The metal and its alloys
- Key People:
- Daniel Cowan Jackling
- Alexander Agassiz
- Meyer Guggenheim
- Related Topics:
- copper
- materials processing
The major portion of the world’s production of copper is utilized by electrical industries; most of the remainder is combined with other metals to form alloys. In variety of uses, the alloys of copper surpass all other nonferrous alloys and comprise mixtures of copper with zinc, tin, nickel, aluminum, lead, manganese, and other elements.
Electrical conductors
Typical samples of electrolytic copper contain from 99.92 to 99.96 percent copper. About 0.03 percent oxygen is purposely left in the copper, since this amount slightly improves the density and conductivity of the metal. Copper in this condition has a conductivity of 100 to 102 percent of the International Annealed Copper Standard. Following this standard, 100 percent denotes a resistance of 0.15328 ohm for a length of 1 metre (39.37 inches) weighing 1 gram (0.035 ounce) at 20 °C (68 °F); this standard has been universally adopted for industrial purposes.
For making copper wire, electrolytic copper may be cast into wirebars, which are made in several standard sizes varying in weight from 60 to 225 kg (135 to 500 pounds). The wirebars are then reheated to 700 to 850 °C (1,290 to 1,560 °F) and are rolled without further reheating to rods approximately 10 mm (0.375 inch) in diameter. (Copper cathodes may be cast directly as continuous rod, thereby eliminating the intermediate stage of wirebar production.) The rod is drawn cold into wire, through dies of successively smaller diameters until the desired size is reached. The dies are usually of tungsten carbide; for finer wires, diamond dies are used.
Much copper wire is marketed in the form of bare coils; a considerable tonnage is subsequently covered with paper, fabric, rubber, plastic, or other insulating material for use in the form of covered conductors. Much of the wire is also supplied stranded; all these operations are carried out on special machines that are largely automatic in operation.
Copper cables are often covered to render them resistant to moisture. Lead covering, extruded onto the outside of the cable, often is used; hemp or metal armouring sometimes may be added for additional protection.

The electrical industries also use large quantities of bare copper strip for incorporation in electrical machinery. This ribbonlike form of the metal is produced mainly from wirebars that are rolled in a mill similar to that used for the production of wire. Copper strip of greater width and much thinner gauge also is produced in long lengths and supplied in the form of coils.
Sheet and strip
The term copper strip as distinct from copper sheet is usually applied to material less than 60 cm (24 inches) wide that is supplied in long lengths. The majority of the strip used is less than 30 cm wide. In the preliminary stages of manufacture, the copper castings are rolled hot, but in the later stages all the rolling is carried out cold, the material being coiled on drums on each side of the rolling mills. Material produced by this method is of extremely even gauge and possesses an exceptionally good surface finish. The coils can be handled easily and are in general use for the manufacture of stampings in the electrical and other industries. Copper strip is supplied in various degrees of hardness according to the rolling it has received subsequent to the last annealing. These various tempers are selected according to the amount of subsequent mechanical deformation to which they will be subjected.
Copper sheets are produced by somewhat similar methods of manufacture. In the United States the majority of copper sheets are made from electrolytic copper, but in Europe fire-refined copper is used frequently in the manufacture of sheets and plates.
Brass is an alloy consisting mainly if not exclusively of copper and zinc. The brasses may be conveniently divided into two groups according to their malleability, the dividing line being approximately the composition of 55 percent copper and 45 percent zinc. All the higher copper alloys are workable either hot or cold and in some cases both hot and cold, while the remainder are not malleable at all. The unworkable brasses, known as the white brasses, are not industrially important.
The general mechanical properties of brass vary widely; indeed, it is this wide range in tensile strength, elongation, and hardness that makes brass such an important alloy. Brass is readily drawn into fine wire, rolled into very thin strips, or drawn into tubes and extruded as rods or sections.
Bronze, an alloy formed by adding tin to copper, fuses at a lower temperature than copper and is thus better suited for casting; it also is harder and less malleable. A soft bronze or gunmetal is formed from 16 parts of copper to one of tin; a harder gunmetal, such as that used in the past for bronze cannon, contained about eight parts copper for each part of tin.
Bronze is made harder and stronger when it is alloyed with phosphorus. Alloys prepared in this way, known as phosphor bronzes, may contain only about 1 percent phosphorus in the ingot and a mere trace after casting, but their value is nevertheless enhanced for purposes in which a hard, strong metal is required, as for pumps, plungers, valves, and the bushings of bearings.
Copper also forms an important series of alloys with aluminum, classed under the general term aluminum bronzes. They may be classified into two main groups: those containing up to 7.5 percent aluminum are extremely ductile, whereas those containing 8 to 11 percent possess high tensile strength in the cast state. The ductile alloys containing less than 7.5 percent are especially useful for deep stamping, spinning, and severe cold-working of all kinds. They are useful as a substitute for brass and possess greater strength and resistance to atmospheric corrosion.
Silicon bronze usually contains about 96 percent copper. The remainder may be silicon alone, but more often a little manganese, tin, iron, or zinc also is added. These alloys were developed originally for the chemical industry because of their exceptional resistance to corrosion in many liquids. Their application later extended far beyond this field, chiefly because of their good casting qualities, strength, hardness, and ease of welding.
Manganese bronze is made in several varieties, exhibiting a range of compositions and properties. One type is in reality a brass to which a very small amount of manganese has been added as a deoxidizer, less than 0.5 percent manganese remaining in the alloy. Another kind contains 2 to 5 percent manganese together with 2 to 4 percent iron and 3 to 7.5 percent aluminum. It has exceptionally high strength and is called high-tensile manganese bronze, or manganese-aluminum bronze.