Testing for corrosion, radiation, and biological deterioration
- Key People:
- Charles Benjamin Dudley
Testing for breakdown or deterioration of materials under exposure to a particular type of environment has greatly increased in recent years. Mechanical, thermal, or electrical property tests often are performed on a material before, during, and after its exposure to some controlled environment. Property changes are then recorded as a function of exposure time. Environments may include heat, moisture, chemicals, radiation, electricity, biological substances, or some combination thereof. Thus, the tensile strength of a material may fall after exposure to heat, moisture, or salt spray or may be increased by radiation or electrical current. Strength of organic materials may be lessened by certain classes of fungus and mold.
Corrosion testing is generally performed to evaluate materials for a specific environment or to evaluate means for protecting a material from environmental attack. A chemical reaction, corrosion involves removal of metallic electrons from metals and formation of more stable compounds such as iron oxide (rust), in which the free electrons are usually less numerous. In nature, only rather chemically inactive metals such as gold and platinum are found in pure or nearly pure form; most others are mined as ores that must be refined to obtain the metal. Corrosion simply reverses the refining process, returning the metal to its natural state. Corrosion compounds form on the surface of a solid material. If the compounds are hard and impenetrable, and if they adhere well to the parent material, the progress of corrosion is arrested. If the compound is loose and porous, however, corrosion may proceed swiftly and continuously.
If two different metals are placed together in a solution (electrolyte), one metal will give up ions to the solution more readily than the other; this difference in behaviour will bring about a difference in electrical voltage between the two metals. If the metals are in electrical contact with each other, electricity will flow between them and they will corrode; this is the principle of the galvanic cell or battery. Though useful in a battery, this reaction causes problems in a structure; for example, steel bolts in an aluminum framework may, in the presence of rain or fog, form multiple galvanic cells at the point of contact between the two metals, corroding the aluminum.
Corrosion testing is performed to ascertain the performance of metals and other materials in the presence of various electrolytes. Testing may involve total immersion, as would be encountered in seawater, or exposure to salt fog, as is encountered in chemical-industry processing operations or near the oceans where seawater may occur in fogs. Materials are generally immersed in a 5 percent or 20 percent solution of sodium chloride or calcium chloride in water, or the solution may be sprayed into a chamber where the specimens are freely suspended. In suspension testing, care is taken to prevent condensate from dripping from one specimen onto another. The specimens are exposed to the hostile environment for some time, then removed and examined for visible evidence of corrosion. In many cases, mechanical tests after corrosion exposure are performed quantitatively to ascertain mechanical degradation of the material. In other tests, materials are stressed while in the corrosive environment. Still other test procedures have been developed to measure corrosion of metals by flue or stack gases.
Materials may be tested for their reactions to such electromagnetic radiation as X rays, gamma rays, and radio-frequency waves, or atomic radiation, which might include the neutrons emitted by uranium or some other radioactive substance. Most affected by these forms of radiation are polymers, such organic compounds as plastic or synthetic rubber, with long, repeated chains of similar chemical units.

Radiation tests are performed by exposing the materials to a known source of radiation for a specific period of time. Test materials may be exposed by robot control to nuclear fuels in a remote chamber, then tested by conventional methods to ascertain changes in their properties as a function of exposure time. In the field, paint samples may be exposed to electromagnetic radiation (such as sunlight) for prolonged periods and then checked for fading or cracking.
Exposure to radiation is usually, but not always, detrimental to strength; for example, exposure of polyethylene plastic for short periods of time increases its tensile strength. Longer exposures, however, decrease tensile strength. Tensile and yield strength of a type of carbon-silicon steel increase with exposure to neutron radiation, although elongation, reduction in area, and probably fracture toughness apparently decrease with exposure. Certain wood/polymeric composite materials are even prepared by a process that employs radiation. The wood is first impregnated with liquid organic resin by high pressure. Next, the wood and resin combination is exposed to radiation, causing a chemical change in the form of the resin that produces a strengthened material.
Biological deterioration
In recent years there has been considerable activity in the new field of formulating tests to ascertain the resistance of organic materials to fungi, bacteria, and algae. Paints, wrappers, and coatings of buried pipelines, structures, and storage tanks are typical materials exposed to biological deterioration.
When biological composition of the soil in a given area is unknown, colonies or cultures of its various fungi, bacteria, or algae are isolated and incubated by standard laboratory techniques. These are then used to test materials for biological degradation or to test the effectiveness of a fungicide or bactericide. In testing for algae resistance, for example, treated and untreated strips of vinyl film—such as might be used to line a swimming pool—are immersed in growing tanks along with seed cultures of algae plants. Within three days, luxuriant algae growths appear on untreated samples.