damage is thus confined to the surface. Microwaves (wavelength 1 millimetre to 1 metre) produce heat in tissues. Because testes and eyes do not dissipate heat well, due to low blood flow through these organs, temporary sterility and cataracts can be produced by microwaves.
Lasers are high-energy light beams, visible and nonvisible, generated by atoms at an excited state and further amplified by optics. Like most other nonionizing radiation, lasers can produce skin burns. Visible lasers, with a wavelength from 0.4 to 1.4 micrometres, will cause retinal damage if they enter the eyes and are focused by the lens onto the retina.