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The fundamental objective of coal prospecting is to discover coal resources through a search. In areas where coal mining has not been previously practiced, the search process should result in obtaining coal samples that give reasonable evidence of the existence of a coal seam. Once a seam has been discovered, considerable further work is necessary in order to advance knowledge of the particular geologic aspects and the extent of the coal deposit. The term coal exploration is used to describe these activities. Coal exploration includes activities and evaluations necessary to gather data for making decisions on such issues as the desirability of further exploration, the technical feasibility of mining (including favourable and unfavourable factors), and economic feasibility (including size of mine, coal quality assessment, marketability, and preparation of mined coal for market requirements).
Geologic mapping is an important task in exploration. Mapping involves compiling detailed field notes on coal seams, strata above and below the seam, rock types, geologic structures, stream data, and man-made structures. Good maps and mapping techniques provide a means for planning and accomplishing exploration, development, reclamation, day-to-day operations, and equipment moves. Calculation of material volumes, location of physical elements, and determination of mining conditions are expedited by the use of maps. Maps also provide a method for recording data so that they can be organized and analyzed for ready reference.
Aerial photography and mapping methods (photogrammetry) are increasing in usefulness, particularly in the exploration and mining of surface deposits. Photogrammetric methods are relatively easy and inexpensive, can be adjusted to any scale, and are highly accurate in any terrain. Aerial photography can be conducted at an altitude designed to produce maps that show drainage configuration, roads, buildings, lakes, streams, timber, power lines, railroads, and fences or other features that may be missed by a ground survey.
Drilling is the most reliable method of gathering information about a coal deposit and the mining conditions. It provides physical samples of the coal and overlying strata for chemical and physical analysis.
Spatial patterns
Numerous factors are associated with a drilling program. One is the spatial pattern of the holes in an exploration area. When very large areas are being studied, hole spacings vary greatly and generally are not in any set pattern. When the program is narrowed to a specific target area, a grid pattern is most common. In areas where coal is known to exist, closely spaced drill-hole patterns are required.
Core drilling and rotary drilling
A second factor associated with a drilling program is the choice between core drilling and rotary drilling. In core drilling, a hollow drill bit is attached to a core barrel so that cylindrical samples of the strata can be obtained. (Since the drill bit is faceted with diamonds for cutting the strata, this method is also called diamond core drilling.) Photographing the cores as they come out of the hole can provide data of great reliability. In rotary drilling, the samples obtained are the chips and pulverized rock produced by the abrasive and chipping action of the drill bit. Rotary drilling is faster and comparatively less expensive than core drilling. In fact, it is not uncommon to drill down to the top of the coal seam by rotary drilling and then replace the drill tools for core drilling. In most programs, only 10 to 25 percent of the holes are actually cored for detailed information on overlying strata and coal. Coring of the coal seam itself, however, should closely approach 100 percent; if it does not, the analytical information obtained should be considered suspect.
Dozer cutting
Exploration of coal outcrops may be accomplished with dozer cuts at regular intervals. Dozer cutting provides information on the attitude of the coal and on the nature of the overburden—important factors with regard to machine operation.
Geophysical exploration
In geophysical exploration, the seismic, electric, magnetic, radiometric, and gravitational properties of earth materials are measured in order to detect anomalies that may be caused by the presence of mineral deposits. Their form of exploration may begin with airborne methods in regional and target-area investigations and continue with on-ground methods during detailed investigations. The most widely utilized airborne methods are, in increasing order of use, magnetic, magnetic plus radiometric, magnetic plus electromagnetic, and electromagnetic. These methods are almost always accompanied by aerial photography.
Ground geophysical methods have a major advantage over the airborne methods in that they are in direct contact with the earth. The principal methods are electrical, magnetic, electromagnetic, radiometric, gravimetric, and refraction-seismic. The drill-hole geophysical survey, called logging, is an important method of extending data acquisition beyond the drill hole. A combination of logging methods is advantageous: gamma-ray and density logging for identifying the type of coal present; gamma-ray (radiometric), resistivity (electric), and calliper logs for determining the thickness of the seam; and sonic and density logs for determining the condition of the roof and floor strata.