- Key People:
- Joseph Barrell
- Johann Gottlob Lehmann
- Related Topics:
- sedimentation
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- On the Web:
- University of Diyala - College of Sciences - Sedimentary rocks (PDF) (Feb. 25, 2025)
Natural gas refers collectively to the various gaseous hydrocarbons generated below Earth’s surface and trapped in the pores of sedimentary rocks. Major natural gas varieties include methane, ethane, propane, and butane. These natural gases are commonly, though not invariably, intimately associated with the various liquid hydrocarbons—mainly liquid paraffins, napthenes, and aromatics—that collectively constitute oil.
Hydrocarbons can also exist in a semisolid or solid state such as asphalt, asphaltites, mineral waxes, and pyrobitumens. Bitumens can occur as seepages, impregnations filling the pore space of sediments (e.g., tar sands of the Canadian Rocky Mountains), and in veins or dikes. Asphaltites occur primarily in dikes and veins that cross sedimentary rocks such as gilsonite deposits in the Green River Formation of Utah. These natural bitumens probably form from the loss of volatiles, oxidation, and biological degradation resulting from oil seepage to the surface. Solid hydrocarbons are of interest to geologists as their presence is a good indicator of petroleum below the surface in that region. Also, solid hydrocarbons have commercial value.
The exact process by which oil and natural gas are produced is not precisely known, despite the extensive efforts made to determine the mode of petroleum genesis. Crude oil is thought to form from undecomposed organic matter, principally single-celled floating phytoplankton and zooplankton that settle to the bottom of marine basins and are rapidly buried within sequences of mudrock and limestone. Natural gas and oil are generated from such source rocks only after heating and compaction. Typical petroleum formation (maturation) temperatures do not exceed 100 °C, meaning that the depth of burial of source rocks cannot be greater than a few kilometres. After their formation, oil and natural gas migrate from source rocks to reservoir rocks composed of sedimentary rocks largely as a consequence of the lower density of the hydrocarbon fluids and gases. Good reservoir rocks, by implication, must possess high porosity and permeability. A high proportion of open pore spaces enhances the capacity of a reservoir to store the migrating petroleum; the interconnectedness of the pores facilitates the withdrawal of the petroleum once the reservoir rock is penetrated by drill holes.
Secular trends in the sedimentary rock record
Reexamination of the sedimentary rock record preserved within the continental blocks suggests systematic changes through time in the relative proportions of the major sedimentary rock types deposited, as summarized in Figure 6. These changes can be linked to the evolution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere and to the changing global tectonic setting. Carbonates and quartz sands, for example, require long-term source area stability as well as the existence of broad, shallow-water epeiric seas that mantle continental blocks. Marine transgressions and regressions across broad stable continental cratons occurred only in Proterozoic and Phanerozoic time; Archean continental blocks were smaller and tectonically unstable, and most likely less granitic than those of today. Consequently, the early Precambrian sedimentary rock record consists largely of volcanogenic sediments, wackes, and arkoses physically disintegrated from small, high-relief island arcs (the Archean greenstone belts of the various Precambrian shields) and microcontinental fragments. The fact that iron formations are restricted to rocks of Archean and Proterozoic time supports the conclusion that atmospheric oxygen levels in earlier stages of Earth history were lower, promoting the dissolution, transport, and precipitation of iron by chemical or biochemical means. The total lack of evaporites from the Archean record and their subsequent steady buildup probably reflects a number of factors. Such deposits can be easily destroyed by metamorphism, and presumably, given enough time, they will have been completely erased. Also, evaporite formation requires seawater with elevated salinity, a condition that is established with time. Finally, significant volumes of bedded evaporites can occur only once broad, stable continents have evolved, because the requisite restricted evaporite basins develop exclusively adjacent to cratons.
Frederick L. Schwab