Relationships between the flora and fauna
- Also spelled:
- tropical rain forest
- Key People:
- Julia Carabias Lillo
- Related Topics:
- rainforest
- liana
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Some of the tallest trees and lianas, and the epiphytes they support, bear flowers and fruits at the top of the rainforest canopy, where the air moves unfettered by vegetation. They are able to depend on the wind for dispersal of pollen from flower to flower, as well as for the spreading of fruits and seeds away from the immediate environment of the parent plant (see Sidebar: “Flying” Trees). Ferns, mosses, and other lower plants also exploit the wind to carry their minute spores. However, a great many flowering plants, including many that grow in the nearly windless environment of the understory, depend on animals to perform these functions. They are as dependent on animals for reproductive success as the animals are on them for food—one example of the mutual dependence between plants and animals (see Sidebar: No Rainforest, No Brazil Nuts).
Many rainforest trees have sizable seeds from which large seedlings emerge and thrust their way through the thick mat of dead leaves on the dark forest floor. They develop tall stems, using food reserves in the seed without having to rely on sunlight, which is usually too dim, to meet their energy requirements. Because large seeds cannot be dispersed by the wind, these plants depend on a variety of animals to perform this function and have evolved many adaptations to encourage them to do so. Fruit bats are attracted by fragrant, sweet fruits typically borne conspicuously and conveniently on the outer parts of the tree canopy; the mango (Mangifera indica), native to the rainforests of India, provides a good example. The bats not only feed on fruits as they hang from the trees but also may carry a fruit away to another perch, where they eat the flesh and drop the seed. Smaller fruits may be swallowed whole, the seeds passing through the gut intact and being voided at a distance. The ground beneath trees used by fruit bats as a roost is commonly thick with seedlings of fleshy, fruit-bearing trees (see Sidebar: Hitching a Ride).
A variety of birds eat fleshy fruits also, voiding or regurgitating the unharmed seeds. Birds of different sizes are typically attracted to similarly scaled fruits, which are carried on stems of appropriate thickness and strength. For example, large pigeons in New Guinea feed preferentially on larger fruits borne on thicker stems that can bear not only the weight of the fruit but also the weight of the large bird; smaller pigeons tend to feed on smaller fruits borne on thinner twigs. In such a manner, the diverse plant community is matched by a similarly diverse animal community in interdependence.
Terrestrial mammals also help to disperse seeds. In many cases this has favored the positioning of flowers and fruits beneath the canopy on the trunks of trees accessible to animals unable to climb or fly, an adaptation called cauliflory. In some cases fruits are grown in the canopy but drop as they ripen, opening only after they fall to attract ground-dwelling animals that will carry them away from the parent tree. The durian fruit Durio zibethinus of Southeast Asian rainforests is an example; its fruits are eaten and its seeds dispersed by a range of mammals, including pigs, elephants, and even tigers.
Many other animals, from ants to apes, are involved in seed dispersal. In the Amazon basin of Brazil, where large areas of tropical rainforest are seasonally flooded, many trees produce fruit attractive to fish, which swallow them whole and void the seeds (see Sidebar: Vegetarian Piranhas). Squirrels are also important seed dispersers in parts of South America. In the tropical rainforests of northeastern Australia, cassowaries are responsible for generating mixed clumps of tree seedlings of several species that grow from their dung sites.
It is important for seeds to be spread away from parent plants, both to allow seedlings to escape competition with the parent and to expand the range of the species. Another capacity important to seed survival, particularly in the diverse tropical rainforest community, involves the evasion of seed predators. Many different beetles and other insects are specialized to feed on particular types of seed. Seeds concentrated beneath a parent plant are easy for seed predators to locate. Seeds that are carried away to areas occupied by different plant species—and different seed predators—are more likely to survive (see Sidebar: Hitching a Ride).
In addition to dispersing seeds, animals are vital to tropical rainforest reproduction through flower pollination. Many insects such as bees, moths, flies, and beetles as well as birds and bats carry out this activity. Birds such as the hummingbirds of South and Central America and the flower-peckers of Asia have adaptations that allow them to sip nectar from flowers. In the process they inadvertently become dusted with pollen, which they subsequently transport to other flowers, pollinating them. The plants involved also show special adaptations in flower structure and color. Most flowers pollinated by birds are red, a color highly visible to these animals, whereas flowers pollinated by night-flying moths are white or pink, and those pollinated by insects that fly during the day are often yellow or orange. Bats are important pollinators of certain pale, fragrant flowers that open in the evening in Asian rainforests (see also Sidebar: Bat-Loving Flowers).
Biological productivity
Of all vegetation types, tropical rainforests grow in climatic conditions that are least limiting to plant growth. It is to be expected that the growth and productivity (total amount of organic matter produced per unit area per unit time) of tropical rainforests would be higher than that of other vegetation, provided that other factors such as soil fertility or consumption by herbivorous animals are not extremely low or high.
Various methods are employed to assess productivity. Gross primary productivity is the amount of carbon fixed during photosynthesis by all producers in the ecosystem. However, a large part of the harnessed energy is used up by the metabolic processes of the producers (respiration). The amount of fixed carbon not used by plants is called net primary productivity, and it is this remainder that is available to various consumers in the ecosystem—e.g., the herbivores, decomposers, and carnivores. Of course, in any stable ecosystem there is neither an accumulation nor a diminution in the total amount of organic matter present, so that overall there is a balance between the gross primary productivity and the total consumption. The amount of organic matter in the system at any point in time, the total mass of all the organisms present, is called the biomass. (For further discussion of productivity, see biosphere: Resources of the biosphere.)
The biomass of tropical rainforests is larger than that of other vegetation. It is not an easy quantity to measure, involving the destructive sampling of all the plants in an area (including their underground parts), with estimates made of the mass of other organisms belonging to the ecosystem such as animals. Measurements show that tropical rainforests typically have biomass values on the order of 400 to 700 metric tons per hectare, greater than most temperate forests and substantially more than other vegetation with fewer or no trees. A measurement of biomass in a tropical deciduous forest in Thailand yielded a value of about 340 metric tons per hectare.
Increase in biomass over the period of a year at one rainforest site in Malaysia was estimated at 7 metric tons per hectare, while total litter fall was 14 metric tons, estimated mass of sloughed roots was 4 metric tons, and total live plant matter eaten by herbivorous animals (both invertebrate and vertebrate) was about 5 metric tons per hectare per year. These values add up to a total net production of 30 metric tons per hectare per year. Respiration by the vegetation itself was estimated at 50 metric tons, so that gross primary productivity was about 80 metric tons per hectare per year. Compared with temperate forests, these values are approximately 2.5 times higher for net productivity and 4 times higher for gross productivity, the difference being that the respiration rate at the tropical site was 5 times that of temperate forests.
Despite the overall high rates of productivity and biomass in tropical rainforests, the growth rates of their timber trees are not unusually fast; in fact, some temperate trees and many smaller herbaceous plants grow more rapidly. The high productivity of tropical rainforests instead results in their high biomass and year-round growth. They also have particularly high levels of consumption by herbivores (see Sidebar: Eating the Rainforest), litter production, and especially plant respiration.
Jeremy M.B. Smith