- Harbour also spelled:
- harbor
- Key People:
- Thomas Telford
- John Rennie
- Related Topics:
- dock
- jetty
- breakwater
- link span
- pier
Classical harbour works
Improvements to natural harbours and construction of artificial harbours were undertaken in very ancient times. There is no conclusive evidence for the date or locality of the first artificial harbour construction, but it is known that the Phoenicians built harbours at Sidon and Tyre in the 13th century bce.
The engineers of those days either knew or thought little about conservancy even as applied to the ports they constructed. Evidence is to be seen in the once thriving ports around the shores of the Mediterranean that now are not merely silent ruins but seem so far from even sight of the sea that it is difficult to imagine the presence of seagoing ships at the wharves, the alignment of which can occasionally be traced in the fertile alluvial land now occupying the site. Ephesus, Priene, and Miletus, on the Aegean shores of Asia Minor, are examples of this type of harbour disappearance, the destructive agent in each of these cases being the picturesque Meander (now the Menderes) River, whose creation of new land from the sea is readily perceivable from high ground adjacent to the river mouth. The formation of further bars is proceeding visibly—and, as there is currently no port in the vicinity whose livelihood can be threatened, it is interesting to speculate how far out to sea this process will ultimately continue in the course of the next millennium or so.
At Side, facing the island of Cyprus, the remains of an ancient breakwater, built to protect the anchorage, can still be seen, but the area enclosed between it and the advancing shoreline is now not a stone’s throw wide. In this case, not only the river in the vicinity but also littoral drift, (the movement of sediments by a current parallel to the coast), which produces and maintains extensive beaches to the east and the west, must be held partly responsible for the scale of siltation.
Of many of the ancient port structures, no physical trace remains, but knowledge of the fact that they existed and even a measure of technical description has come down through the written word. With these descriptions and the monuments that still remain, some picture may be formed of the work undertaken by the maritime civil engineers of ancient times.
Given the frailty of the craft for which they were providing, shelter from the weather was the prime consideration; and much effort was devoted to the construction of breakwaters, moles, and similar enclosing structures. Cheap labour was abundant, and the principal material used was natural stone. Surviving structures built in this way are likely to give an appearance of indestructibility, which occasionally attracts favourable comparison with the lighter, more rapidly depreciating modern structures. It is not, however, necessary to credit the engineers of antiquity with a conscious intention to build forever. Given the materials they had to use and the purposes they were implementing, they could do little else; moreover, because there was no rapid pace of advance in the development of ships or land transport, they were undisturbed by the shadow of obsolescence. In the 20th century, far from wanting to build forever, the port engineer had to be careful to avoid saddling posterity with structures that might long outlast their usefulness and turn into liabilities. The modern balance between excessive durability and dangerous frailty is one that the ancients never had to strike.
Aided by the characteristics of the material they employed, the ancients constructed maritime works on a scale that is certainly remarkable to this day. Interesting technical practices included the use by the Romans of the semicircular arch in constructing moles or breakwaters, an arrangement that allowed a measure of ingress and egress by the sea to produce a beneficial scouring action in the harbour. The Romans underpinned their structures with timber piling and frequently resorted to the construction of cofferdams (watertight enclosures) that they could dewater by the employment of Archimedean screws and waterwheels. This practice enabled them to carry out much of their foundation work in the dry; and the use of their famous hydraulic cement, pozzolana, gave their structures a durability far exceeding that afforded by the lime cement available to their predecessors.
Among the more interesting harbours of the ancient world are Alexandria, which had on the island of Pharos the first lighthouse in the world; Piraeus, the port of Athens; Ostia, the port of Rome; Syracuse; Carthage, destroyed and rebuilt by the Romans; Rhodes; and Tyre and Sidon, ports of the earliest important navigators, the Phoenicians.
Because the function of breakwaters is to absorb or throw back as completely as possible the energy content of the maximum sea waves assailing the coast, they must be structures of considerable substance. The skill of the designer of a breakwater lies in achieving the minimum initial capital cost without incurring excessive future commitments for maintenance. Some degree of maintenance is of course unavoidable.
Breakwater design
A common breakwater design is based on an inner mound of small rocks or rubble, to provide the basic stability, with an outer covering of larger boulders, or armouring, to protect it from removal by the sea. The design of this outer armouring has fostered considerable ingenuity. The larger the blocks, the less likely they are to be disturbed, but the greater the cost of placing them in position and of restoring them after displacement by sea action. Probably the least satisfactory type of armour block, frequently used because of its relative ease of construction, is the simple concrete cubic, or rectangular, block. Even the densest concrete seldom weighs more than 60 percent of its weight in air when fully immersed in seawater; consequently, such blocks may have to be as much as 30 tons (27,000 kilograms) in weight to resist excessive movement.
Boulders of suitably dense natural rock are generally much more satisfactory and, in a project completed in the United Kingdom in the 1960s, it was found by experiment, and subsequently confirmed in experience, that armouring of this type could be composed of blocks of as little as six to eight tons to resist the action of waves up to 18 feet (5 metres) in height. The same experiments showed that, to afford the same protection in the same circumstances, concrete blocks of 22 tons would have been necessary.
In such cases, an intermediate layer of smaller blocks or boulders is inserted between the armouring and the inner core to prevent the finer material in the core from being dragged out by sea action between the interstices of the armour—a process that leads to ultimate settlement and possible breaching by overtopping of the breakwater.
