Development of gas turbines
The earliest device for extracting rotary mechanical energy from a flowing gas stream was the windmill (see above). It was followed by the smokejack, first sketched by Leonardo da Vinci and subsequently described in detail by John Wilkins, an English clergyman, in 1648. This device consisted of a number of horizontal sails that were mounted on a vertical shaft and driven by the hot air rising from a chimney. With the aid of a simple gearing system, the smokejack was used to turn a roasting spit.
Various impulse and reaction air-turbine drives were developed during the 19th century. These made use of air, compressed externally by a reciprocating compressor, to drive rotary drills, saws, and other devices. Many such units are still being used, but they have little in common with the modern gas-turbine engine, which includes a compressor, combustion chamber, and turbine to make up a self-contained prime mover. The first patent to approximate such a system was issued to John Barber of England in 1791. Barber’s design called for separate reciprocating compressors whose output air was directed through a fuel-fired combustion chamber. The hot jet was then played through nozzles onto an impulse wheel. The power produced was to be sufficient to drive both the compressor and an external load. No working model was ever built, but Barber’s sketches and the low efficiency of the components available at the time make it clear that the device could not have worked even though it incorporated the essential components of today’s gas-turbine engine.
Although many devices were subsequently proposed, the first significant advance was covered in an 1872 patent granted to F. Stolze of Germany. Dubbed the fire turbine, his machine consisted of a multistage, axial-flow air compressor that was mounted on the same shaft as a multistage, reaction turbine. Air from the compressor passed through a heat exchanger, where it was heated by the turbine exhaust gases before passing through a separately fired combustion chamber. The hot compressed air was then ducted to the turbine. Although Stolze’s device anticipated almost every feature of a modern gas-turbine engine, both compressor and turbine lacked the necessary efficiencies to sustain operation at the limited turbine-inlet temperature possible at the time.
Developments of the early 20th century
The first successful gas turbine, built in Paris in 1903, consisted of a three-cylinder, multistage reciprocating compressor, a combustion chamber, and an impulse turbine. It operated in the following way: Air supplied by the compressor was burned in the combustion chamber with liquid fuel. The resulting gases were cooled somewhat by the injection of water and then fed to an impulse turbine. This system, which had a thermal efficiency of about 3 percent, demonstrated for the first time the feasibility of a practical gas-turbine engine.
Two other devices with intermittent gas action, both developed at about the same time, deserve mention. A 10,000-revolutions-per-minute unit built in Paris in 1908 had four explosion chambers located on the periphery of a de Laval impulse turbine. Each chamber, containing air and fuel, was fired sequentially to provide a nearly continuous flow of high-temperature, high-pressure gases that were fed through nozzles to the turbine wheel. The momentary partial vacuum created by the hot gases rushing from the explosion chamber was used to draw in a new charge of air.

Of greater significance was the “explosion” turbine developed by Hans Holzwarth of Germany, whose initial experiments started in 1905. In this system, a compressor introduced a charge of air and fuel into a constant-volume combustion chamber. After ignition, the hot, high-pressure gas escaped through spring-loaded valves into nozzles directed against the blading of a turbine. The valves remained open until the gas was discharged, at which point a fresh charge was brought into the combustion chamber. Since the pressure increase in the compressor was only about one-fourth of the maximum pressure reached after combustion, the unit could operate even though the compressor efficiency was low. Holzwarth and various collaborators continued to develop the explosion turbine for more than 30 years until it was eventually superseded by the modern gas-turbine engine.
To be successful, a steady-flow engine based on the ideas first proposed by Stolze depends not only on high efficiencies (more than 80 percent) for both the rotating compressor and the turbine but also on moderately high turbine-inlet temperatures. The first successful experimental gas turbine using both rotary compressors and turbines was built in 1903 by Aegidus Elling of Norway. In this machine, part of the air leaving a centrifugal compressor was bled off for external power use. The remainder, which was required to drive the turbine, passed through a combustion chamber and then through a steam generator where the hot gas was partially cooled. This combustion gas was cooled further (by steam injected into it) to 400° C, the maximum temperature that Elling’s radial-inflow turbine could handle. The earliest operational turbine of this type delivered 11 horsepower. Many subsequent improvements led to another experimental Elling turbine, which by 1932 could produce 75 horsepower. It employed a compressor with 71-percent efficiency and a turbine with an efficiency of 82 percent operating at an inlet temperature of 550° C. Norway’s industry, however, was unable to capitalize on these developments, and no commercial units were built. The first industrial success did not come until 1936, when the Swiss firm of Brown Boveri independently developed a gas turbine for the Houdry process (see above).
Also during the mid-1930s a group headed by Frank Whittle at the British Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) undertook efforts to design an efficient gas turbine for jet propulsion of aircraft. The unit produced by Whittle’s group worked successfully during tests; it was determined that a pressure ratio of about 4 could be realized with a single centrifugal compressor running at roughly 17,000 revolutions per minute. Shortly after Whittle’s achievement, another RAE group, led by A.A. Griffith and H. Constant, began developmental work on an axial-flow compressor. Axial-flow compressors, though much more complex and costly, were better suited for detailed blade-design analysis and could reach higher pressures and flow rates and, eventually, higher efficiencies than their centrifugal counterparts.
Independent parallel developments in Germany, initiated by Hans P. von Ohain working with the manufacturing firm of Ernst Heinkel, resulted in a fully operational jet aircraft engine that featured a single centrifugal compressor and a radial-inflow turbine. This engine was successfully tested in the world’s first jet-powered airplane flight on Aug. 27, 1939. Subsequent German developments directed by Anselm Franz led to the Junkers Jumo 004 engine for the Messerschmitt Me-262 aircraft, which was first flown in 1942. In Germany as well as in Britain, the search for higher temperature materials and longer engine life was aided by experience gained in developing aircraft turbosuperchargers.
Before the end of World War II gas-turbine jet engines built by Britain, Germany, and the United States were flown in combat aircraft. Within the next few decades both propeller-driven gas-turbine engines (turboprops) and pure jet engines developed rapidly, with the latter assuming an ever larger role as airplane speeds increased.
Recent trends
Because of the significant advances in gas-turbine engine design in the years following World War II, it was expected that such systems would become an important prime mover in many areas of application. However, the high cost of efficient compressors and turbines, coupled with the continued need for moderate turbine-inlet temperatures, have limited the adoption of gas-turbine engines. Their preeminence remains assured only in the field of aircraft propulsion for medium and large planes that operate at either subsonic or supersonic speeds. As for electric power generation, large central power plants that use steam or hydraulic turbines are expected to continue to predominate. The prospects appear bright, nonetheless, for medium-sized plants employing gas-turbine engines in combination with steam turbines. Further use of gas-turbine engines for peak power production is likely as well. These turbine engines also remain attractive for small and medium-sized, high-speed marine vessels and for certain industrial applications.
Fred Landis