Environmental conditions
- Related Topics:
- Arctic
- polar ecosystem
- cold desert
- alpine tundra
- Arctic tundra
Tundra climates vary considerably. The most severe occur in the Arctic regions, where temperatures fluctuate from 4 °C (about 40 °F) in midsummer to –32 °C (–25 °F) during the winter months. Alpine tundra has a more moderate climate: summers are cool, with temperatures that range from 3 to 12 °C (37 to 54 °F), and winters are moderate, with temperatures that rarely fall below –18 °C (0 °F).
Unlike other biomes, such as the taiga, the Arctic tundra is defined more by its low summer temperatures than by its low winter temperatures. Coastal tundra ecosystems are cooler and foggier than those farther inland. Late summer and early fall are particularly cloudy seasons because large amounts of water are available for evaporation. With the first winter freeze, however, the clear skies return.
Over most of the Arctic tundra, annual precipitation, measured as liquid water, amounts to less than 38 cm (15 inches), roughly two-thirds of it falling as summer rain. The remainder falls in expanded form as snow, which can reach total accumulations of 64 cm (25 inches) to (rarely) more than 191 cm (75 inches). Annual precipitation has a wide range in alpine tundra, but it is generally higher in Arctic tundra. For example, annual precipitation may be as much as 64 cm (25 inches) at higher elevations in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado but may be less than 7.6 cm (3 inches) in the northwestern Himalayas. Blinding snowstorms, or whiteouts, obscure the landscape during the winter months, and summer rains can be heavy. The stratification of the soil and the inclination of the alpine slopes allow for good drainage, however.
Although winds are not as strong in the Arctic as in alpine tundras, their influence on snowdrift patterns and whiteouts is an important climatic factor. Blizzard conditions developing in either location may reduce visibility to roughly 9 metres (about 30 feet) and cause snow crystals to penetrate tiny openings in clothing and buildings. Winds in the alpine tundras are often quite strong; they may average 8 to 16 km (5 to 10 miles) per hour only 60 cm (about 24 inches) above ground level, and they quite frequently reach 120 to 200 km (about 75 to 125 miles) per hour in high reaches of the Rocky Mountains and the Alps.
As noted above, permafrost is an ever-present feature of the Arctic tundra. The southern limit of continuous permafrost occurs within the northern forest belt of North America and Eurasia, and it can be correlated with average annual air temperatures of –7 °C (20 °F). South of this zone, permafrost exists in patches. Over much of the Arctic, permafrost extends to depths of 350 to 650 metres (1,150 to 2,100 feet). In unglaciated areas of Siberia, however, permafrost may reach 1,450 metres (4,760 feet).
The presence of permafrost retards the downward movement of water though the soil, and lowlands of the Arctic tundra become saturated and boggy during the summer thaw. During the winter, water in the soil can freeze into a lens of ice that causes the ground above it to form into a hilly structure called a pingo. Alpine tundra is generally drier, even though the amount of precipitation, especially as snow, is higher than in Arctic tundra. In alpine tundra the lack of a continuous permafrost layer and the steep topography result in rapid drainage, except in certain alpine meadows where topography flattens out.
Patterned ground, a conspicuous feature of most tundras, results from the differential movement of soil, stone, and rock on slopes and level land, plus the downward creep (solifluction) of the overlying active layer of soil. (Because permafrost is impermeable to water, waterlogged soil near the surface slides easily down a slope.) These phenomena are a result of the freeze-thaw cycle common to the tundra and are especially common in spring and fall. In alpine regions, surface features such as rock rings, stripes, and polygons are seen, usually measuring 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 inches) across. Where there is adequate moisture for soil lubrication, solifluction terraces and lobes are common. In the Arctic tundra, solifluction is often cited as the reason why rock slabs may be found standing on end.
Tundra soils are usually classified as Gelisols or Cryosols, depending on the soil classification system used. Both are easily eroded soil types characterized by the presence of permafrost and showing an active surface layer shaped by the alternating freezing and thawing that comes with seasonal variations in temperature. In the higher latitudes of the Arctic, the summer thaw penetrates to a depth of 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 inches). In lower latitudes characterized by full plant cover and well-drained soils, the thaw penetrates from 0.5 to 3 metres (1.5 to 10 feet). Most biological activity, in terms of root growth, animal burrowing, and decomposition of organic matter, is limited to the active layer. Although the permafrost layer exists only in Arctic tundra soils, the freeze-thaw layer occurs in soils of both Arctic and alpine tundra.