The increasing cost and frequent unavailability within economic distance of suitable natural rock has provoked considerable thought to the design of concrete armour units that can, by reason of their shape, overcome the disadvantages of the simple cubic, or rectangular, block. One of the most successful has been the tetrapod, a four-legged design, each leg projecting from the centre at an angle of 109 1/2° from each of the other three. Legs are bulbous, or pear-shaped, with the slightly larger diameters at the outer end. These units have the property, when placed, of knitting into each other in such a way that the removal of a single unit without the displacement of several others is almost impossible, while the interstices between them act as an absorbent of wave energy. Weights substantially less than those needed for cubic blocks are adequate in the case of tetrapods in similar storm conditions. The tetrapods can be mass-produced adjacent to the site through the employment of reusable steel forms.
It is usual to construct some form of roadway along the crest of a breakwater, even when this is not required for any other dockside purposes, to facilitate inspection and access for labour, materials, and equipment for damage repairs.
Solid breakwaters
In certain circumstances, particularly in parts of the world where clear water facilitates operations by divers, vertical breakwaters of solid concrete or masonry construction are sometimes employed. Some preparation of the seabed by the depositing and leveling of a rubble mound to receive the structure is necessary, but it is usual to keep the crest of such a mound sufficiently below the surface of the water to ensure its not becoming exposed to destructive action by breaking waves. Repulsion of the waves by vertical reflection rather than their absorption is the philosophy of protection in all such cases, but it is not possible to state categorically which arrangement produces the most economical structure.
This type of breakwater can be conveniently constructed through the use of prefabricated concrete caissons, built on shore and floated out, sunk into position on the prepared bed, and filled with either concrete or, less frequently, simple rubble or rock filling. A historical example of this arrangement was the Mulberry Harbour, built by the Allies and floated into position for the invasion of Normandy in 1944. No previous preparation of the seabed was possible, and only partial filling of the caissons had been carried out when the progress of the war rendered further operations unnecessary. Nevertheless, the fact that several of the caissons remained in position basically undamaged for nearly a decade after the invasion on this notoriously stormy coast demonstrated the possibilities of the method.
Floating breakwaters
Because of the large quantities of material required and the consequent high cost of breakwaters of normal construction, the possibility of floating breakwaters has received considerable study. The lee of calm water to be found behind a large ship at anchor in the open sea illustrates the principle. The difficulty is that, to resist being torn away in extremes of weather, the moorings for a floating breakwater must be very massive. They are therefore difficult to install and subject to such constant chafing and movement as to require substantial maintenance. Another problem arises, especially in areas of large tidal range. The unavoidable—indeed, essential—slack in the moorings may allow the breakwater to ride large waves, so that they pass underneath it carrying a considerable proportion of their energy into the area to be sheltered.
One approach to the problem is based on the concept of causing the waves to expend their energy at the line of defense by breaking on a large, floating horizontal platform.
Docks and quays
Because the principal operation to which harbour works are dedicated is transfer of goods from one transportation form to another (e.g., from ships to trucks), it follows that docks, wharves, and quays are the most important assets of a port.
Ships must lie afloat in complete shelter within reach of mechanical devices for discharging their cargoes. Although in emergencies ships have been beached for unloading purposes, modern vessels, particularly the larger ones, can rarely afford contact with the seabed without risking serious structural strain. The implications of cargo handling, as far as civil engineering works are concerned, do not differ much whether the loading and discharge are effected by shore-based cranes or by the ship’s own equipment. In either case, large areas of firm, dry land immediately alongside the ship are required; the engineer must find a way to support this land, plus any superimposed loading it may be required to carry, immediately adjacent to water deep enough to float the largest ship.
The capital cost of such works probably increases roughly in proportion to the cube of the deepest draft of ship capable of being accommodated; thus the economic challenge posed by the increase in the size of modern ships is considerable. The advent of containerization—the packaging of small units of cargo into a single larger one—has not fundamentally altered this problem, except perhaps to reduce the number of separate individual berths required and to increase greatly the area of land associated with each berth. A figure of 20 acres (8 hectares) per berth is freely mentioned as a reasonable requirement. The problem of land support at the waterline remains the same.
Gravity walls
The solution initially favoured, and indeed predominant for many years, was that of the simple gravity retaining wall, capable of holding land and water apart, so to speak, through a combination of its own mass with the passive resistance of the ground forming the seabed immediately in front of it. To ensure adequate support without detrimental settlement of the wall, to ensure its lateral stability, and to prevent problems of scour, it is necessary to carry the foundations of the wall below the seabed level—in some cases a considerable distance below. In earlier constructions, the only guide to this depth in the planning stage was previous knowledge of the ground and the acumen of the engineer in recognizing the characteristics of the ground upon seeing it. Many projects were carried out in open excavation, using temporary cofferdams to keep out the sea. In particularly unfavourable or unstable soils, accidents caused by collapse of the excavation were not unknown.
In modern practice, no such project is initiated without exhaustive exploration of the soil conditions by means of borings and laboratory tests on the samples. Continuous monitoring of the soil conditions during construction is also considered essential. Even so, accidents caused by soil instability still occasionally occur.
The material composing the walls is today almost universally concrete, plain or reinforced, according to the requirements of the design. This material has entirely superseded the heavy ashlar (natural rock) masonry at one time used for such construction, when the techniques for the large-scale production of concrete were not so well developed as they are today.
