Future trends in underground construction
Environmental and economic factors
Improvement of surface environment
Unexpectedly rapid increases in urbanization throughout the world, especially since World War II, have brought many problems, including congestion, air pollution, loss of scarce surface area for vehicular ways, and major traffic disruption during their construction. Some cities relying principally on auto transport have even found that nearly two-thirds of their central land area is devoted to vehicular service (freeways, streets, and parking facilities), leaving only one-third of the surface space for productive or recreational use. During the past decade there has been a growing awareness that this situation could be alleviated by underground placement of a large number of facilities that do not need to be on the surface, such as rapid transit, parking, utilities, sewage and water-treatment plants, fluid storage, warehouses, and light manufacturing. The overriding deterrent, however, has been the greater cost underground—except in Sweden, where energetic research has reduced underground costs to nearly equal the surface alternates. Hence planners have rarely dared to propose underground construction except where the surface alternate was widely recognized as intolerable. Underground construction in urban areas has, thus, generally been limited to situations without a viable surface alternate; as a result, additional increases in surface construction have further aggravated the problem. At the same time, the low volume of underground construction has provided insufficient incentive for the development of innovative technology.
A different approach for the United States was crystallized from a 1966–68 study by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Engineering, which proposed cost reduction from government-stimulated technological research plus broader evaluation of social impacts. This would often show the underground alternate as the better investment for society. A reduction of at least one-third in cost and one-half in construction time over the next two decades was foreseen, and it was proposed that social and environmental costs be included in estimates as well as construction costs. In 1970 an international meeting of some 20 countries was held in Washington, D.C., under the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (an assembly of NATO countries), to share views and develop recommendations on government policy in this area. The conference recommended that energetic stimulation of underground construction be adopted as national policy in each of the 20 countries represented and in effect visualized the underground as a largely undeveloped natural resource. This resource, it was pointed out, could be used to expand urban areas downward to help preserve the upper environment—for example, by tunnels for transport and inter-basin water transfer, for recovery of minerals increasingly needed by the economy, and in developing currently unreachable resources under ocean areas adjoining the continents. Such international consensus suggests that this is indeed a powerful concept ready for acceptance.
Scope of the tunneling market
While informed people foresee a great increase in underground construction, numerical estimates are crude at best, particularly since statistics have not been accumulated in the past for underground construction as a separate item either in the public-works or the mining sectors. The 1970 conference mentioned above included a survey suggesting an average annual volume in its 20 member countries of about $1 billion in public works for the 1960–69 decade ($3 billion including mining). Estimates made at that time of a doubling of volume over the next decade assumed the continuation of the current rate of technological improvement and recognized that the increase would be far greater if stimulated by government support in an energetic research and development program to reduce cost. All estimates were alike in forecasting a huge increase in underground construction during the following two decades. Key factors affecting the actual increase are technological improvements reducing costs and an increasing awareness on the part of society and public-works planners of the many potential applications for better use of the underground.
Potential applications
Future applications are expected to range from expansion of existing uses to the introduction of entirely new concepts. Several of these are considered below; many others are likely to emerge as innovative planners turn their attention to utilizing the underground space. The largest increase is likely to be in rock tunneling: partly from the nature of the projects and partly from the expectation that improved moles will make rock tunneling more attractive than soil tunnels, with their usual requirement for continuous temporary support plus a permanent concrete lining.
Deep rock tunnels for rapid transit between cities are beginning to receive very serious consideration. These might include a 425-mile system to cover the nearly continuous urban area between Boston and Washington, D.C., probably with an entirely new type of conveyance at speeds of several hundred miles per hour. A forerunner system is the New Tōkaidō Line in Japan, which uses standard railroad equipment at about 150 miles per hour. Highway tunnels are beginning to increase in number as well. Urban highway tunnels conceivably may offer a convenient opportunity to reduce pollution by treating the exhaust air that has already been collected by the ventilating system essential for longer vehicular tunnels.

There is increasing recognition that many more interbasin water transfers will be needed, involving systems of tunnels and canals. Notable projects include the California Aqueduct, which transfers water from the northern mountains some 450 miles to the semiarid Los Angeles area; the Orange-Fish Project in South Africa, which includes a 50-mile tunnel; and studies for possible transfer of surplus Canadian water into the southwestern United States. Drainage can also be a problem, as in the old lake bed area occupied by Mexico City, where current expansion of the drainage system involves some 60 miles of tunnel.
Shallower tunnels for subways are bound to increase beyond those expansions undertaken in recent years in many cities, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Boston, Chicago, New York, London, Paris, Budapest, Munich, and Mexico City. Multiple use is likely to receive further consideration as communication agencies begin to show interest in adding space within the structures for the several types of utilities. Some merchants visualize mechanized movement of pedestrians between stores. One notable example is Montreal’s extensive assembly of underground shopping malls, which interconnect most new downtown buildings as well as provide access to the subway and commuter railroads—a project that has relieved the streets from pedestrian traffic, particularly during severe weather. Another example involves utilization of space excavated above subway stations for parking facilities, as on the Toronto subway and more recently on the Paris Métro, where the space above one of the stations in the Champs-Élysées area provides seven levels of parking.
