Design and operation
Pipeline design includes a selection of the route traversed by the pipe, determination of the throughput (i.e., the amount of fluid or solids transported) and the operational velocity, calculation of pressure gradient, selection of pumps and other equipment, determination of pipe thickness and material (e.g., whether to use steel, concrete, cast iron, or PVC pipe), and an engineering economic analysis and a market analysis to determine the optimum system based on alternate designs. In each design, careful consideration must be given to safety, leak and damage prevention, government regulations, and environmental concerns.
A pipeline is a system that consists of pipes, fittings (valves and joints), pumps (compressors or blowers in the case of gas pipelines), booster stations (i.e., intermediate pumping stations placed along the pipeline to house pumps or compressors), storage facilities connected to the pipe, intake and outlet structures, flowmeters and other sensors, automatic control equipment including computers, and a communication system that uses microwaves, cables, and satellites. Booster stations are needed only for long pipelines that require more than one pumping station. The distance between booster stations for large pipelines is on the order of 50 miles. Special pipelines that transport cryogenic fluids, such as liquefied natural gas and liquid carbon dioxide, must have refrigeration systems to keep the fluid in the pipe below critical temperatures.
Construction of pipelines involves route survey, ditching or trenching, transporting the pipes, fittings, and other materials to the site, stringing the pipes along the ditch, bending steel pipes in the field to suit local topography, applying coating and wrapping to steel pipes, joining pipes together either before or after they are lowered into the trench (this depends on the type of pipes used), checking for possible welding flaws or leakage at the joints, and then covering trenches by soil and restoration of the land to its original appearance. For long pipelines, construction is done in segments so that one segment of the pipeline is completed before construction proceeds to the next. This minimizes the time that any given place is disturbed by construction activities. Even for large pipelines, construction for any segment is usually completed within six months and often in much less time. Small pipelines can be constructed in days.
When a pipeline must cross a river or creek, the pipe can be either attached a to a bridge, laid on the streambed underwater, or bored through the ground underneath the river. Modern boring machines allow convenient pipeline crossing of rivers and roads.
Modern long-distance pipelines are operated mainly automatically by a computer at the headquarters of the pipeline company. The computer monitors the pressure, flow rates, and other parameters at various locations along the pipe, performs many on-line computations, and sends commands to the field to control the operation of the valves and pumps. Manual intervention is frequently needed to modify the automatic operation, as when different batches of fuels are directed to different temporary storage tanks, or when the system must be shut down or restarted.

The safety of pipelines depends to a large extent on the materials transported. Pipelines that transport water or use water to transport coarse solids, such as hydraulic capsule pipelines, do not explode or pollute the environment in the event of pipe rupture or spill. They pose few safety or environmental hazards. Crude-oil pipelines, when ruptured, do not explode but may pollute waters and soil. Natural gas pipelines and product pipelines that contain highly volatile liquids such as gasoline may explode in a spill; they deserve the greatest safety considerations. Even in this case, however, it is generally accepted that the safest way to transport petroleum and natural gas is by pipeline. To use other modes such as truck or railroad to transport such fuel would be far more dangerous and costly.
Even though pipelines have the best safety record of all transportation modes, in the United States pipeline safety is still a major concern of the government and the public owing to occasional spills and accidents. As a result, a major emphasis of pipeline operations in the United States is safety. Many measures are taken to prevent and detect ruptures and leaks and to correct problems whenever they occur.
In the United States about half of all pipeline accidents are caused by a third party, as, for instance, a builder damaging a pipe while digging the foundation of a house. Consequently, pipeline companies make special efforts to educate the public about pipeline safety and inform cities and construction groups about the locations of underground pipelines in order to reduce third-party damage.
The second leading cause of pipeline failure is corrosion, which is an electrochemical process caused by the contact of metal pipe with wet soil (external corrosion) and with the fluid in the pipe if the fluid is corrosive or contains water with dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, or hydrogen sulfide (internal corrosion). Pipeline companies take many measures to prevent corrosion, such as covering underground pipelines with tape and using cathodic protection against external corrosion and adding special chemicals (corrosion inhibitants) to the fluid to prevent internal corrosion. Hydrazine (N2H4) and sodium sulfite (Na2SO3) are two chemicals commonly used to control internal corrosion of metal pipes that carry water. The chemicals reduce corrosion by reacting with and hence removing the dissolved oxygen in water.
Finally, detection of leaks is done by computer monitoring of abnormal flow rates and pressure and by flying aircraft along pipelines for visual inspection. Special “pigs” are also sent through pipelines to detect possible flaws of the pipeline walls and signs of corrosion. Highly corroded pipes are replaced before a leak develops. Often referred to as “smart pigs,” these carry instruments that detect cracks and corrosion of pipeline interiors.
Henry Liu