In some circumstances, particularly those in which the water is reasonably clear or the design and soil conditions do not require very deep excavation into the seabed, the construction of quay walls is adopted by means of large blocks, sometimes of stone but generally of concrete, placed underwater by divers. The economics of this method of construction are influenced by the high cost of skilled divers and by the cumbersome nature of diving equipment. The development of lightweight, self-contained equipment, which leaves the diver considerably more mobile, may relieve this problem.
Concrete monoliths
The risks and difficulties attendant on the construction of gravity walls have been avoided, in suitable conditions, through the use of concrete monoliths sunk to the required foundation depth, either from the existing ground surface or, where the natural surface slopes, from fill added and dredged from the front of the quay wall on completion. This technique amounts to the construction above the ground of quite large sections of the intended wall, usually about 50 feet square in plan, which are then caused to sink by the removal, through vertical shafts, of the underlying soil. Another lift of wall is then constructed on top of the section that has sunk, more soil is removed, and the process is repeated until the bottom has reached a foundation level appropriate to the required stability. Considerable skill is sometimes necessary in the sinking process to prevent the monoliths (usually provided with a tapered-steel cutting edge to the lowest lift) from listing, an eventuality that can occur if any part of the periphery encounters material that is particularly difficult to penetrate. Differential loading of the high side and special measures to undercut the material composing the obstruction may be necessary.
The shafts through which the excavated material is removed are generally flooded throughout the operation simply from the intrusion of the groundwater; if necessary, this water can be expelled by the use of compressed air. The excavation of difficult material in detail and in the dry can then be undertaken. It is an operation of some delicacy, because the flotation effect of the compressed air adds a further element of instability to the monolith, and a blow (sudden leakage of air) under the cutting edge may result in flooding of the working chamber. When the bottom edge of the monolith has reached the designed level, the excavation shafts are sealed by concrete plugs. The shafts themselves can then be filled, either with concrete or with dry filling to give the final wall the required mass for stability.
Concrete caisson walls
In situations in which the depth from ground level to the final dredged bottom is not excessive and the material available for retention as reclamation is of good self-supporting qualities, quay walls can be constructed of precast concrete caissons floated into position and sunk onto a prepared bed in the same manner as that described for breakwaters. Care is taken to design caissons able to withstand the thrust of the retained material, which is carefully selected for the areas immediately behind the quay wall. The conditions suitable for this form of construction are generally typical of the Mediterranean, where the slightness of the tidal variation keeps the depth required to a minimum.
In all cases of dock wall construction by concrete monolith or caisson, it is the basic structure of the wall that is provided by these means; the final superstructure, above highest tide level, will depend for its detail on the requirements for dockside services, crane tracks, and other elements.
The piled jetty
The high cost, difficulties, and possible dangers of providing dock and quay walls of the kind just described have always encouraged a search for alternative solutions that would eliminate the need for operations on or below the seabed. Of these, the earliest and most obvious is the piled jetty—its piles can be driven from floating craft and the deck and superstructure added thereto, working wholly above water. In regions in which there is a large tidal range, it may sometimes be both advantageous and necessary to take the opportunity provided by extremely low tides to make attachments to the piles for bracing and stiffening purposes. With a reasonable programming of the work, this operation can usually be done without particular difficulty, assuming that the seabed is of a composition reasonably amenable to penetration by piles to a sufficient depth to secure the lateral stability of the structure. Hard rock is not suitable, although some of the more friable rocks can be pierced by steel piles.
Piles may be of timber, reinforced concrete, or steel. Timber is a popular choice if there is a large natural supply. Lateral stiffness and stability can be achieved by using a sufficiently close spacing of the piles in both directions and adequate rigid bracing between the tops, timber being a material readily amenable to the workmanship required. Its chief drawback is lack of durability, particularly in the area between wind and water, although a timber jetty with reasonable maintenance can often resist normal operational obsolescence. There are examples of construction in which the piles are connected together by casting a reinforced-concrete slab around the heads, its soffit (underside) just below lowest water level. By this means, the timber is kept continually submerged, a condition under which its durability is prolonged. On the other hand, in tropical or semitropical waters or waters kept warm by industrial effluents, the use of timber may be inhibited by the presence of marine borers. Timber jetties have a considerable advantage in the comparative ease with which repairs to accident damage or deterioration can be effected.
Reinforced-concrete piled piers and jetties, soundly constructed, exhibit great durability. Attachment to the piles for bracing and similar purposes tends, however, to be more complicated than in the case of timber. This is a disadvantage that applies also to subsequent maintenance and repairs.
The sheet-piled quay
An extension of the piled jetty concept is a quay design based on steel sheetpiling, the design becoming increasingly popular with improvements in the detail and manufacture of the material. Steel sheetpiling consists in essence of a series of rolled trough sections with interlocking grooves or guides, known as clutches, along each edge of the section. Each pile is engaged, clutch to clutch, with a pile previously driven and then driven itself as nearly as possible to the same depth. In this way a continuous, impervious membrane is inserted into the ground. In most designs the convexity of the trough sections is arranged to face alternately to one side and the other of the line along which the membrane is driven, so that a structure of considerable lateral stiffness is built up. At the same time, a measure of flexibility in the clutches allows some angular deviation so that a membrane curved in overall plan is obtainable, a feature of considerable convenience in developing the layout of a series of wharves or quays.
