Albert Einstein, touted as one of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, died April 18, 1955, as a result of a fatal aneurysm, in Princeton, New Jersey. Despite Einstein’s wishes to have his entire body cremated, the doctor who conducted his autopsy, Thomas Harvey, had other plans—he kept the brain aside. After this was discovered by Einstein’s son Hans Albert, Dr. Harvey convinced Hans Albert to allow him to keep the brain in order to investigate potential biological causes for Einstein’s brilliance. Thus, a pathologist, with no particular neuroscience experience, came to be in possession of the highly coveted brain. This was just the beginning of the brain’s strange adventure.

Shortly after claiming Einstein’s brain, Dr. Harvey lost his job at Princeton Hospital, where he had ostensibly intended to conduct his research. From Princeton, with Einstein’s brain in tow, Harvey traveled to Philadelphia and around the Midwest, including Kansas and Missouri. Periodically, he would send or give sections of the brain to scientists to study, but for the most part the brain was kept hidden from the world in jars in his basement. However, despite repeated promises from Harvey, no studies were published on Einstein’s brain until 1985, 30 years after Einstein’s death, when a neuroscientist from UCLA, who had received sections from Harvey, published the first.

In the 1990s Harvey found himself back in Princeton, where he donated the remaining portion of the brain to a pathologist at the University Medical Center of Princeton (formerly Princeton Hospital) at Plainsboro, New Jersey. Over the course of 40 years, the brain had traveled across the United States, and pieces had been shipped overseas, but now it’s back in the very same hospital where Einstein died over 50 years ago. Although Harvey kept much of the brain himself and over the years many scientists or their families returned the pieces they had, Einstein’s brain has not quite finished its journey. It is likely that some pieces are still hidden away as family keepsakes, and some pieces are on display in the Mütter Museum in Philadelphia.

Harvey’s purported goal in spiriting away the brain was to illuminate any potential biological differences between the brain of a genius such as Einstein and the brains of laypeople. So, is there anything in Albert Einstein’s brain that can explain why he was a genius? Several studies have attempted to argue that there is. A study was published in 2012 which suggested that there are aspects of Einstein’s brain that are different from the average brain, such as an extra groove on his frontal lobe, the part of the brain associated with memory and planning, among other things. However, despite these physiological differences, it is unclear what exactly made Einstein so brilliant. The brains of hundreds of other geniuses would also have to be studied in order to limit potential variables. Brain shape varies from person to person, so the differences found in Einstein’s brain could have just been routine variability. So far, none of the various studies published have addressed this key factor. Unfortunately, even in spite of its long afterlife, Einstein’s brain has not led to any profound discoveries about what might make a person predisposed to intelligence.