Subaqueous crossings are becoming more ambitious. The world’s longest railroad tunnel, for example, currently under way in Japan, is the 34-mile Seikan undersea rock tunnel between the islands of Honshu and Hokkaido; the 14.4-mile pilot tunnel, completed in 1983 after 19 years of work, was utilized as a proving ground for several new types of moles. Of comparable scope is the more publicized projected English Channel tunnel for a rail connection between France and England, using special cars for auto transport. Studies have concentrated on two alternatives: twin mole-excavated tunnels in chalk plus a service tunnel or an immersed-tube structure providing comparable space. The immersed-tube procedure has also been considered for a number of other difficult crossings—e.g., from Denmark to Sweden and from Sicily to Italy. Immersed tubes are likely to become more attractive with improvement in methods for trench dredging in deeper water and for grading the trench bottom to support the tube structure. The Japanese are experimenting with an underwater bulldozer, robot-manned and television-monitored. One innovative proposal for supplying additional water to southern California visualizes the immersed-tube method to construct a large pipeline for some 500 miles under the shallower ocean along the continental shelf. Subaqueous tunneling also is likely to be involved as procedures are developed for utilizing the vast continental-shelf areas of the world; concepts are already being studied for tunnels to service oil wells and for extensive undersea mining such as has been pioneered in Britain and eastern Canada.
Both Norway and Sweden have reduced the direct costs of fluid storage by storing petroleum products in underground chambers, thus eliminating the maintenance cost for frequent repainting of steel tanks in a surface facility. Locating these chambers below the permanent water table (and below any existing wells) ensures that seepage will be toward the chambers rather than outward; thus, the oil is prevented from leaking out of the chamber, and the lining may be omitted. Further economies may result from orienting the chambers vertically to take advantage of the raise borer and glory-hole techniques, previously mentioned. There are a number of underground installations for the storage of highly compressed gas cooled to a liquid state; these may increase once improved types of lining have been developed. Although the method involves only limited tunneling for access, the United States Atomic Energy Commission has developed an ingenious method for disposal of nuclear waste by injecting it into fissured rock within a cement grout so that hardening of the grout reconverts the nuclear minerals into a stable rocklike state. Other disposal methods involve more tunneling, such as within salt, which has particularly good ability for shielding against radiation.
A good example of an imaginative concept is Chicago’s Underflow Tunnel and Reservoir Plan, which is intended to alleviate both pollution and flooding. Like most older cities, Chicago has a combined sewer system that carries both storm runoff and sanitary sewage during wet weather but only sanitary sewage during dry weather. The city’s huge growth has so overtaxed older portions of the system that severe storms cause flooding in low areas. While sewage treatment has essentially eliminated sewage pollution of Lake Michigan, making Chicago virtually the only major city on the Great Lakes continuing wide recreational usage of its lake beaches, the treatment plants generally are sized to handle only the dry-weather flow. Thus, overflow during major storms is discharged into streams draining away from the lake as a mixture of sanitary sewage diluted by storm water. Conventional solutions adopted in the past, such as adding a second pipe system to collect only the storm water, discharging it into the streams, or adding plant capacity to treat all combined flow during severe storms, have proved tremendously expensive. An early version of the plan included a temporary storage of excess water in large underground caverns, which after each storm could be pumped out for gradual treatment by the existing sewage plants. Inclusion of the surface reservoir makes practical the use of the diluted sewage in a pumped storage hydroplant; in this type of facility the fluid is pumped up during off-peak-electric-power night periods, when steam power is cheaply available, and then allowed to flow back to generate peak power when demand exceeds economic capacity of the steam plants. A second multiple use is the opportunity to reduce present surface quarrying for crushed stone aggregate by using the dolomitic limestone mined from the deep tunnels and caverns.
The use of rock chambers for underground hydroplants seems certain to increase in most countries, particularly those in which until recently surface plants have been favoured because of their apparently lower cost. Scotland has been one of the first countries to recognize that extra construction cost can often be warranted to preserve the scenic environment, also recognized by choice of an underground location for recent U.S. pump-storage plants—Northfield Mt. in Massachusetts and Raccoon Mt. in Tennessee, plus others being planned. Sweden’s use of the underground for plants treating sewage and water, for warehouses, and for light manufacturing is likely to find further application. The relatively small annual temperature range in the underground has made it a desirable environment for facilities requiring close atmospheric control. In the vicinity of Kansas City in Missouri, mined-out space in underground limestone quarries is being used effectively for laboratory space, for dehumidified storage of corrosion-sensitive equipment, and for refrigerated food storage, an application also favoured in Sweden.