The development of steel sheetpiling over the years has largely been characterized by the increasing weight and stiffness of the sections available from the rolling mills. In one design, the clutch is a separate unit from the main structural element, generally of broad-flanged or universal beam section. In this case, the clutch unit appears in a profile of two grooves, or channels, back to back, each capable of embracing the flanges of adjacent beams, which are thus locked together in a continuous sheet, or membrane, of considerable strength. Each universal section is entered, when pitched for driving, into the clutch on the previously driven section and usually carries the clutch for the next section with it. In another design, made economically possible by the advances in the technique of automatic continuous welding, rolled universal beam sections are welded by one flange into the troughs, or pans, of conventional sheet piles, the composite construction producing a unit of unique strength and stiffness.
The development of steel sheetpiling has kept ahead of the development of hammers capable of driving it, probably because the stiffer the section is, the greater the length of pile that can be incorporated in a design. The combination of heavier section and greater length demands a greater proportion of the energy delivered by the hammer being unproductively absorbed in the temporary elastic compression of the pile, leaving less energy to drive the pile further into the ground. Simply increasing the amount of energy delivered, by using a heavier hammer or a higher drop, does not necessarily provide the solution; it may only result in damage to the head of the pile without achieving greater penetration. This difficulty has been in part overcome by the use of high-strength steel piles. Nevertheless, it is not unknown for a pile to appear to be going down with little or no head damage when it is, in fact, sustaining extensive damage below seabed level that gravely compromises its efficiency as a retaining quay wall. This situation, usually the buckling of a pile, can occur particularly where the material of the seabed contains boulders or similar obstacles to penetration.
The problem has obvious major implications for the construction of quay walls and has provoked much debate among engineers. The skill of the quay designer and the advice of the soil mechanics specialist both contribute to the satisfactory reconciliation of the various conflicting factors outlined in order to achieve the most effective and economical solution.
In the normal design of sheet-piled quay or wharf wall, the sheetpiling itself forms the quay face, although it is generally found advisable to protect the piles from the impact of ships berthing by timber fenders. Vertical timbers at intervals are generally used. Horizontal walings (wooden ridges) between these timbers can also be employed, but they have a disadvantage, particularly at small wharves and with ships having their own protective belting: on a rising tide the beltings become entangled with the walings, occasioning damage or even minor disaster.
The upper part of the sheetpiling, being laterally unsupported on the sea side, is generally anchored back to resist the thrust of the retained soil. This resistance is commonly effected by using tie rods secured to anchors buried in the retained soil itself to a depth that, for reasons of overall stability, is beyond the natural slope line of the soil. As often as not, these anchors are themselves composed of lengths of sheetpiling driven, if possible, below the retained soil into the strata beneath. The mild, or alloy, steel tie rods, coated and wrapped against corrosion, can be carried through the exposed sheetpiling of the quay wall with large retaining nuts on the outside or can be secured to welded attachments at the back of the piling. The latter practice is the more commonly favoured arrangement, largely on account of its more finished appearance. The sheet-piled quay just described is completed by casting a reinforced-concrete cope beam to cover as well as contain the exposed heads of the sheetpiling.
The advantage of this type of quay wall is that the space behind the wall is not occupied—as in the case of the suspended pile-supported deck—by a monolithic, fully structural element, the arrangements of which can be disturbed for subsequent modification of the services layout only at some cost and usually by a potentially complicated design operation. As in the case of a gravity wall, the space can be filled with suitable material that can subsequently be treated, for all intents and purposes, as natural ground in which service ducts can be buried if required. This arrangement is often an advantage in the case of freshwater mains for firefighting or watering ships because they can thus be protected from frost. Alternatively, it is possible to place concrete-lined service and cable trenches in this material, sometimes conveniently by the use of precast sections, because the ground loads imposed are seldom sufficient to give rise to serious settlement problems.
Structural reinforcement
Identifiable structural loading—arising, for example, from crane tracks—can be supported on reinforced-concrete beams on piles driven through the filling to the strata beneath. Dockside railways, a decreasing requirement because of the transfer of much shore-to-ship delivery to road vehicles, need not necessarily have piled support, because the loading from these can be spread to remain within the bearing capacity of the filling. Some settlement is bound to take place, and the need for compensating by packing up and releveling of the track has the incidental disadvantage of breaking up the surfacing of the quay, which is almost always provided to facilitate quayside access by road vehicles.
Sheet-pile quay walls are readily applicable to sites at which only relatively shallow or medium-depth water alongside is needed. As the required depth increases, a sheet-pile section of sufficient strength and stiffness to hold the retained material without further assistance becomes impractical from the point of view of handling and driving. A solution increasingly favoured is the so-called Dutch quay. In this design, after the line of sheetpiling has been driven using one of the heavier and stiffer sections, the ground behind is excavated for a distance determined by the natural slope of the material to be used as filling and taken down as far as possible to lowest water level. At this level, a reinforced-concrete relieving platform is constructed up against the sheetpiling but with independent vertical support from bearing piles driven through the bottom of the excavation to an appropriate depth. Piles for crane tracks are driven at the same time as these—that is, before the construction of the relieving platform.
Filling material is returned above the relieving platform, and, although the latter now prevents further pile driving in the area, the probability of this being required is remote, whereas the retained load against the sheetpiling is much reduced. The advantages of having filled material behind the sheetpiling for installing services remain. In addition, the relieving platform affords the sheetpiling considerable help in resisting horizontal blows from the impact of berthing ships, and in order to increase this resistance some of the piles supporting the platform are often driven toward the quay face. Reinforced-concrete counterforts between the platform and the sheeting can be an additional help.
