Radar imaging
Radar can distinguish one kind of target from another (such as a bird from an aircraft), and some systems are able to recognize specific classes of targets (for example, a commercial airliner as opposed to a military jet fighter). Target recognition is accomplished by measuring the size and speed of the target and by observing the target with high resolution in one or more dimensions. Propellers and jet engines modify the radar echo from aircraft and can assist in target recognition. The flapping of the wings of a bird in flight produces a characteristic modulation that can be used to recognize that a bird is present or even to distinguish one type of bird from another.
Cross-range resolution obtained from Doppler frequency, along with range resolution, is the basis for synthetic aperture radar (SAR). SAR produces an image of a scene that is similar, but not identical, to an optical photograph. One should not expect the image seen by radar “eyes” to be the same as that observed by optical eyes. Each provides different information. Radar and optical images differ because of the large difference in the frequencies involved; optical frequencies are approximately 100,000 times higher than radar frequencies.
SAR can operate from long range and through clouds or other atmospheric effects that limit optical and infrared imaging sensors. The resolution of a SAR image can be made independent of range, an advantage over passive optical imaging where the resolution worsens with increasing range. Synthetic aperture radars that map areas of the Earth’s surface with resolutions of a few metres can provide information about the nature of the terrain and what is on the surface.
A SAR operates on a moving vehicle, such as an aircraft or spacecraft, to image stationary objects or planetary surfaces. Since relative motion is the basis for the Doppler resolution, high resolution (in cross range) also can be accomplished if the radar is stationary and the target is moving. This is called inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR). Both the target and the radar can be in motion with ISAR.
A basic radar system
The antenna. In a sense, an antenna acts as a “transducer” to couple electromagnetic energy from the transmission line to radiation in space, and vice versa. The duplexer permits alternate transmission and reception with the same antenna; in effect, it is a fast-acting switch that protects the sensitive receiver from the high power of the transmitter.
shows the basic parts of a typical radar system. The transmitter generates the high-power signal that is radiated by the
The receiver selects and amplifies radar echoes so that they can be displayed on a television-like screen for the human operator or be processed by a computer. The signal processor separates the signals reflected by possible targets from unwanted clutter. Then, on the basis of the echo’s exceeding a predetermined value, a human operator or a digital computer circuit decides whether a target is present.
Once it has been decided that a target is present and its location (in range and angle) has been determined, the track of the target can be obtained by measuring the target location at different times. During the early days of radar, target tracking was performed by an operator marking the location of the target “blip” on the face of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) display with a grease pencil. Manual tracking has been largely replaced by automatic electronic tracking, which can process hundreds or even thousands of target tracks simultaneously.
The system control optimizes various parameters on the basis of environmental conditions and provides the timing and reference signals needed to permit the various parts of the radar to operate effectively as an integrated system. Further descriptions of the major parts of a radar system are given below.
A widely used form of radar antenna is the parabolic reflector, the principle of which is shown in cross section in part A of the . A horn antenna (not shown) or other small antenna is placed at the focus of the parabola to illuminate the parabolic surface of the reflector. After being reflected by this surface, the electromagnetic energy is radiated as a narrow beam. A paraboloid, which is generated by rotating a parabola about its axis, forms a symmetrical beam called a pencil beam. A fan beam, one with a narrow beamwidth in azimuth and a broad beamwidth in elevation, can be obtained by illuminating an asymmetrical section of the paraboloid. An example of an antenna that produces a fan beam is shown in the .
The half-wave dipole (see part B of the figure), whose dimension is one-half of the radar wavelength, is the classic type of electromagnetic antenna. A single dipole is not of much use for radar, since it produces a beamwidth too wide for most applications. Radar requires a narrow beam (a beamwidth of only a few degrees) in order to concentrate its energy on the target and to determine the target location with accuracy. Such narrow beams can be formed by combining many individual dipole antennas so that the signals radiated or received by each elemental dipole are in unison, or in step. (The radar engineer would say that the signals are “in phase” with one another or that they are coherently added together.) This is called a phased-array antenna, the basic principle of which is shown in part C of the figure.
The phase shifters at each radiating antenna-element change (or shift) the phase of the signal, so that all signals received from a particular direction will be in step with one another. As a result, the signals received at the elements add together without theoretical loss. Similarly, all signals radiated by the individual elements of the antenna will be in step with one another in some specific direction. Changing the phase shift at each element alters the direction of the antenna beam. An antenna of this kind is called an electronically steered phased-array. It allows rapid changes in the position of the beam without moving large mechanical structures. In some systems the beam can be changed from one direction to another within microseconds.
The individual radiating elements of a phased-array antenna need not be dipoles; various other types of antenna elements also can be used. For example, slots cut in the side of a waveguide are common, especially at the higher microwave frequencies. In a radar that requires a one-degree pencil-beam antenna, there might be about 5,000 individual radiating elements (the actual number depends on the particular design). The phased-array radar is more complex than radar systems that employ reflector antennas, but it provides capabilities not otherwise available.
Since there are many control points (each individual antenna element) in a phased-array, the radiated beam can be shaped to give a desired pattern to the beam. Controlling the shape of the radiated beam is important when the beam has to illuminate the airspace where aircraft are found but not illuminate the ground, where clutter echoes are produced. Another example is when the stray radiation (called antenna sidelobes) outside the main beam of the antenna pattern must be minimized.
The electronically steered phased-array is attractive for applications that require large antennas or when the beam must be rapidly changed from one direction to another. Satellite surveillance radars and long-range ballistic-missile-detection radars are examples that usually require phased-arrays. The U.S. Army’s Patriot battlefield air-defense system and the U.S. Navy’s Aegis system for ship air defense also depend on the electronically steered phased-array antenna.
The phased-array antenna is also used in some applications without the phase shifters shown in part C of the figure. The beam is steered by the mechanical movement of the entire antenna. Antennas of this sort are preferred over the parabolic reflector for airborne applications (see the
), in land-based air-surveillance radars requiring multiple beams (as in the so-called 3D radars, which measure elevation angle in addition to azimuth and range), and in applications that require ultralow antenna sidelobe radiation.