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- Thompson Rivers University - Environmental Geology - Mining and Ore Processing (Feb. 20, 2025)
Although seldom used to form entire structures, stone is greatly valued for its aesthetic appeal, durability, and ease of maintenance. The most popular types include granite, limestone, sandstone, marble, slate, gneiss, and serpentine. All natural stone used for structural support, curtain walls, veneer, floor tile, roofing, or strictly ornamental purposes is called building stone, and building stone that has been cut and finished for predetermined uses in building construction and monuments is known as dimension stone. The characteristics required of good dimension stone are uniformity of texture and colour, freedom from flaws, suitability for polishing and carving, and resistance to weathering. This section describes the quarrying of dimension stone.
Pit geometry
Although quarrying is also done underground, using room-and-pillar techniques, most quarries involve the removal of blocks from hillsides or from an open-pit type of geometry. The first step in developing such a quarry is the removal of the vegetative cover of trees and underbrush. Next, the overburden of topsoil and subsoil is removed and stockpiled for future reclamation. The rock is quarried in a series of benches or slices corresponding to the thickness of the desired blocks. This is often on the order of 4.5 to 6 metres (about 15 to 20 feet), but, since it is actual quarry practice to take advantage of any natural horizontal seams, block thickness may vary.
The quarrying process consists of separating large blocks, sometimes called loafs, from the surrounding rock. These blocks may be 6 metres high by 6 metres deep and 12 to 18 metres (about 40 to 60 feet) long, and they may weigh in the range of 1,200 to 2,000 tons. (Such large blocks are subsequently divided into mill blocks weighing 15 to 70 tons.) The removal of blocks from the quarry has traditionally been done by one or more fixed derricks. As a result, the plan area of a quarry has been determined not only by the geometry of the deposit and the amount of overburden but also by the reach of the derrick boom. However, derricks are gradually being replaced by highly mobile front-end loaders of sufficient capacity to move, lift, and carry 30-ton mill blocks, and the layout, design, and operating procedures of quarries are being modified accordingly.
There is a very high waste factor in the quarrying of dimension stone. For some quarries the amount of usable stone is only 15 to 20 percent of that quarried. For this reason an important aspect of quarry planning is the location of the waste or “grout” pile.
Unit operations
There are a number of techniques for separating a mass of stone from the parent mass. For many years the primary technique was the wire saw, which consists of a single-, double-, or triple-stranded helicoidal steel wire about 6 mm (0.2 inch) in diameter into which sand, aluminum oxide, silicon carbide, or other abrasive is fed in a water slurry. As the wire is pulled across the surface, a groove or channel is worn in the stone. Although the wire does not do the cutting itself (this is done by the abrasive), it does wear in the process so that the width of the cut continuously decreases. If the wire breaks prior to the completion of a cut, there will be great difficulty in beginning again; hence, the wire must be sufficiently long to complete the cut. In granite quarrying, a rule of thumb is that about 27 metres (about 89 feet) of wire are used for each square metre of stone that is cut (8 feet of wire per square foot). Completing a 6-metre-high by 9-metre- (30-foot-) long cut thus requires approximately 1,450 metres (about 4,800 feet) of wire; indeed, a typical wire saw setup may require 3 to 5 km (2 to 3 miles) of wire driven by an electric motor or diesel engine and directed around the quarry by a system of sheave wheels. A single wire may make several cuts at one time by suitable sheave direction.

The advantage of wire sawing is that it produces a smooth cut that minimizes later processing and does not damage adjacent rock. The technique has largely been superseded by others, however. In hard rocks such as granite that have a significant quartz content, channels may be cut by handheld or automated jet burners. A pressurized mixture of fuel oil and air or of fuel oil and oxygen is burned in a combustion chamber similar to a miniature rocket engine, producing a high-temperature, high-velocity flame. A channel 75 to 150 mm (3 to 6 inches) wide and up to 6 metres deep can be formed.
Another technique for cutting slots involves drilling a series of long parallel holes, using pneumatically or hydraulically powered percussion drills. In line drilling, closely spaced pilot holes may be drilled first and the intervening material then removed by reaming with a larger-diameter bit. Other arrangements using special guides are also available. For softer, less-abrasive rocks, the remaining rock web between holes may simply be chipped or broached out.
Rock between less closely spaced holes (125 to 250 mm [about 5 to 10 inches] apart) can be broken rather than removed. One technique for doing this involves the use of special explosives to exert a high gas pressure against the hole walls and thereby produce a crack along the firing line. A mechanical technique for accomplishing this is the use of feathers and wedges. Feathers are two half-round pieces of steel that are inserted into all of the holes forming a side of the block. The quarry worker works down the row, inserting a wedge between each pair of feathers and then tapping the wedges with a sledgehammer. This forces pressure from the wedge to the feathers so that eventually a crack line forms. This procedure is commonly followed to form the bottom of a block and for dividing large blocks into smaller blocks. In the latter case a line of small-diameter holes only a few centimetres deep is required. In addition, special cement grouts that expand during curing, as well as special hydraulic pressurization techniques, have also been used.
A relatively new development is the diamond wire saw. This consists of a 6-mm steel carrier cable on which diamond-impregnated beads and injection-molded plastic spacers are alternately fixed. The plastic spacers protect the cable against the abrasiveness of the rock and also maintain the diamond segments on the cable. Relatively clean water serves both as the flushing medium and to cool the wire. The initiation of a cut requires two boreholes 40 to 90 mm (1.6 to 3.5 inches) in diameter. One hole is drilled down from the upper corner of the block, and the other is drilled horizontally along the bottom to intersect the vertical hole. The wire is strung through the holes, and a driving mechanism supplies the power to move the wire and apply the proper tension. The diamond wire cut is very narrow (thus reducing waste), and it does not produce cracks or fissures in the stone. Moreover, once the saw is set up, an operator is not required.
Large chain saws, similar to those used for cutting trees but equipped with tungsten carbide or diamond-tipped cutters, are applicable to marbles, limestones, travertines, shales such as slate, and some types of sandstone. The chain, made up of removable links that carry the tool holders, rides in a channel with replaceable walls and bottom. The machine is self-propelled through a rack-and-pinion mechanism along modular track sections.
Channels may be cut in the stone by high-pressure jets of water with or without the addition of an abrasive substance. Water is forced through a small-diameter nozzle at extremely high velocity, creating new cracks and penetrating small natural cracks. In the process, thin layers of rock are sliced away. The advantages of water-jet channeling are that it cuts narrow, straight channels with very little noise and that it does not damage the wall surface.