Valley evolution in Hawaii
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The Hawaiian Islands comprise a chain of volcanic islands, with ages increasing progressively to the northwest from the island of Hawaii with its active volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa. In general, the dissection of the Hawaiian volcanoes also increases with age to the northwest, but the details of dissection are considerably influenced by climate, factors related to parent material, and changes in process. Nevertheless, a remarkable opportunity to study valley development with time is afforded by the phenomenon of the northwesterly movement of the Pacific Plate carrying a succession of volcanoes away from a stationary mantle plume (rising jet of partially molten rock material) located at the southern tip of Hawaii.
Rainfall is heaviest on the northeastern slopes of the volcanoes because of the prevailing trade winds. Although this results in generally higher drainage densities on the windward rather than leeward slopes of islands such as Hawaii, there are important exceptions. Mauna Loa, for example, lacks dissection on its northeastern flanks in spite of having the same amount of rainfall as highly dissected parts of Mauna Kea. Such is the case because the basaltic lava flows of the volcanoes are so permeable that drainage will not develop until a less permeable ash mantle is emplaced or until weathering reduces infiltration. Examples of both phenomena occur in Hawaii. Kilauea Volcano, the youngest of the Hawaiian shields, displays essentially no dissection except where ash from the 1790 Keanakakoi eruption was emplaced. The older Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea shields display V-shaped ravines only where their flanks were mantled by Pahala ash. Dissection is more pronounced on Mauna Kea, which is older than Mauna Loa. Kohala Volcano is the oldest shield on the island of Hawaii, having formed about 700,000 years ago. Deep weathering of its basalt has reduced infiltration sufficiently to promote high-density drainage on its northeastern slopes.
Valley initiation on the Hawaiian volcanoes thus depends on rainfall and infiltration capacity. When runoff valleys are initiated, their streams incise to form V-shaped ravines. The ravine systems eventually become sufficiently deep to expose deeper layers where groundwater activity and spring sapping become more important. The deepest incision produces U-shaped, theatre-headed valleys. Because the layered basalt flows are most permeable parallel to dip, there is efficient groundwater movement toward the sea. The regional water table on the islands is near sea level, with a slight bulge in the central parts of the islands that have a gentle seaward slope in all directions.
The U-shaped sapping valleys of the older Hawaiian volcanoes display enhanced weathering at the water table. This undermines the side slopes of the valleys, so that their steep-sided walls meet their floors at a sharp angle. The valleys widened laterally as they were developed by headward growth of springs at the valley heads. Perennial flow was maintained by large springs.
Channels and valleys on Mars
At least one other planetary body in the solar system besides the Earth is dissected by valleys of fluvial origin—namely, Mars. The heavily cratered terrains of Mars are extensively dissected by interconnected, digitate networks of valleys. Many of the valleys are steep-walled and have theatre-like headward terminations, especially near the equatorial regions of the planet. Additional properties include common structural control of the networks, low drainage densities, and low junction angles with tributaries. This combination of features seems best explained by a sapping mechanism for much of the valley formation.

The valleys of Mars are for the most part extremely ancient. Very large numbers of craters are superimposed on the valleys, indicating that they formed about the time of the phase of heavy bombardment early in the history of the solar system.
Another variety of valley on Mars occurs at fairly high latitudes where temperatures are colder. These valleys have rounded, subdued wall topography, and their floors are covered with debris that appears to have been produced from the walls and flowed across the floors. Masses of similar debris surround isolated massifs. It is probable that subsurface ice facilitated the production and flowage of the debris in a manner similar to what is observed in the Earth’s periglacial regions.