Calculation and measurement of energy
- Key People:
- Ernest Rutherford
- Enrico Fermi
- Marie Curie
- Henri Becquerel
- Otto Hahn
By the method of closed energy cycles, it is possible to use measured radioactive-energy-release (Q) values for alpha and beta decay to calculate the energy release for unmeasured transitions. An illustration is provided by the cycle of four nuclei below:
In this cycle, energies from two of the alpha decays and one beta decay are measurable. The unmeasured beta-decay energy for bismuth-211, Qβ−(Bi), is readily calculated because conservation of energy requires the sum of Q values around the cycle to be zero. Thus, Qβ−(Bi) + 7.59 − 1.43 − 6.75 = 0. Solving this equation gives Qβ−(Bi) = 0.59 MeV. This calculation by closed energy cycles can be extended from stable lead-207 back up the chain of alpha and beta decays to its natural precursor uranium-235 and beyond. In this manner the nuclear binding energies of a series of nuclei can be linked together. Because alpha decay decreases the mass number A by 4, and beta decay does not change A, closed α−β-cycle calculations based on lead-207 can link up only those nuclei with mass numbers of the general type A = 4n + 3, in which n is an integer. Another, the 4n series, has as its natural precursor thorium-232 and its stable end product lead-208. Another, the 4n + 2 series, has uranium-238 as its natural precursor and lead-206 as its end product.
In early research on natural radioactivity, the classification of isotopes into the series cited above was of great significance because they were identified and studied as families. Newly discovered radioactivities were given symbols relating them to the family and order of occurrence therein. Thus, thorium-234 was known as UX1, the isomers of protactinium-234 as UX2 and UZ, uranium-234 as UII, and so forth. These original symbols and names are occasionally encountered in more recent literature but are mainly of historical interest. The remaining 4n + 1 series is not naturally occurring but comprises well-known artificial activities decaying down to stable thallium-205.
To extend the knowledge of nuclear binding energies, it is clearly necessary to make measurements to supplement the radioactive-decay energy cycles. In part, this extension can be made by measurement of Q values of artificial nuclear reactions. For example, the neutron-binding energies of the lead isotopes needed to link the energies of the four radioactive families together can be measured by determining the threshold gamma-ray energy to remove a neutron (photonuclear reaction); or the energies of incoming deuteron and outgoing proton in the reaction can be measured to provide this information.
Further extensions of nuclear-binding-energy measurements rely on precision mass spectroscopy (see spectroscopy). By ionizing, accelerating, and magnetically deflecting various nuclides, their masses can be measured with great precision. A precise measurement of the masses of atoms involved in radioactive decay is equivalent to direct measurement of the energy release in the decay process. The atomic mass of naturally occurring but radioactive potassium-40 is measured to be 39.964008 amu. Potassium-40 decays predominantly by β-emission to calcium-40, having a measured mass 39.962589. Through Einstein’s equation, energy is equal to mass (m) times velocity of light (c) squared, or E = mc2, the energy release (Q) and the mass difference, Δm, are related, the conversion factor being one amu, equal to 931.478 MeV. Thus, the excess mass of potassium-40 over calcium-40 appears as the total energy release Qβ in the radioactive decay Qβ− = (39.964008 − 39.962589) × 931.478 MeV = 1.31 MeV. The other neighbouring isobar (same mass number, different atomic number) to argon-40 is also of lower mass, 39.962384, than potassium-40. This mass difference converted to energy units gives an energy release of 1.5 MeV, this being the energy release for EC decay to argon-40. The maximum energy release for positron emission is always less than that for electron capture by twice the rest mass energy of an electron (2m0c2 = 1.022 MeV); thus, the maximum positron energy for this reaction is 1.5 − 1.02, or 0.48 MeV.

To connect alpha-decay energies and nuclear mass differences requires a precise knowledge of the alpha-particle (helium-4) atomic mass. The mass of the parent minus the sum of the masses of the decay products gives the energy release. Thus, for alpha decay of plutonium-239 to uranium-235 and helium-4 the calculation goes as follows:
By combining radioactive-decay-energy information with nuclear-reaction Q values and precision mass spectroscopy, extensive tables of nuclear masses have been prepared. From them the Q values of unmeasured reactions or decay may be calculated.
Alternative to the full mass, the atomic masses may be expressed as mass defect, symbolized by the Greek letter delta, Δ (the difference between the exact mass M and the integer A, the mass number), either in energy units or atomic mass units.
Absolute nuclear binding energy
The absolute nuclear binding energy is the hypothetical energy release if a given nuclide were synthesized from Z separate hydrogen atoms and N (equal to A − Z) separate neutrons. An example is the calculation giving the absolute binding energy of the stablest of all nuclei, iron-56:
A general survey of the average binding energy per nucleon (for nuclei of all elements grouped according to ascending mass) shows a maximum at iron-56 falling off gradually on both sides to about 7 MeV at helium-4 and to about 7.4 MeV for the most massive nuclei known. Most of the naturally occurring nuclei are thus not stable in an absolute nuclear sense. Nuclei heavier than iron would gain energy by degrading into nuclear products closer to iron, but it is only for the elements of greatest mass that the rates of degradation processes such as alpha decay and spontaneous fission attain observable rates. In a similar manner, nuclear energy is to be gained by fusion of most elements lighter than iron. The coulombic repulsion between nuclei, however, keeps the rates of fusion reactions unobservably low unless the nuclei are subjected to temperatures of greater than 107 K. Only in the hot cores of the Sun and other stars or in thermonuclear bombs or controlled fusion plasmas are these temperatures attained and nuclear-fusion energy released.