As noted above, the science of demography has its intellectual roots in the realization that human mortality, while consisting of unpredictable individual events, has a statistical regularity when aggregated across a large group. This recognition formed the basis of a wholly new industry—that of life assurance, or insurance. The basis of this industry is the life table, or mortality table, which summarizes the distribution of longevity—observed over a period of years—among members of a population. This statistical device allows the calculation of premiums—the prices to be charged the members of a group of living subscribers with specified characteristics, who by pooling their resources in this statistical sense provide their heirs with financial benefits.
Overall human mortality levels can best be compared by using the life-table measure life expectancy at birth (often abbreviated simply as life expectancy), the number of years of life expected of a newborn baby on the basis of current mortality levels for persons of all ages. Life expectancies of premodern populations, with their poor knowledge of sanitation and health care, may have been as low as 25–30 years. The largest toll of death was that exacted in infancy and childhood: perhaps 20 percent of newborn children died in their first 12 months of life and another 30 percent before they reached five years of age.
In the developing countries by the 1980s, average life expectancy lay in the range of 55 to 60 years, with the highest levels in Latin America and the lowest in Africa. In the same period, life expectancy in the developed countries of western Europe and North America approached 75 years, and fewer than 1 percent of newborn children died in their first 12 months.
For reasons that are not well understood, life expectancy of females usually exceeds that of males, and this female advantage has grown as overall life expectancy has increased. In the late 20th century this female advantage was seven years (78 years versus 71 years) in the industrial market economies (comprising western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand). It was eight years (74 years versus 66 years) in the nonmarket economies of eastern Europe.
The epidemiologic transition
The epidemiologic transition is that process by which the pattern of mortality and disease is transformed from one of high mortality among infants and children and episodic famine and epidemic affecting all age groups to one of degenerative and man-made diseases (such as those attributed to smoking) affecting principally the elderly. It is generally believed that the epidemiologic transitions prior to the 20th century (i.e., those in today’s industrialized countries) were closely associated with rising standards of living, nutrition, and sanitation. In contrast, those occurring in developing countries have been more or less independent of such internal socioeconomic development and more closely tied to organized health care and disease control programs developed and financed internationally. There is no doubt that 20th-century declines in mortality in developing countries have been far more rapid than those that occurred in the 19th century in what are now the industrialized countries.

Infant mortality
Infant mortality is conventionally measured as the number of deaths in the first year of life per 1,000 live births during the same year. Roughly speaking, by this measure worldwide infant mortality approximates 80 per 1,000; that is, about 8 percent of newborn babies die within the first year of life.
This global average disguises great differences. In certain countries of Asia and Africa, infant mortality rates exceed 150 and sometimes approach 200 per 1,000 (that is, 15 or 20 percent of children die before reaching the age of one year). Meanwhile, in other countries, such as Japan and Sweden, the rates are well below 10 per 1,000, or 1 percent. Generally, infant mortality is somewhat higher among males than among females.
In developing countries substantial declines in infant mortality have been credited to improved sanitation and nutrition, increased access to modern health care, and improved birth spacing through the use of contraception. In industrialized countries in which infant mortality rates were already low the increased availability of advanced medical technology for newborn—in particular, prematurely born—infants provides a partial explanation.
The deliberate killing of newborn infants has long been practiced in human societies. It seems to have been common in the ancient cultures of Greece, Rome, and China, and it was practiced in Europe until the 19th century. In Europe, infanticide included the practice of “overlaying” (smothering) an infant sharing a bed with its parents and the abandonment of unwanted infants to the custody of foundling hospitals, in which one-third to four-fifths of incumbents failed to survive.
In many societies practicing infanticide, infants were not deemed to be fully human until they underwent a rite of initiation that took place from a few days to several years after birth, and therefore killing before such initiation was socially acceptable. The purposes of infanticide were various: child spacing or fertility control in the absence of effective contraception; elimination of illegitimate, deformed, orphaned, or twin children; or sex preferences.
With the development and spread of the means of effective fertility regulation, infanticide has come to be strongly disapproved in most societies, though it continues to be practiced in some isolated traditional cultures.
Mortality among the elderly
During the 1970s and 1980s in industrialized countries there were unexpectedly large declines in mortality among the elderly, resulting in larger-than-projected numbers of the very old. In the United States, for example, the so-called frail elderly group aged 85 years and older increased nearly fourfold between 1950 and 1980, from 590,000 to 2,461,000. Given the high incidence of health problems among the very old, such increases have important implications for the organization and financing of health care.
One of the main factors affecting fertility, and an important contributor to the fertility differences among societies in which conscious fertility control is uncommon, is defined by the patterns of marriage and marital disruption. In many societies in Asia and Africa, for example, marriage occurs soon after the sexual maturation of the woman, around age 17. In contrast, delayed marriage has long been common in Europe, and in some European countries the average age of first marriage approaches 25 years.
In the 20th century dramatic changes have taken place in the patterns of marital dissolution caused by widowhood and divorce. Widowhood has long been common in all societies, but the declines of mortality (as discussed above) have sharply reduced the effects of this source of marital dissolution on fertility. Meanwhile, divorce has been transformed from an uncommon exception to an experience terminating a large proportion (sometimes more than a third) of marriages in some countries. Taken together, these components of marriage patterns can account for the elimination of as little as 20 percent to as much as 50 percent of the potential reproductive years.
Many Western countries have experienced significant increases in the numbers of cohabiting unmarried couples. In the 1970s some 12 percent of all Swedish couples living together aged 16 to 70 were unmarried. When in the United States in 1976 the number of such arrangements approached 1,000,000, the Bureau of the Census formulated a new statistical category—POSSLQ—denoting persons of the opposite sex sharing living quarters. Extramarital fertility as a percentage of overall fertility accordingly has risen in many Western countries, accounting for one in five births in the United States, one in five in Denmark, and one in three in Sweden.