Feedback controls are widely used in modern automated systems. A feedback control system consists of five basic components: (1) input, (2) process being controlled, (3) output, (4) sensing elements, and (5) controller and actuating devices. These five components are illustrated in closed-loop feedback control is often used to describe this kind of system.
. The termThe input to the system is the reference value, or set point, for the system output. This represents the desired operating value of the output. Using the previous example of the heating system as an illustration, the input is the desired temperature setting for a room. The process being controlled is the heater (e.g., furnace). In other feedback systems, the process might be a manufacturing operation, the rocket engines on a space shuttle, the automobile engine in cruise control, or any of a variety of other processes to which power is applied. The output is the variable of the process that is being measured and compared to the input; in the above example, it is room temperature.
The sensing elements are the measuring devices used in the feedback loop to monitor the value of the output variable. In the heating system example, this function is normally accomplished using a bimetallic strip. This device consists of two metal strips joined along their lengths. The two metals possess different thermal expansion coefficients; thus, when the temperature of the strip is raised, it flexes in direct proportion to the temperature change. As such, the bimetallic strip is capable of measuring temperature. There are many different kinds of sensors used in feedback control systems for automation.
The purpose of the controller and actuating devices in the feedback system is to compare the measured output value with the reference input value and to reduce the difference between them. In general, the controller and actuator of the system are the mechanisms by which changes in the process are accomplished to influence the output variable. These mechanisms are usually designed specifically for the system and consist of devices such as motors, valves, solenoid switches, piston cylinders, gears, power screws, pulley systems, chain drives, and other mechanical and electrical components. The switch connected to the bimetallic strip of the thermostat is the controller and actuating device for the heating system. When the output (room temperature) is below the set point, the switch turns on the heater. When the temperature exceeds the set point, the heat is turned off.