Kinetic pumps.
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- centrifugal pump
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- kinetic pump
- vacuum pump
Kinetic pumps can be divided into two classes, centrifugal and regenerative. In kinetic pumps a velocity is imparted to the fluid. Most of this velocity head is then converted to pressure head. Even though the first centrifugal pump was introduced about 1680, kinetic pumps were little used until the 20th century.
Centrifugal pumps include radial, axial, and mixed flow units. A radial flow pump is commonly referred to as a straight centrifugal pump; the most common type is the volute pump, illustrated in
. Fluid enters the pump near the axis of an impeller rotating at high speed. The fluid is thrown radially outward into the pump casing. A partial vacuum is created that continuously draws more fluid into the pump.Volute centrifugal pumps are robust and relatively inexpensive, quiet, and dependable, and their performance is relatively unaffected by corrosion and erosion. They are compact, simple in construction, and do not require inlet and outlet check valves.
Volute centrifugal pumps can pump liquids containing solid particles, but, when pumping liquids containing more than a small amount of vapour, their suction is broken by cavitation. Volute centrifugal pumps operate best when pumping relatively nonviscous liquids, and their capacity is greatly reduced when used to pump viscous liquids.
Another type of radial flow centrifugal pump is the diffuser pump, in which, after the fluid has left the impeller, it is passed through a ring of fixed vanes that diffuse the liquid, providing a more controlled flow and a more efficient conversion of velocity head into pressure head.
In axial flow centrifugal pumps the rotor is a propeller. Fluid flows parallel to the axis as illustrated in . Diffusion vanes are located in the discharge port of the pump to eliminate the rotational velocity of the fluid imparted by the propeller. Axial flow compressors are also used to pump gases. In mixed flow pumps, fluid is discharged both radially and axially into a volute-type casing.
A regenerative pump is also called a turbine, or peripheral, pump. The impeller has vanes on both sides of the rim that rotate in a ringlike channel in the pump’s casing. The fluid does not discharge freely from the tip of the impeller but is recirculated back to a lower point on the impeller diameter. This recirculation, or regeneration, increases the head developed. Because of close clearances, regenerative pumps cannot be used to pump liquids containing solid particles. They can pump liquids containing vapours and gases, and in fact they can pump gases provided that they contain sufficient liquid to seal the close clearances. Regenerative pumps are suitable only for pumping mobile liquids.
Electromagnetic pumps.
These can be used only to pump fluids that are good electrical conductors. The pipe carrying the fluid is placed in a magnetic field and a current passed crosswise through the fluid, so that it is subjected to an electromagnetic force in the direction of the flow. The current and the field can be produced in a variety of ways. The principle of the electromagnetic pump is the same as that of the electric motor. Electromagnetic pumps are used for pumping liquid metals, which are used for cooling nuclear reactors.
Other types of pumps. Gas lifts are used to raise liquids from the bottoms of wells. Compressed gas is introduced into the liquid near the bottom of the well as in . The resulting mixture of gas and liquid is lighter and more buoyant than the liquid alone so that the mixture rises and is discharged. Gas lifts have no moving parts, and they can be used to pump liquids containing solid particles. Although air, or gas, lifts are now little-used, they were once widely used for pumping water, brine, and oil.
In the jet ejector pump, fluid passes through a venturi nozzle (see venturi tube) and develops a suction that causes a second stream of fluid to be entrained. In the aspirator pump, water flows through a venturi nozzle and develops a suction for drawing in air. Steam ejectors are widely used for pumping large volumes of vapours and gases at low pressures. Steam at high velocity enters the main body of the pump and transfers some of its momentum to the gas, which is sucked in from the inlet line. A mixture of steam and gas enters the main venturi nozzle known as the diffuser. Kinetic energy is converted to pressure energy, and the mixture of steam and gas is compressed. Thus, energy in the steam is used to compress gas from a low to a higher pressure. Jet ejector pumps have been used since about 1850.
The hydraulic ram pump uses the energy of a downward-flowing stream of water to lift a proportion of the water to a higher level. Flowing water in the inlet pipe causes a check valve to close. As in a water hammer (in which a flow of water is suddenly stopped, producing a hammering action), kinetic energy is converted to pressure energy, and a second check valve is opened to allow some water into the air chamber and up the discharge pipe. The pressure falls in the inlet water pipe, and the first check valve reopens. The compressed air closes the check valve to the air chamber, and the whole cycle is repeated. Approximately 15 percent of the water flowing in the inlet pipe may be raised to a height of five times the fall in the inlet pipe. Hydraulic ram pumps were developed in the late 18th century and are still used in some domestic water systems.
Vacuum pumps are simply compressors that take in gas at a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure, compress it, and discharge the gas at atmospheric pressure. Since gas at low pressures has a large volume, vacuum pumps tend to be bulky. Steam jet ejectors are extensively used industrially for creating vacuum. Reciprocating piston and rotary-vane pumps are also widely used for producing vacuum.