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Biomass smoke compounds linked to lung damage and respiratory diseases Feb. 27, 2025, 4:39 AM ET (News-Medical)
Health hazard of air toxics Feb. 26, 2025, 3:05 AM ET (The Gleaner)

Silicosis and black lung disease

Silica dust produces a distinctive reaction in the lung that eventually leads to the development of masses of fibrous tissue and distinctive nodules of dense fibrosis, which, by contracting, distort and damage the lung. Silicosis is a hazard in any occupation in which workers are exposed to silica dust, particularly rock drilling above or below ground, quarrying, or grinding with a wheel containing silica. Cases have also been reported in dental technicians, who use the material ground into a fine powder. Silicosis is usually fairly easy to detect on radiographs, and in its later stages it causes considerable shortness of breath and reduction of the vital capacity (a maximal breath). Sandblasting without respiratory protection is exceedingly dangerous, and fatal cases of acute silicosis caused by unprotected sandblasting have been reported. The dangers of silica are generally well recognized, and better protection has reduced the incidence of this condition. The disease may advance, with increasing disability, for years after the person has stopped inhaling the dust.

Coal dust alone, even if its silica content is very low, causes a distinctive pattern of change in the lung known as coal workers’ pneumoconiosis (also called black lung). Initially the dust is deposited in the terminal bronchioles, where it causes a fibrotic reaction. At this stage there is little disability, but later the disease may progress to a more-generalized form, and in some instances large masses of fibrotic tissue form in the lung. This condition, known as progressive massive fibrosis, is usually associated with severe disability and the risk of secondary heart failure. It is not clear whether this stage is more likely to develop if pulmonary tuberculosis is superimposed on the respiratory damage caused by coal dust inhalation. There is no curative treatment for silicosis or black lung disease.

Asbestosis and mesothelioma

The widespread use of asbestos as an insulating material during World War II, and later in flooring, ceiling tiles, brake linings, and as a fire protectant sprayed inside buildings, led to a virtual epidemic of asbestos-related disease 20 years later. The first disease recognized to be caused by asbestos was asbestosis, which produces characteristic changes in the lungs that can be identified in chest X-rays and that can impair lung function at an early stage. Later it was discovered that exposure to much less asbestos than was needed to cause asbestosis led to thickening of the pleura, and, when both cigarette smoking and asbestos exposure occurred, there was a major increase in the risk for lung cancer. The risks from smoking and from significant asbestos exposure are multiplicative in the case of lung cancer. A malignant tumour of the pleura known as mesothelioma is caused almost exclusively by inhaled asbestos. Often a period of 20 years or more elapses between exposure to asbestos and the development of a tumour.

As far as is known, all the respiratory changes associated with asbestos exposure are irreversible. Malignant mesothelioma is rare and unrelated to cigarette smoking, but survival after diagnosis is less than two years. In most cases, thickening of the pleura is not associated with disturbance of lung function or with symptoms of exposure to asbestos, although in occasional cases pleuritis is very aggressive and thus may produce symptoms. It is not yet understood exactly why asbestos devastates the tissues of the lungs. Asbestos has been suspected to play a role in stimulating certain cellular events, such as the generation of harmful reactive molecules and the activation of damaging inflammatory processes. These events could contribute to the scarring and fibrosis that are characteristic of inhalation of asbestos fibres. Not all types of asbestos are equally dangerous; the risk of mesothelioma in particular appears to be much higher if crocidolite, a blue asbestos that comes from South Africa, is inhaled than if chrysotile is inhaled. But exposure to any type of asbestos is believed to increase the risk of lung cancer, especially when associated with cigarette smoking. While the removal of asbestos from buildings has greatly alleviated the risk of exposure to asbestos for many people, inhalation of asbestos remains a significant risk for the workers removing the material. All industrialized countries have imposed strict regulations for handling asbestos, and the workforce is generally aware of the material’s dangers.

There is no curative therapy for asbestosis or mesothelioma. Treatment is aimed at managing symptoms, preventing infections, and delaying disease progression. Individuals with asbestosis often receive annual vaccinations against influenza and pneumococcal pneumonia. In some cases, aerosol medications that thin mucous secretions and oxygen that is supplied by a portable tank are necessary to maintain adequate oxygen intake. In other cases, lung transplantation is required. Individuals with mesothelioma often undergo chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which may prolong survival for a short period of time.

Respiratory toxicity of glass and metal fibres

The increasing use of man-made mineral fibres (as in fibreglass and rock wool) has led to concern that these may also be dangerous when inhaled; present evidence suggests that they do increase the risk of lung cancer in persons occupationally exposed to them. Standards for maximal exposure have been proposed.

Hard-metal pneumoconiosis is caused by the inhalation of fine particles of hard metals, such as cobalt, tungsten, nickel, and titanium. Metal workers and persons who sharpen tools or polish diamonds are at increased risk of the condition. Research has also suggested that the use of e-cigarettes can result in hard-metal pneumoconiosis, owing to metal particles released during the heating of coils inside the devices.

The toxicity of beryllium was first discovered when it was widely used in the manufacture of fluorescent light tubes shortly after World War II. In susceptible individuals, beryllium causes the formation of granulomas in the lung and alveolar wall thickening, often with considerable disability as a result. Although beryllium is no longer used in the fluorescent light industry, it is still important in the manufacture of metal alloys and ceramics, and new cases of beryllium poisoning are occasionally reported.

Byssinosis and related diseases

It is not only inorganic minerals and dusts that may affect the lung. The dust produced in the processing of raw cotton, flax, or hemp may cause chronic obstructive lung disease. However, this does not have a characteristic pathology, and it does not give rise to emphysema. It is unclear whether the dust from the fibres alone or the combination of cigarette smoke and fibre dust is particularly dangerous. The disease that results is known as byssinosis, or “brown lung.” Workers in cotton plants in England used to complain of “Monday morning fever” and were found to suffer an easily measurable decrement in ventilatory function when they returned to work after spending a weekend away from the plant. The active particle or contaminant in the cotton dust that is responsible for the syndrome appears to be an endotoxin produced by bacteria in the fibres of cotton.

The dust from western red cedar may cause occupational asthma, and dust from the redwood and other trees may cause an acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Workers in the sugarcane industry may be affected by a similar syndrome, known as bagassosis; sisal workers also develop airflow obstruction.