Probability distribution
- Related Topics:
- Bayes’s theorem
- central limit theorem
- stochastic process
- indifference
- likelihood
- On the Web:
- Academia - Use of Probability Theory and Its Perspectives (PDF) (Mar. 11, 2025)
Suppose X is a random variable that can assume one of the values x1, x2,…, xm, according to the outcome of a random experiment, and consider the event {X = xi}, which is a shorthand notation for the set of all experimental outcomes e such that X(e) = xi. The probability of this event, P{X = xi}, is itself a function of xi, called the probability distribution function of X. Thus, the distribution of the random variable R defined in the preceding section is the function of i = 0, 1,…, n given in the binomial equation. Introducing the notation f(xi) = P{X = xi}, one sees from the basic properties of probabilities thatand
for any real numbers a and b. If Y is a second random variable defined on the same sample space as X and taking the values y1, y2,…, yn, the function of two variables h(xi, yj) = P{X = xi, Y = yj} is called the joint distribution of X and Y. Since {X = xi} = ∪j{X = xi, Y = yj}, and this union consists of disjoint events in the sample space,
Often f is called the marginal distribution of X to emphasize its relation to the joint distribution of X and Y. Similarly, g(yj) = Σih(xi, yj) is the (marginal) distribution of Y. The random variables X and Y are defined to be independent if the events {X = xi} and {Y = yj} are independent for all i and j—i.e., if h(xi, yj) = f(xi)g(yj) for all i and j. The joint distribution of an arbitrary number of random variables is defined similarly.
Suppose two dice are thrown. Let X denote the sum of the numbers appearing on the two dice, and let Y denote the number of even numbers appearing. The possible values of X are 2, 3,…, 12, while the possible values of Y are 0, 1, 2. Since there are 36 possible outcomes for the two dice, the accompanying table giving the joint distribution h(i, j) (i = 2, 3,…, 12; j = 0, 1, 2) and the marginal distributions f(i) and g(j) is easily computed by direct enumeration.
For more complex experiments, determination of a complete probability distribution usually requires a combination of theoretical analysis and empirical experimentation and is often very difficult. Consequently, it is desirable to describe a distribution insofar as possible by a small number of parameters that are comparatively easy to evaluate and interpret. The most important are the mean and the variance. These are both defined in terms of the “expected value” of a random variable.
Expected value
Given a random variable X with distribution f, the expected value of X, denoted E(X), is defined by E(X) = Σixif(xi). In words, the expected value of X is the sum of each of the possible values of X multiplied by the probability of obtaining that value. The expected value of X is also called the mean of the distribution f. The basic property of E is that of linearity: if X and Y are random variables and if a and b are constants, then E(aX + bY) = aE(X) + bE(Y). To see why this is true, note that aX + bY is itself a random variable, which assumes the values axi + byj with the probabilities h(xi, yj). Hence,
If the first sum on the right-hand side is summed over j while holding i fixed, by equation (8) the result iswhich by definition is E(X). Similarly, the second sum equals E(Y).
If 1[A] denotes the “indicator variable” of A—i.e., a random variable equal to 1 if A occurs and equal to 0 otherwise—then E{1[A]} = 1 × P(A) + 0 × P(Ac) = P(A). This shows that the concept of expectation includes that of probability as a special case.
As an illustration, consider the number R of red balls in n draws with replacement from an urn containing a proportion p of red balls. From the definition and the binomial distribution of R,which can be evaluated by algebraic manipulation and found to equal np. It is easier to use the representation R = 1[A1] +⋯+ 1[An], where Ak denotes the event “the kth draw results in a red ball.” Since E{1[Ak]} = p for all k, by linearity E(R) = E{1[A1]} +⋯+ E{1[An]} = np. This argument illustrates the principle that one can often compute the expected value of a random variable without first computing its distribution. For another example, suppose n balls are dropped at random into n boxes. The number of empty boxes, Y, has the representation Y = 1[B1] +⋯+ 1[Bn], where Bk is the event that “the kth box is empty.” Since the kth box is empty if and only if each of the n balls went into one of the other n − 1 boxes, P(Bk) = [(n − 1)/n]n for all k, and consequently E(Y) = n(1 − 1/n)n. The exact distribution of Y is very complicated, especially if n is large.
Many probability distributions have small values of f(xi) associated with extreme (large or small) values of xi and larger values of f(xi) for intermediate xi. For example, both marginal distributions in the table are symmetrical about a midpoint that has relatively high probability, and the probability of other values decreases as one moves away from the midpoint. Insofar as a distribution f(xi) follows this kind of pattern, one can interpret the mean of f as a rough measure of location of the bulk of the probability distribution, because in the defining sum the values xi associated with large values of f(xi) more or less define the centre of the distribution. In the extreme case, the expected value of a constant random variable is just that constant.
It is also of interest to know how closely packed about its mean value a distribution is. The most important measure of concentration is the variance, denoted by Var(X) and defined by Var(X) = E{[X − E(X)]2}. By linearity of expectations, one has equivalently Var(X) = E(X2) − {E(X)}2. The standard deviation of X is the square root of its variance. It has a more direct interpretation than the variance because it is in the same units as X. The variance of a constant random variable is 0. Also, if c is a constant, Var(cX) = c2Var(X).
There is no general formula for the expectation of a product of random variables. If the random variables X and Y are independent, E(XY) = E(X)E(Y). This can be used to show that, if X1,…, Xn are independent random variables, the variance of the sum X1 +⋯+ Xn is just the sum of the individual variances, Var(X1) +⋯+ Var(Xn). If the Xs have the same distribution and are independent, the variance of the average (X1 +⋯+ Xn)/n is Var(X1)/n. Equivalently, the standard deviation of (X1 +⋯+ Xn)/n is the standard deviation of X1 divided by Square root of√n. This quantifies the intuitive notion that the average of repeated observations is less variable than the individual observations. More precisely, it says that the variability of the average is inversely proportional to the square root of the number of observations. This result is tremendously important in problems of statistical inference. (See the section The law of large numbers, the central limit theorem, and the Poisson approximation.)
Consider again the binomial distribution given by equation (3). As in the calculation of the mean value, one can use the definition combined with some algebraic manipulation to show that, if R has the binomial distribution, then Var(R) = npq. From the representation R = 1[A1] +⋯+ 1[An] defined above, and the observation that the events Ak are independent and have the same probability, it follows that
Moreover,so Var(R) = npq.
The conditional distribution of Y given X = xi is defined by:
(compare equation (4)), and the conditional expectation of Y given X = xi is
One can regard E(Y|X) as a function of X; since X is a random variable, this function of X must itself be a random variable. The conditional expectation E(Y|X) considered as a random variable has its own (unconditional) expectation E{E(Y|X)}, which is calculated by multiplying equation (9) by f(xi) and summing over i to obtain the important formula
Properly interpreted, equation (10) is a generalization of the law of total probability.
For a simple example of the use of equation (10), recall the problem of the gambler’s ruin and let e(x) denote the expected duration of the game if Peter’s fortune is initially equal to x. The reasoning leading to equation (5) in conjunction with equation (10) shows that e(x) satisfies the equations e(x) = 1 + pe(x + 1) + qe(x − 1) for x = 1, 2,…, m − 1 with the boundary conditions e(0) = e(m) = 0. The solution for p ≠ 1/2 is rather complicated; for p = 1/2, e(x) = x(m − x).