The modern automotive industry is huge. In the United States it is the largest single manufacturing enterprise in terms of total value of products, value added by manufacture, and number of wage earners employed. One of every six American businesses is dependent on the manufacture, distribution, servicing, or use of motor vehicles; sales and receipts of automotive firms represent more than one-fifth of the country’s wholesale business and more than one-fourth of its retail trade. For other countries these proportions are somewhat smaller, but Japan, South Korea, and the countries of western Europe have been rapidly approaching the level in the United States.
The trend toward consolidation in the industry has already been traced. In each of the major producing countries the output of motor vehicles is in the hands of a few very large firms, and small independent producers have virtually disappeared. The fundamental cause of this trend is mass production, which requires a heavy investment in equipment and tooling and is therefore feasible only for a large organization. Once the technique is instituted, the resulting economies of scale give the large firm a commanding advantage, provided of course that the market can absorb the number of vehicles that must be built to justify the investment. Although the precise numbers required are difficult to determine, the best calculations, considering both the assembly operation and the stamping of body panels, place the optimum output at between 200,000 and 400,000 cars per year for a single plant. Increasingly stringent and costly regulations aimed at correcting environmental damage due to the rising number of vehicles on the road also have been a factor in the move toward consolidation.
The structural organization of these giant enterprises, despite individual variation, resembles the pattern first adopted by General Motors in the 1920s. There is a central organization with an executive committee responsible for overall policy and planning. The operating divisions are semiautonomous, each reporting directly to the central authority but responsible for its own internal management. In some situations the operating divisions even compete with each other. The Ford Motor Company was consciously reorganized on the GM pattern after World War II; other American automotive firms have similar structures.
In addition, the largest producers decentralize their manufacturing operations by means of regional assembly plants. These permit the central factory to ship frames and components rather than complete automobiles to the areas served by the assembly plants, effecting substantial savings in transportation costs. This system was developed for the Ford company in 1911.
Some alteration of that principle took place in the 1980s and ’90s as Japanese firms built new plants around the world and American and European manufacturers adopted, to varying degrees, the Japanese “just-in-time” inventory method. Rather than stockpiling a large number of parts at the assembly plant or shipping all the parts from central locations, automakers have yielded the manufacture of many noncritical components (such as seats and wheel assemblies) to independent suppliers to make the pieces at small facilities close to the assembly plants. The components are often assembled into larger groups of parts or modules (a complete instrument panel, for example) and sent to the assembly plant in the exact sequence and at the exact time needed.
Diversity of products
The automotive industry’s immense resources in production facilities and technical and managerial skills have been devoted predominantly to the building of motor vehicles, but there has been a consistent and strong incentive to extend into related products and occasionally into operations whose relationship to automobiles is remote. The Ford Motor Company, for example, once manufactured tractors and made the famous Ford Trimotor all-metal transport airplane in the late 1920s and early ’30s. GM manufactured refrigerators and diesel-powered railway locomotives. By the end of the 20th century, however, Ford and GM had divested themselves of most of their nonautomotive operations and had spun off the majority of their automotive component-making divisions into separate stock companies—Delphi Automotive Systems in the case of General Motors and Visteon Automotive in the case of Ford.
In Europe, but to a lesser extent, automakers also divested noncore operations, while depressed economic conditions in Japan forced auto companies there to begin divorcing themselves from nonautomotive and components companies in which they had long held interests. By the late 1990s the trend was toward more international consolidation of core automotive operations.
New car development
The process of putting a new car on the market has become largely standardized. If a completely new model is contemplated, the first step is a market survey. Since there may be an interval of five years between this survey and the appearance of the new car in the dealers’ showrooms, there is a distinct element of risk, as illustrated by the Ford Motor Company’s Edsel of the late 1950s. (Market research had indicated a demand for a car in a relatively high price range, but, by the time the Edsel appeared, both public taste and economic conditions had changed.) Conferences then follow for engineers, stylists, and executives to agree on the basic design. The next stage is a mock-up of the car, on which revisions and refinements can be worked out.
Because of the increasingly competitive and international nature of the industry, manufacturers have employed various means to shorten the time from conception to production to less than three years in many cases. This has been done at GM, for example, by incorporating vehicle engineers, designers, manufacturing engineers, and marketing managers into a single team responsible for the design, engineering, and marketing launch of the new model. Automakers also involve component manufacturers in the design process to eliminate costly time-consuming reengineering later. Often the component maker is given full responsibility for the design and engineering of a part as well as for its manufacture.
Manufacturing processes
The bulk of the world’s new cars come from the moving assembly line introduced by Ford, but the process is much more refined and elaborated today. The first requisite of this process is an accurately controlled flow of materials into the assembly plants. No company can afford either the money or the space to stockpile the parts and components needed for any extended period of production. Interruption or confusion in the flow of materials quickly stops production. Ford envisioned an organization in which no item was ever at rest from the time the raw material was extracted until the vehicle was completed—a dream that has not yet been realized.
The need for careful control over the flow of materials is an incentive for automobile firms to manufacture their own components, sometimes directly but more often through subsidiaries. Yet complete integration does not exist, nor is it desirable. Tires, batteries, and dashboard instruments are generally procured from outside sources. In addition, and for the same reasons, the largest companies support outside suppliers even for items of in-house manufacture. First, it may be more economical to buy externally than to provide additional internal facilities for the purpose. Second, the supplier firm may have special equipment and capability. Third, the outside supplier provides a check on the costs of the in-house operation. American companies rely more than others on independent suppliers.
Production of a new model also calls for elaborate tooling, and the larger the output, the more highly specialized the tools in which the manufacturer is willing to invest. For example, it is expensive to install a stamping press exclusively to make a single body panel for a single model, but, if the model run reaches several hundred thousand, the cost is amply justified.
The assembly process itself has a quite uniform pattern throughout the world. As a rule, there are two main assembly lines, body and chassis. On the first the body panels are welded together, the doors and windows are installed, and the body is painted and trimmed (with upholstery, interior hardware, and wiring). On the second line the frame has the springs, wheels, steering gear, and power train (engine, transmission, drive shaft, and differential) installed, plus the brakes and exhaust system. The two lines merge at the point at which the car is finished except for minor items and necessary testing and inspection. A variation on this process is “unitized” construction, whereby the body and frame are assembled as a unit. In this system the undercarriage still goes down the chassis line for the power train, front suspension, and rear axle, to be supported on pedestals until they are joined to the unitized body structure. Most passenger vehicles today are manufactured by the unitized method, and most trucks and commercial vehicles still employ a separate frame.
Assembly lines have been elaborately refined by automatic control systems, transfer machines, computer-guided welding robots, and other automated equipment, which have replaced many manual operations when volume is high. Austin Motors in Britain pioneered with its automatic transfer machines in 1950. The first large-scale automated installation in the United States was a Ford Motor Company engine plant that went into production in 1951. A universal form of automatic control has used computers to schedule assembly operations so that a variety of styles can be programmed along the same assembly line. Customers can be offered wide choices in body styles, wheel patterns, and colour combinations.