Similar environment factors plus the probability of less disturbance during earthquakes have made the underground desirable for a number of scientific installations, including atomic accelerators, earthquake research, nuclear research, and space telescopes. Since earthquake risk is a big factor in locating nuclear power plants, the merits of an underground location are attracting interest.
Improved technology
In the decades following the 1970 OECD International Conference that recommended advancing tunneling technology as government policy, efforts were undertaken worldwide to accelerate improvements in the technology of underground construction. The endeavour involved specialists such as geologists, soil- and rock-mechanics engineers, public-works designers, mining engineers, contractors, equipment and materials manufacturers, planners, and also lawyers, who aided in the search for more equitable contractual methods to share the risks of unknown geology and resulting extra costs. Many improvements and their early applications have been previously discussed; others are briefly mentioned here, including several that have not yet moved from the research stage to the pilot, or trial, stage. Projects in rock are emphasized, since the field of rock engineering is less developed than its older counterpart, soils engineering.
Geologic prediction and evaluation are universally recognized as deserving a high priority for improvement. Since ground and water conditions are controlling factors in choosing both the design and construction method underground and seem destined to be even more so with greater use of moles, efforts are directed toward improving boring information (as with borehole cameras), faster borings (the Japanese are trying to bore one to three miles ahead of a tunneling mole), geophysical methods to estimate rock-mass properties, and techniques to observe pattern of water flows. For evaluation, the new field of rock mechanics is concentrating on measuring geostress and rock-mass properties, failure mechanics of jointed rock, and analytical methods for applying results to design of underground openings.
For rock excavation, improved cutters are generally considered the key for expanding economic ability of moles to include harder rock. Much effort is being devoted to improving current mechanical cutters, including technical advances based upon space metallurgy, geometry of cutter shape and arrangement, mechanics of cutting action, and research in presoftening rock. Concurrently, there is an intensive search for entirely new rock-cutting methods (some nearing a pilot application), including high-pressure water jets, Russian water cannon (operated at high pressures), electron beam, and flame jet (often combined with abrasive powder). Other methods under research involve lasers and ultrasonics. Most of these have high power requirements and might increase ventilating needs from an already overtaxed system. Though some of these novel methods will eventually reach the stage of economic practicality, it is not possible to predict at present which ones will eventually succeed. Also needed is a means for testing rock in terms of mole drillability plus correlation with mole performance in different rocks, where promising work is under way at several locations.
A decided change in current materials-handling systems seems inevitable to keep up with fast-moving moles by matching the mole’s rate of excavation and fragmentation sizing of the muck produced. Schemes now under study include long belt conveyors, high-speed rail with completely new types of equipment, and both hydraulic and pneumatic pipelines. Useful experience is being accumulated with pipeline transport of ore slurries, of coal, and even of such bulky material as canned goods.
For ground support, rock-mechanics engineers are working toward replacing past empirical methods with a more rational basis of design. One key factor is likely to be the tolerable deformation for mobilizing but not destroying the strength of the rock mass. There is wide agreement that progress will best be aided by field-test sections at prototype scale in selected ongoing projects. While several newer types of support have been discussed (rock bolts, shotcrete, and precast-concrete elements), developments are under way toward entirely new types, including lighter material plus yield-controllable types as a corollary to above tolerable deformation concept. For projects using concrete lining, major changes seem inevitable to keep pace with fast-moving moles, probably including some entirely new types of concretes. Current efforts include work with precast elements, plus research into stronger and faster set materials which use resins and other polymers in lieu of portland cement.
Preservation of ground strength is beginning to win acceptance as vital for the safety of large rock chambers and also often a means of cost saving in tunnels. For preserving strength of the rock mass around tunnels, a mole-cut surface provides a solution. For large chambers, consideration is being given to cutting a peripheral slot with a wire saw of the type used to quarry monument stone. Where chambers are blasted, engineered sound-wall blasting has provided a solution in Sweden.
Ground strengthening by precementation with chemical grouts is a technique notably developed in France and Britain through extensive research by specialized grouting firms. The world’s outstanding application at the Auber Station of the Métro Express beneath the Place de L’Opéra traffic centre of Paris has a large chamber 130 feet wide by 60 feet high by 750 feet long in chalky marl below an existing subway, at a depth of 120 feet, about 60 feet below water table. This was completed in 1970 without interrupting surface traffic and without underpinning the many old masonry buildings above (including the historic National Opera Building), a truly courageous undertaking made possible by surrounding the chamber with a pregrouted zone to seal out water and to precement the overlying sand and gravel. Different types of chemical grout were successively injected (totaling about two billion cubic feet), working from crown and side drifts; then the chamber was mined and supported both top and bottom by prestressed arches of concrete elements. Similar procedure was also successful at the Étoile Station adjacent to the Arc de Triomphe. While this technique of ground strengthening by grout solidification requires highly skilled specialists, it is an instructive example of how a new technology is likely to make economically possible future projects previously considered beyond engineering ability.
Kenneth S. Lane The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica