Motion-picture recording
Telecine, the recording on videotape of films originally produced for the cinema, is an important activity in television broadcasting, in the videotape rental market, and even in the home-movie market. In this technique the film is projected onto an image sensor for conversion into a video signal. Telecine film projectors fall into two classes, continuous and intermittent, according to the type of film motion.
The continuous projector
In the continuous projector, a scanning spot from a flying spot camera tube (described above) is passed through a rotating optical system, known as an immobilizer, which focuses the spot on the motion-picture film. As the film moves continuously through the projector, the immobilizer causes the scanning pattern as a whole to follow the motion of the film frame, so that there is no relative motion between pattern and frame. The light passes through the film to a photosensor where the light, modified by the transmissibility of the film at each point, produces the picture signal. As one film frame moves out of the range of the immobilizer, the next moves into range, and there is a condition of overlap between successive scanning patterns.
The optics are so arranged that the amount of light in the spot focused on the film is constant at all times and in all positions. This constancy permits the film to be moved at any desired speed, while the pattern scans at the standard rate of 25 or 30 pictures per second. The film is actually moved at the standard rate for motion pictures, 24 frames per second, so the speed of objects and pitch of the accompanying sounds (picked up from the sound track by conventional methods) are reproduced at the intended values.
The intermittent projector
In the intermittent projector, which more nearly resembles the type used in theatre projection, each frame of film is momentarily held stationary in the projector while a brief flash of light is passed through it. The light (which passes simultaneously through all parts of the film frame) is focused on the sensitive surface of a storage-type imager, such as the Vidicon (described in the section Camera image sensors: Electron tubes). The light flashes are timed to occur during the intervals between successive field scans—that is, while the extinguished scanning spot is moving from the bottom to the top of the frame. The light is strong enough to produce an intense electrical image in the tube during this brief period. The electrical image is stored and then is scanned during the next scanning field, producing the picture signal for that field. Light is again admitted between fields, and the stored image is scanned thereupon by the second field. When one film frame has been thus scanned, it is pulled down by a claw mechanism and the next frame takes its place.
In Europe and other areas where the television scanning rate is 25 picture scans per second, it has been the custom to operate intermittent projectors also at 25 frames per second, or about 4 percent faster than the intended film projection rate of 24 frames per second. The corresponding increases in speed of motion and sound pitch are not so great as to introduce unacceptable degradations of the performance. In the United States and other areas where television scanning occurs at 30 frames per second, it is not feasible to run the film projector at 30 film frames per second, since this would introduce speed and pitch errors of 25 percent. Fortunately, a small common factor, 6, relates the scan rate of 30 and the film projection rate of 24 frames per second. That is, 4 film frames consume the same time as 5 scanning frames. Thus, if 4 film frames pass through the projector while 5 complete picture scans (10 fields) are completed, both the film motion and the scanning will proceed at the standard rates. The two functions are kept in step by holding 1 film frame for 3 scanning fields, the next frame for 2 scans, the next for 3 scans, and so on.