Aung San Suu Kyi, (born June 19, 1945, Rangoon, Burma [now Yangon, Myan.]), Opposition leader in Myanmar (Burma). Daughter of nationalist leader Aung San, she studied in Burma and India and at the University of Oxford. She lived quietly in Britain until 1988, when she returned to Burma. Moved by the brutality of U Ne Win’s military regime, she began a nonviolent struggle for democracy and human rights. The 1990 electoral victory of her National League for Democracy (NLD) was ignored by Ne Win’s government, and she was held under house arrest from 1989 to 1995. She was awarded the 1991 Nobel Prize for Peace. She subsequently continued her opposition activities and was subject to varying degrees of government harassment, including more periods of house arrest beginning in 2000. She was released from house arrest in 2011 and won a seat in the lower house of the national legislature in 2012. The NLD won a majority of legislative seats in 2015, and her close friend and fellow NLD member Htin Kyaw was elected president the next year. (Suu Kyi was constitutionally barred from being president.) She held multiple government posts in Htin Kyaw’s administration and that of his successor, Win Myint. She faced international condemnation over the persecution of the Muslim Rohingya people in Myanmar. She and the NLD-led government were deposed by the military in February 2021.
Aung San Suu Kyi summary
Know about Aung San Suu Kyi, Myanmar politician and opposition leader, and her rise to power
Below is the article summary. For the full article, see Aung San Suu Kyi.
Aung San Summary
Aung San was a Burmese nationalist leader and assassinated hero who was instrumental in securing Burma’s independence from Great Britain. Before World War II, Aung San was actively anti-British; he then allied with the Japanese during World War II, but switched to the Allies before leading the
Nobel Prize Summary
Nobel Prize, any of the prizes (five in number until 1969, when a sixth was added) that are awarded annually from a fund bequeathed for that purpose by the Swedish inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel. The Nobel Prizes are widely regarded as the most prestigious awards given for intellectual
democracy Summary
Democracy, literally, rule by the people. The term is derived from the Greek dēmokratia, which was coined from dēmos (“people”) and kratos (“rule”) in the middle of the 5th century bce to denote the political systems then existing in some Greek city-states, notably Athens. (Read Madeleine
Myanmar Summary
Myanmar, country, located in the western portion of mainland Southeast Asia. In 1989 the country’s official English name, which it had held since 1885, was changed from the Union of Burma to the Union of Myanmar; in the Burmese language the country has been known as Myanma (or, more precisely,