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A number of key technological milestones have been achieved by working pioneers. Molecular beam epitaxy, invented by Alfred Cho and John Arthur at Bell Labs in 1968 and developed in the 1970s, enabled the controlled deposition of single atomic layers. This tool provided for nanostructuring in one dimension as atomic layers were grown one upon the next. It subsequently became important in the area of compound semiconductor device fabrication. For example, sandwiching one-nanometre-thick layers of nonmagnetic-sensor materials between magnetic layers in computer disk drives resulted in large increases in storage capacity, and a similar use of nanostructuring resulted in more energy-efficient semiconductor lasers for use in compact disc players.
In 1981 Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer developed the scanning tunneling microscope at IBM’s laboratories in Switzerland. This tool provided a revolutionary advance by enabling scientists to image the position of individual atoms on surfaces. It earned Binnig and Rohrer a Nobel Prize in 1986 and spawned a wide variety of scanning probe tools for nanoscale observations.
The observation of new carbon structures marked another important milestone in the advance of nanotechnology, with Nobel Prizes for the discoverers. In 1985 Robert F. Curl, Jr., Harold W. Kroto, and Richard E. Smalley discovered the first fullerene, the third known form of pure carbon (after diamond and graphite). They named their discovery buckminsterfullerene (“buckyball”) for its resemblance to the geodesic domes promoted by the American architect R. Buckminster Fuller. Technically called C60 for the 60 carbon atoms that form their hollow spherical structure, buckyballs resemble a football one nanometre in diameter (see ). In 1991 Sumio Iijima of NEC Corporation in Japan discovered carbon nanotubes, in which the carbon ringlike structures are extended from spheres into long tubes of varying diameter. Taken together, these new structures surprised and excited the imaginations of scientists about the possibilities of forming well-defined nanostructures with unexpected new properties.
The scanning tunneling microscope not only allowed for the imaging of atoms by scanning a sharp probe tip over a surface, but it also allowed atoms to be “pushed” around on the surface. With a slight bias voltage applied to the probe tip, certain atoms could be made to adhere to the tip used for imaging and then to be released from it. Thus, in 1990 Donald Eigler spelled out the letters of his company’s logo, IBM, by moving 35 xenon atoms into place on a nickel surface. This demonstration caught the public’s attention because it showed the precision of the emerging nanoscale tools.
Properties at the nanoscale
At nanoscale dimensions the properties of materials no longer depend solely on composition and structure in the usual sense. Nanomaterials display new phenomena associated with quantized effects and with the preponderance of surfaces and interfaces.
Quantized effects arise in the nanometre regime because the overall dimensions of objects are comparable to the characteristic wavelength for fundamental excitations in materials. For example, electron wave functions (see also de Broglie wave) in semiconductors are typically on the order of 10 to 100 nanometres. Such excitations include the wavelength of electrons, photons, phonons, and magnons, to name a few. These excitations carry the quanta of energy through materials and thus determine the dynamics of their propagation and transformation from one form to another. When the size of structures is comparable to the quanta themselves, it influences how these excitations move through and interact in the material. Small structures may limit flow, create wave interference effects, and otherwise bring into play quantum mechanical selection rules not apparent at larger dimensions.
Electronic and photonic behaviour
Quantum mechanical properties for confinement of electrons in one dimension have long been exploited in solid-state electronics. Semiconductor devices are grown with thin layers of differing composition so that electrons (or “holes” in the case of missing electron charges) can be confined in specific regions of the structure (known as quantum wells). Thin layers with larger energy bandgaps can serve as barriers that restrict the flow of charges to certain conditions under which they can “tunnel” through these barriers—the basis of resonant tunneling diodes. Superlattices are periodic structures of repeating wells that set up a new set of selection rules which affect the conditions for charges to flow through the structure. Superlattices have been exploited in cascade lasers to achieve far infrared wavelengths. Modern telecommunications is based on semiconductor lasers that exploit the unique properties of quantum wells to achieve specific wavelengths and high efficiency.