A question that hung over the use of steel sheetpiling in salt water in its early years concerned its durability in potentially hostile conditions. The rate of corrosion, particularly at the waterline or within the tidal range, varied from one locality to another according to the state of the water and the effect of such factors as salinity and industrial effluents. Precoating of the pile with a protective film such as tar or a bituminous paint is of only transient value, requiring regular renewal, and is effective only down to the lowest water level.
The confirmation of the electrochemical basis of much of the corrosion affecting steel sheetpiling led to the development of cathodic protection, a process that has wide application in many other fields, especially shipbuilding. Electrolytic corrosion arises from the passage through the piling of electric currents, causing the pile, or part of it, to become the anode, or positive pole, in what amounts to a galvanic cell, or battery. In such a cell, metal is normally removed from the anode and may reappear on the cathode, or negative pole, which remains unaffected. These currents in sheetpiling may arise from stray leakages from adjacent electrical installations or be generated within the pile itself by differences in the electrolytic conditions at differing levels on the pile.
Cathodic protection is a means whereby cathodic polarity is imposed upon the whole pile, and its operation as an anode (with consequent deterioration) is prevented. This can be done either by supplying from a suitable source—e.g., a battery—an electric current that will overcome and reverse the direction of the naturally generated current or by connecting the piling at intervals to sacrificial anodes of an element—generally aluminum or magnesium—whose atomic relationship to the steel in the piling is such as to generate a current without external assistance. These anodes are buried in the surrounding ground, and care must be taken to ensure full electrolytic continuity between them and the piling to complete the circuit. It is sometimes necessary, in order to ensure electrical continuity between the anode connections in the piling itself, to weld adjacent piles together after driving.
By whatever means cathodic protection is applied, a small liability for operational maintenance arises, either for the continuous supply of the imposed current or for the periodic renewal of the sacrificial anodes. The considerably increased durability of the structure usually justifies this.
Enclosed docks
Whenever possible, commercial quays are built open to the tide range to provide maximum freedom for shipping. There are, however, some parts of the world in which the range between low water and high water is so great that the resulting variations in the level of the ship’s decks and hatches impose unacceptable disabilities on the handling of cargo. In such circumstances the quay walls may become of such dimensions as to be uneconomical. (The net clear height of the quay walls, disregarding depth of foundations, must span the distance from the lowest seabed level acceptable for navigation at low tide to an adequate freeboard for the coping of the quay wall above the level of the highest high tide. This condition is equally applicable in cases in which only the berths themselves are made to be usable no matter what the stage of the tide.)
The problem can be met by constructing the quays as enclosed docks in which the water level is kept constant and access to the tidal areas is by means of a lock or locks. An obvious condition for the success of such an arrangement is that the strata of the bed under the enclosed dock area be sufficiently impervious to preclude any significant loss of water through the bottom during low-tide conditions. In this way the tidal range, as a limit on the height of the quay walls, can be eliminated.
Apart from the fact that they have gates at each end, the structure of maritime navigation locks and the problems involved in their design are very similar to those of dry docks. Although, in normal usage, a lock is never completely dry, it is essential that it should be designed to be capable of withstanding the stresses imposed by this condition so that it may be possible to dewater the lock completely for inspection and maintenance.
It is common practice to design enclosed docks so that the normal water level maintained is not below the highest likely high tide because the invasion of an enclosed dock by a high tide significantly above the normal water level can be disastrous.
Although enclosed docks are frequently of such an area that they can supply the lockage water lost when a ship passes through the lock without any drop in level that cannot be made up on the next high tide, it is normal to provide a measure of impounding capacity in the form of pumps for lifting additional water from outside into the dock. Such a provision is essential for situations in which it is required to keep the enclosed dock water level above the highest tide.
It has sometimes been possible to accommodate ships of larger draft than originally planned for in large but relatively old enclosed docks. This is done by installing impounding pumps for topping up the water level to give an increased depth.
Enclosed docks generally suffer the operational disadvantage of restricted times of entry and exit because they are subject to a fairly rigid tidal schedule. First of all, the lower the tide level outside, the greater the amount of water lost in the locking operation; and, second, it is seldom economically feasible to maintain full navigation depths in the approach channel to the lock entrance at all levels of the tide. This situation is particularly the case in which enclosed docks are sited adjacent to and operating from a tidal river estuary.
If possible, the access locks are usually duplicated, lest an accident involving the gates or the structure of the lock put the whole dock area out of operation. Stability calculations of the quay walls within an enclosed dock are important; in older installations such calculations may have been based on the continuing presence of water at the designed normal level, and in the event of a serious failure at the lock—resulting in a considerable drop in the water level—the stability of the quay walls could come into question.
Roll-on, roll-off facilities
An enormous increase in the use of the roll-on, roll-off technique of loading and unloading developed in the late 1960s. The principle of embarking whole vehicles under their own power was not new. The report of Hannibal ferrying his elephants over the Rhône in the 3rd century bce might be regarded as the earliest example from which the vast amphibious operations of the invasion of Normandy in 1944 were descended. Since the 1960s, however, the spectacular increase in the use of road transport for heavy freight and the increase in handling charges at ports for the loading and discharge of cargo by conventional means have combined to provide the impetus for the rapid commercial development of the roll-on, roll-off technique. In addition, the tendency to assemble machinery at its place of manufacture in larger and larger units has encouraged the development of special transport vehicles, and the economies of moving load and vehicle together from origin to destination can be considerable.
