French Revolution Key Facts
French Revolution: storming of the Bastille An armed mob of Parisians storm the Bastille on July 14, 1789, at the start of the French Revolution.
© ImagesAt the end of the 18th century feudal regimes had weakened or completely disappeared across Europe. Wealthy commoners—merchants, manufacturers, and professionals—aspired to political power. This new class was often called the bourgeoisie. The bourgeoisie increasingly resented being excluded from the highest levels of power in France. At the same time peasants were less and less willing to support the remnants of the feudal system.
Higher standards of living in Europe had reduced the adult mortality rate, contributing to a population explosion. This rapid growth was especially felt in France, which was the most populated country of Europe in 1789.
France’s participation in the American Revolution came at a heavy price, as the country was on the edge of bankruptcy. This and other economic difficulties, compounded by crop failures in 1788, hit the peasant class especially hard.
Enlightenment ideas of the 17th and 18th centuries included arguments for social reform. Philosophes—intellectuals whose writings inspired these arguments—included Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Their ideas circulated among the educated classes of France.
Marie-AntoinetteAn oil portrait of Marie-Antoinette, queen of France, was painted in 1783 by Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun. It is in the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Courtesy National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.; Timken Collection (1960.6.41)In 1787 the controller general of finances, Charles-Alexandre de Calonne, arranged for an assembly of notable citizens to propose financial reforms. He hoped to eliminate France’s budget deficit by increasing taxation on the privileged classes. The assembly did not want to take responsibility for the reforms and instead suggested the calling of the Estates-General. This representative assembly included the three “estates” of society: the clergy (First Estate), nobility (Second Estate), and the Third Estate, which represented the majority of the people. The Estates-General had not met since 1614.
Estates-General: May 5, 1789Opening of the Estates-General, May 5, 1789, an 1839 oil painting by Auguste Couder, is in the Museum of the History of France, at the Palace of Versailles.
Hulton Archive/Getty ImagesThe Estates-General met at Versailles on May 5, 1789, and immediately ran into an impasse, disagreeing on whether it should vote by head (thereby giving the advantage to the Third Estate) or by estate (in which case the two privileged orders might outvote the third). On June 17 the struggle over the issue drove representatives of the Third Estate to declare themselves the National Assembly and threaten to proceed, if necessary, without the other two orders. Some clergy members joined them. Royal officials locked them out of the regular meeting hall on June 20, so they instead occupied the king’s indoor tennis court and swore not to disperse until they had given France a new constitution—an agreement known as the Tennis Court Oath. The king gave in and encouraged the nobles and the remaining clergy to join the assembly, which took the official title of National Constituent Assembly. At the same time, however, he began gathering troops to dissolve it.
All the political maneuverings at a time of scarce food supplies infuriated the people. Rumors spread about the aristocracy and the king planning to overthrow the Third Estate. The gathering of troops around Paris provoked insurrection in the capital. On July 14 a crowd of Parisians seized the Bastille, a prison that symbolized royal tyranny to them.
On August 26 the National Constituent Assembly introduced the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen. This document shared characteristics with the U.S. Declaration of Independence and included Enlightenment ideas about liberty, equality, the inviolability of property, and the right to resist oppression. The king refused to sanction it, and another Parisian crowd marched to Versailles, where it seized the royal family and brought them back to Paris.
The National Constituent Assembly established civil equality among French men and made more than half the adult male population eligible to vote. The assembly also made sweeping administrative reforms and nationalized the lands of the Roman Catholic Church to pay off public debt and attempted to reorganize the church, enacting the Civil Constitution of the Clergy, which was rejected by the pope.
Louis XVILouis XVI was the last king of France before the French Revolution.
Fine Art Images/age fotostockMany European leaders grew concerned about the events in France. They did not want the revolutionary principles to spread to their countries. In France, both radicals, eager to spread the principles of the Revolution, and the king, hopeful that war would either strengthen his authority or allow foreign armies to rescue him, supported an aggressive policy. France declared war against Austria on April 20, 1792. Prussia and Great Britain soon joined forces with Austria against France. Meanwhile, the revolutionaries occupied the Tuileries Palace, where the royal family was living, and imprisoned them.
execution of Louis XVILouis XVI was guillotined in the Place de la Révolution in Paris on January 21, 1793. ImagesThe National Convention was divided between the Girondins, who wanted to organize a bourgeois republic in France, and the Montagnards, who wanted to give the lower classes a greater share in political and economic power. The Montagnards were strengthened by reverses in France’s war with Austria, Prussia, and Great Britain, and the Girondins (who were blamed for the military losses) were driven from the National Convention.
The Montagnards taxed the rich, brought national assistance to the poor and to the disabled, and confiscated and sold the property of anyone who had emigrated from France. They were also aligned with a radical political organization called the Jacobin Club. The Jacobins made enemies of anyone who had opposed the execution of the king and who disagreed with their redistribution of wealth. In response to opposition to their economic reorganizations, the Jacobins instituted a Reign of Terror from September 1793 to July 1794. The Committee of Public Safety, which included Maximilien Robespierre as one of its leaders, had dictatorial control over the government. Over the course of just a few months, 17,000 supposed enemies of the revolution were executed, often without trial, and perhaps 10,000 more died in prison.
execution of Maximilien RobespierreMaximilien Robespierre, one of the principal figures in the French Revolution, was executed on July 28, 1794.
Classic Vision/age fotostockNapoleon BonaparteFrench general Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the government of France in a coup in 1799. He replaced it with a new government and made himself leader, known as first consul.
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French Revolution Timeline
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Causes and Effects of the French Revolution
French Revolution | Causes & Effects