The propagation of photons is altered dramatically when the size and periodicity of the transient structure approach the wavelength of visible light (400 to 800 nanometres). When photons propagate through a periodically varying dielectric constant—for example, semiconductor posts surrounded by air—quantum mechanical rules define and limit the propagation of the photons depending on their energy (wavelength). This new behaviour is analogous to the quantum mechanical rules that define the motion of electrons through crystals, giving bandgaps for semiconductors. In one dimension, compound semiconductor superlattices can be grown epitaxially with the alternating layers having different dielectric constants, thus providing highly reflective mirrors for specific wavelengths as determined by the repeat distance of layers in the superlattice. These structures are used to provide “built-in” mirrors for vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers, which are used in communications applications. In two and three dimensions, periodic structures known as photonic crystals offer additional control over photon propagation.
Photonic crystals are being explored in a variety of materials and periodicities, such as two-dimensional hexagonal arrays of posts fabricated in compound semiconductors or stacked loglike arrays of silicon bars in three dimensions. The dimensions of these structures depend on the wavelength of light being propagated and are typically in the range of a few hundred nanometres for wavelengths in the visible and near infrared. Photonic crystal properties based on nanostructured materials offer the possibility of confining, steering, and separating light by wavelength on unprecedented small scales and of creating new devices such as lasers that require very low currents to initiate lasing (called near-thresholdless lasers). These structures are being extensively investigated as the tools for nanostructuring materials are steadily advancing. Researchers are particularly interested in the infrared wavelengths, where dimensional control is not as stringent as at the shorter visible wavelengths and where optical communications and chemical sensing provide motivation for potential new applications.
Magnetic, mechanical, and chemical behaviour
Nanoscale materials also have size-dependent magnetic behaviour, mechanical properties, and chemical reactivity. At very small sizes (a few nanometres), magnetic nanoclusters have a single magnetic domain, and the strongly coupled magnetic spins on each atom combine to produce a particle with a single “giant” spin. For example, the giant spin of a ferromagnetic iron particle rotates freely at room temperature for diameters below about 16 nanometres, an effect termed superparamagnetism. Mechanical properties of nanostructured materials can reach exceptional strengths. As a specific example, the introduction of two-nanometre aluminum oxide precipitates into thin films of pure nickel results in yield strengths increasing from 0.15 to 5 gigapascals, which is more than twice that for a hard bearing steel. Another example of exceptional mechanical properties at the nanoscale is the carbon nanotube, which exhibits great strength and stiffness along its longitudinal axis.
The preponderance of surfaces is a major reason for the change in behaviour of materials at the nanoscale. Since up to half of all the atoms in nanoparticles are surface atoms, properties such as electrical transport are no longer determined by solid-state bulk phenomena. Likewise, the atoms in nanostructures have a higher average energy than atoms in larger structures, because of the large proportion of surface atoms. For example, catalytic materials have a greater chemical activity per atom of exposed surface as the catalyst is reduced in size at the nanoscale. Defects and impurities may be attracted to surfaces and interfaces, and interactions between particles at these small dimensions can depend on the structure and nature of chemical bonding at the surface. Molecular monolayers may be used to change or control surface properties and to mediate the interaction between nanoparticles.
Surfaces and their interactions with molecular structures are basic to all biology. The intersection of nanotechnology and biotechnology offers the possibility of achieving new functions and properties with nanostructured surfaces. In this surface- and interface-dominated regime, biology does an exquisite job of selectively controlling functions through a combination of structure and chemical forces. The transcription of information stored in genes and the selectivity of biochemical reactions based on chemical recognition of complex molecules are examples where interfaces play the key role in establishing nanoscale behaviour. Atomic forces and chemical bonds dominate at these dimensions, while macroscopic effects—such as convection, turbulence, and momentum (inertial forces)—are of little consequence.