The principal problem for the port engineer is to provide special berthing for the ferry vessels and means of access for vehicles from the shore to the ship’s decks. Many roll-on, roll-off terminals for road services are in tidal water, and, where the tide range is large, access bridges of considerable length are often needed to keep the change of gradient between low and high tide within acceptable limits. The change in the ship’s trim between conditions of light loading and full loading creates yet another problem.
At first sight, the solution might appear to be to support the outer end of the link span on a float, or pontoon, so that it would automatically follow the rise and fall of the tide. Several disadvantages of structural detail arise, however, and the system is vulnerable to damage caused by the movement of the pontoon under adverse weather conditions. A means to adjust the height between the span and the supporting pontoon to accommodate changes in a ship’s trim is still required; and, therefore, the overall economies of a pontoon are less than might at first be imagined.
Thus it is almost universal practice to support the outer end of the link span from an overhead structure, either through conventional wire-rope hoisting gear or by means of hydraulic rams. The level of the end of the span can thus be continually adjusted, either automatically or by manual control, to match changes in the level of the ship’s deck, whether caused by the tide, by the trim of the ship, or by differences in deck levels between one ship and another. Maximum flexibility of access has become increasingly important with the appearance, on some services, of ships with two independent car decks, both of which must be equally accessible to the link span. This situation has sometimes been achieved by the use of double-decker link spans, a technique that has the effect of keeping the length and—unless the span is intended to carry loads on both decks simultaneously—the weight of the span to a minimum.
Maximum advantage of the roll-on, roll-off technique is gained in relatively short sea passages. On longer voyages, the idle road vehicles make the economies questionable. This problem can be overcome to some extent by embarking only semitrailers and leaving the tractive units ashore; the practice has no effect on the terminal details.
Bulk terminals
The enormous increase in the marine transit of materials in bulk, with petroleum leading the way, has given rise to the development of special terminals for the loading and discharge of such materials. The principal factor influencing the design of these installations is the still-increasing size of the ships. A single example of the effect of this change on design limits will be sufficient. The “Queen” liners, long the world’s largest ships, never drew more than 42 feet of water. Supertankers, on the other hand, when fully loaded, draw up to 72 feet. If these ships required berthing structures of the type provided for conventional cargo and passenger liners and if the formula relating the capital costs of such structures to the deepest draft were applied, the cost of building an appropriate berth for such a tanker would reach a figure more than six times the cost of the Queen Mary’s old berth. Fortunately, the high mobility of the cargo renders such drastic and expensive measures unnecessary. Heavy capacity access for individual shore-based vehicles to carry away the cargo is not required, nor does the provision of services for the relatively small crews who man these great ships present any problem. The berthing positions can therefore be sited well out from the shore in deep water, and the structure itself can be limited to that required to provide a small island with mooring devices.
In the case of oil terminals, the link to shore can be a relatively light pier or jetty structure carrying the pipelines through which the cargo is pumped ashore, with a roadway for access by no more than average-size road vehicles, which will probably be used in small numbers or even only one at a time. Because the ship itself carries the pumping machinery for delivering the cargo ashore, heavy mechanical gear for cargo handling is not required.
In the case of bulk carriers bringing solid commodities, such as iron ore, the problem is more complicated. Hoisting grabs for lifting the ore out of the holds are necessary, even though transit between ship and shore can still be effected by continuous conveyors, corresponding to pipelines. Heavier foundation work is probably necessary at the berthing point to carry this machinery, and, for this reason, ore terminals have not been built as far out in deep water as oil terminals. It seems unlikely that the size of ore carriers will reach anything like the dimensions already attained by supertankers.
The employment of piled structures to meet these requirements is almost universal, and a variety of techniques have evolved for handling and sinking into the seabed the long heavy piles required. At the sites likely to be chosen, penetration by piles may not be easy, particularly in places where most of the reasonably accessible deepwater sites tend to be located on the rockier shores.
One problem that arises is that of shelter in adverse weather conditions. While the ships themselves are reasonably robust, the relatively fragile berthing structures might break up, setting the ship loose, possibly without power immediately available, threatening disaster. As the cost of building breakwaters to protect sites in the depth of water required is likely to be prohibitive, the search has been for natural shelter. In the British Isles the sheltered creeks of the western shores, such as Milford Haven, Wales, have become valuable. Milford Haven had known little shipping other than fishing fleets since the early 19th century, but since the mid-20th century it has become home to oil and natural gas terminals, some of which supply refineries in the area.
Another aspect of the terminals is the need for protection against the effects of unavoidable collision impacts. A slight impact from a vessel of these dimensions, by reason of the large kinetic energy of such a mass, can cause considerable damage to the light berthing structure. Much ingenuity and theoretical analysis have gone into devising fendering systems that will absorb this energy. Some systems use the displacement against gravity of large masses of material disposed pendulumwise in the berthing structure as the energy absorbent; others use the distortion by direct compression, shear, or torsion of heavy rubber shapes or sections; still others rely on the displacement of metal pistons against hydraulic or pneumatic pressure. The common feature of all the devices is that at least part of the energy absorbed is not dissipated but is used immediately to return the ship to its correct berthing position. This feature is not exhibited by the older forms of fenders, which relied on the compression and, in extreme cases, on the ultimate destruction of coiled rope or timber to absorb the impact. A major question is the exact ship velocity to be allowed for, the determination of which is primarily an exercise in probability, balancing the economics of designing to a specified velocity against the cost of repairs after impacts at greater velocities. The key factor is the frequency of such impacts, which can be determined only by experience.
