Amphibians and higher vertebrates

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Key People:
Pierre Belon
Marcellin Boule
Related Topics:
human skeleton
vertebral column

In amphibians a vertebra is formed from the sclerotomic tissues of two somites, the tissue from the posterior part of one somite joining that from the anterior part of the somite behind it. In modern reptiles the vertebrae are completely ossified. The neural arch has a spinous process and pre- and post-zygapophyses (additional articulating surfaces); at the junction of the arch and centrum is a facet for articulation of the head of a rib. Groups of vertebrae can be distinguished; e.g., the cervical vertebrae are recognizable because the neck is differentiated from the body.

The fibrocartilaginous intervertebral disks uniting the centra of crocodiles have been identified as representing so-called intercentra. Ribs are present in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions of the column.

The sternum may be calcified in the reptiles but is seldom ossified. In the lizards it is a cartilaginous plate articulated with the coracoid processes of the pectoral girdle and with the anterior thoracic ribs. The sternum is absent in the turtles and in the snakes; in the crocodiles it is a wide plate joined by the coracoid processes and by two pairs of ribs.

The skeletons of modern birds show reptilian features with some specialized adaptations to their bipedal locomotion (i.e., by means of one pair of legs) and their power of flight. The neck is very flexible. With its variation in length, the number of cervical vertebrae ranges from 25 in the swan to 9 in certain small birds. The tendency for the vertebrae to fuse in certain regions is characteristic of birds. The sternum, a very large bone, is positioned like a shield in front of the chest. In flying birds a median keel, the carina, projects ventrally, providing additional surface for the attachment of the pectoral muscles that move the wings. The flightless birds, such as the ostrich, have a keelless, raftlike sternum.

In mammals the vertebral centra articulate by means of intervertebral disks of fibrocartilage. Bony disks (epiphyses) formed on the generally flat ends of the centra are characteristic of mammals. Regional differentiation in the mammalian backbone is marked. The number of vertebrae in each group, excepting the caudal vertebrae, is moderately consistent, though there are some exceptions to the group averages. Whereas 7 cervical vertebrae are the rule, there are 9 or 10 of them in the three-toed sloth and only 6 in the two-toed sloth and the manatee. The thoracic vertebrae commonly number 13 or 14, although the number varies from 9 in some whales to 24 in the two-toed sloth. The average number of lumbar vertebrae is approximately 6, but there are 2 in the duck-billed platypus and 21 in the dolphin. Rib elements are fused to the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, and in the lumbar vertebrae they form the so-called transverse processes.

There is an increase in the number of vertebrae that compose the sacrum. In the early developmental stages of the human fetus, the beginnings of the hip bones lie opposite those segments of the spinal column that form the lower lumbar and upper sacral vertebrae. As development proceeds, the sacroiliac joints become established between the hip bones and the upper sacral vertebrae. The sacrum, derived from the 25th to the 29th vertebrae, inclusive, becomes a single bone by their fusion. The whales and sea cows lack a sacrum, although vestiges of a pelvis occur. In some anteaters the posterior sacral vertebrae are fused with the ischium (a bone on each side of the pelvic girdle) through ossification of a connecting ligament. The sacrum of some armadillos consists of 13 vertebrae, caudal vertebrae having become fused with it. The cervical vertebrae of some whales are fused together, because the whale is spindle-shaped for swimming and has no need for a mobile neck such as occurs in most mammals. The centrum of the atlas (first cervical vertebra) of most mammals fuses with that of the axis (second cervical vertebra) and projects from it, but in the duckbilled platypus, as in the reptiles, it is a separate bone.

The spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, excepting the last, point caudally (i.e., toward the tail), while those of the lumbar vertebrae generally point cranially (i.e., toward the head) at the transitional zone between these groups. Spines of one or two thoracic vertebrae are upright; these are known as anticlinal spines. Lying ventral to the intervertebral disks in some mammals (e.g., whale, pangolin) are paired ossicles, the intercentra, which are homologous (of similar origin) with the anterior arch of the atlas. The tail vertebrae vary in number from none in the bat to 49 in the pangolin.

The ribs in mammals correspond in number of pairs to the number of thoracic vertebrae. The ventral ends of the ribs join the costal cartilages, the relations of which follow, with minor variations, the pattern for the human skeleton. Sternal ribs, connecting the more anterior vertebral ribs with the sternum, may be cartilaginous, calcified, or ossified. The mammalian sternum is composed of several pieces: the presternum anteriorly, followed by the mesosternum, made up of a number of segments, and a terminal xiphisternum.