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As the vessel nears completion a number of tests are made. The naval architect makes a careful assessment of the weight of the finished ship and checks its stability and loading particulars by reference to data for the ship’s lightweight and centre of gravity, obtained from a simple inclining experiment. The inclining test also provides a check on calculations.
Before the official sea trials, dockside trials are held for the preliminary testing of main and auxiliary machinery. Formal speed trials, necessary to fulfill contract terms, are often preceded by a builder’s trial. Contract terms usually require the speed to be achieved under specified conditions of draft and deadweight, a requirement met by runs made over a measured course.
It is usual to conduct a series of progressive speed trials, when the vessel’s performance over a range of speeds is measured. The essential requirements for a satisfactory measured course are: adequate depth of water; freedom from sea traffic; sheltered, rather than exposed, waters; and clear marking posts to show the distance. Whenever possible, good weather conditions are sought. With a hull recently docked, cleaned, and painted, sea-trial performance can provide a valuable yardstick for assessing performance in service. Ideally, the ship should be run on trial in the fully loaded condition; but this is difficult to achieve with most dry-cargo ships. It is, however, comparatively simple to arrange in oil tankers, by filling the cargo tanks with seawater. Large vessels with a low displacement–power ratio must cover a considerable distance before steady speed can be attained; hence they need to make a long run before entering upon the measured distance.
Cuthbert Coulson Pounder J.F.C. Conn