Dry docks
The largest single-purpose structure to be built by the maritime civil engineer is not directly connected with loading, unloading, or berthing but is indispensable to prolonging the life of ships. This is the dry dock, which permits giving necessary maintenance to the underwater parts of ships. The problem of dry-docking is aggravated by the tendency of ships to grow in size by increases in beam (width) and draft (depth below waterline) rather than in length, a process that rapidly renders many of the world’s largest dry docks useless for servicing an increasing proportion of the traffic.
A classic example is the King George V Drydock at Southampton, England. Opened in 1933, it was 1,200 feet long and 135 feet wide and was capable of accommodating the largest vessels afloat at that time—namely, the two Cunard liners Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth, each more than 80,000 tons deadweight. Later supertankers had deadweight tonnages of 135,000 tons and more, within a length of about 1,150 feet but with a beam of about 175 feet, which precluded them from entering the King George V dock. The lengthening of a dry dock would be a comparatively simple and economical operation; widening, on the other hand, would involve at least the complete demolition of one sidewall and its rebuilding to give the increased clear width to the other wall, assuming space could be made available. Increasing the depth would mean a new dock altogether, but, because tankers generally dry-dock in the unloaded condition in which their draft can be considerably less than that of a conventional ship, this problem has not so far been a practical one.
Structural requirements
Moreover, in a great many cases, the maximum state of stress in a dry dock occurs not when it is carrying the weight of the ship (always considerably less than the weight of the water occupying the dock when flooded) but when it is completely empty and subject to the pressures generated by water in the surrounding ground, particularly under the floor, the support of which may lie at a considerable depth below the level of the adjacent water table. To ensure against any tendency to lift under this pressure, the floor must either have sufficient weight in itself (1 foot, or 300 millimetres, depth of concrete will resist a little less than 21/2 feet head [depth] of water) or be designed as a structural element capable of transmitting this pressure laterally to the walls of the dry dock, which can then be designed to contribute the additional extra weight required. Obviously an operation involving both the complete rebuilding of one wall of a dry dock and the strengthening of the floor to cover an increase in its span as an inverted arch or beam is almost tantamount to the construction of a complete new dock.
The design of a dry dock probably depends more on ground conditions than does any other engineering structure, with the possible exception of large dams. Mention has been made of the need in many cases to resist upward pressures under the floor. Apart from the simple solution of using the weight of the dock structure itself for this purpose, which is not economical, devices that have been tried include “pegging” the floor to the underlying strata by means of piles or prestressed anchors and extending the floor slab itself beyond the sidewalls, thereby gaining assistance from the weight of the material filling behind the walls, which are designed to act as retaining walls to this filling. Venting of the floor to relieve water pressure can sometimes be of help provided the volume of water so released is not excessive. If it is, continuous pumping to keep the dock dry will be necessary. On sites in which water pressures do not have to be resisted, the design is generally simpler, and sufficient strength and stiffness to spread the loads from the ships’ keels over the underlying ground so as not to exceed the bearing resistance of the latter is the controlling floor-design factor.
The use of dry docks for the building rather than the maintenance of ships is a practice that has been increasingly adopted. Both the building and the launching of a ship in these circumstances can be considerably simplified. The designs of such dry docks are no different from those hitherto described.
Dry dock entrances are closed by gates of different designs, of which the sliding caisson and the flap gate, or box gate, are perhaps the most popular. The sliding caisson is usually housed in a recess, or camber, at the side of the entrance and can be drawn aside or hauled across with winch and wire rope gear to open and close the entrance. The flap gate is hinged horizontally across the entrance and lies on the bottom, when in the open position, to be hauled up into the vertical position to close the dock—a process occasionally facilitated by rendering the gate semibuoyant through the use of compressed air.
The ship type of caisson gate, a quite separate vessel floated and sunk into its final position across the entrance, is largely out of favour. Although it was comparatively easy to remove for maintenance and had the further advantage that a spare caisson could be kept in reserve in case of damage, the tie-up of capital is usually found unnecessarily expensive merely as an insurance premium.
The maximum degree of watertightness obtainable between the gate and its seating is essential if continuing and expensive operational commitments for pumping out leakage water are to be avoided. The pressure of the water outside the gate is available to provide a powerful sealing force, but special treatment of the actual contact faces is necessary to make this force fully effective. For a long time it has been held that the only satisfactory arrangement was by the use of a timber lining (generally greenheart) around the contact face on the gate, bearing against stops in the dock structure composed of granite dressed and polished to a high degree of accuracy. The increased expense of such methods and the diminishing number of skilled labourers capable of dressing the granite have led to a search for alternatives. These include such devices as the use of stainless facing bars set in concrete, in place of the dressed granite, and rubber linings on the gates themselves. While these have generally proved effective when first installed, more experience is needed to determine their durability as compared with older methods.
Keel and bilge blocks
Keel and bilge blocks, on which the ship actually rests when dry-docked, are of a sufficient height above the floor of the dock to give reasonable access to the bottom plates. Such blocks are generally made of cast steel with renewable timber caps at the contact surfaces. Individual blocks can generally be dismantled under the ship to allow access to that part of the plates, if required, and can be reassembled to take their appropriate share of the weight after the operation required has been completed. Most modern ships, particularly tankers, are of nearly square section over a large part of their middle length and can be kept upright in dry dock by the support of the bilge blocks under their bilge keels. In the most up-to-date dry docks, the bilge blocks are provided with mechanical means for traversing them across the dock and altering their height by remote control while the dock is still flooded. This arrangement permits them to be adjusted in their correct position according to the shape of the ship while the latter is still just afloat but in contact with the centre-line keel blocks. The economic advantage of this arrangement is considerable because it allows one ship to be removed and another put into the dry dock on the same opening of the gate, whereas under previous practice it would have been necessary to close the dock and pump it out to reset the bilge blocks to the known profile of the next ship. Apart from the time needed, the power consumed in pumping out a large dry dock is a considerable factor.
Because of the increasing number of ships suitable for bilge docking, the use of side shores to keep hulls upright in dry dock is a rapidly dying process, and indeed the altars provided for this purpose in dry docks of more old-fashioned design are often an embarrassment to the accommodation of a modern square-sectioned ship. Frequently this situation is remedied by cutting away some altars, an operation that must be conducted with discrimination because the removal of any quantity of material from the sidewalls may have a damaging effect on their stability.
Basic technique
Dry docks are usually constructed in open excavation in the dry, shutting out the sea by means of a cofferdam. Sometimes it is found convenient to construct the sidewalls first, in trench, next to remove the loose material between them, and then to lay the floor in stages so as not to endanger the stability of the walls before the floor is in position to give them toe support. Extensive pumping, to keep the excavations from filling with water during construction, is generally necessary.
In one rather unusual case, a dry dock for 240,000-ton tankers was constructed almost wholly under water because large fissures in the rock running through to the sea flooded the site beyond the capacity of any reasonable assembly of pumping equipment. The entire space required for the structure was therefore excavated to formation level by dredging, and the sidewalls were constructed first, using prefabricated concrete caissons sunk into place and filled with concrete. The spaces between adjacent caissons were sealed by filling with concrete in the same way. Stone aggregate, to a depth of 23 feet, was then deposited between these walls and consolidated into a concrete floor by a process of grouting in which colloidal cement grout was forced under pressure between the interstices of the aggregate, subsequently setting to form the whole into concrete. A similar process across the floor at the entrance incorporated a cofferdam of interlocking steel sheetpiling, which allowed the sill and gate hinge to be constructed in the dry. The gate, of the flap variety already mentioned, was floated and stepped into place by divers after the removal of the cofferdam. Only then was it possible to pump out the main body of the dock, which was completed by laying a reinforced concrete topping over the floor in order to provide a satisfactory working surface.
Floating dry docks
Floating dry docks have the initial advantage that they can be built and fully equipped in shipyard and factory conditions, in which their construction is not subject to unforeseen hazards arising from weather and variations in the ground conditions from those anticipated during design. The floating dock can be towed to the site, moored, and made ready for operation in a comparatively short time. Expenditure on temporary works, often a large fraction of the cost of a fixed dry dock, is also avoided.
Floating dry docks are usually fully self-contained. The sidewalls provide much of the residual buoyancy and stability required to keep the dock afloat when it has been submerged far enough to allow the entry of a ship into the docking space over the main deck. Most of the machine tools and workshop equipment required for all the normal operations of ship repair and maintenance are also housed in the walls as well as the generating plant (usually diesel driven) to supply power for the operation of the dock and its equipment. Traveling cranes, for handling material off and onto the ship, run on the tops of the sidewalls.
A floating dry dock can be moved at relatively short notice to another site, should a long-term change in shipping-traffic patterns dictate a change. This advantage may be more apparent than real, because the large work force required to man it may not be so readily transferable.
Moreover, floating dry docks tend to have large maintenance costs because the steel structure, being continually afloat, requires regular chipping and painting, as the hull of a ship does. The above-water structure presents no particular problem and can generally be given maintenance care without putting the dock out of use. The most vulnerable areas, those immediately adjacent to the waterline, can be reached by careening, a process that involves filling the water ballast tanks along one side to induce a list that lifts those on the other side part of the way out of the water. On completion, the process can be reversed for the other side.
Methods of underwater scaling and painting, or the use of limpet dams with which small areas can be covered with watertight enclosures inside of which people can work under compressed air, allow a limited measure of attention to be given to the bottom plating outside. Occasionally it is necessary to detach one of the sections of the dock, which is usually constructed in separate sections for this reason, and dry-docking it in the remainder, repeating the process until the whole dock has been renovated. This costly and tedious process is resorted to only for compelling reasons.
To give a floating dock sufficient depth of water for submerging the docking blocks below the keel of the ship to be docked, it may be necessary to dredge a berth for it. In areas subject to heavy siltation, this dredged area will almost certainly act as a silt trap. Periodic removal of the dock from the berth to allow the latter to be redredged is an additional source of expenditure in such cases. Finally, in places where the tide range is of consequence, special mooring arrangements are necessary to restrain excessive lateral drift of the dock as the mooring chains become slack on low water.
The arrangement of keel and bilge blocks is generally similar to those described for fixed dry docks.