The Carolinas and Georgia
- Also called:
- thirteen colonies or colonial America
- Date:
- May 14, 1607 - September 3, 1783
- Related Places:
- United States
- New York
- British Empire
- Massachusetts
- New Jersey
The lands south of Virginia were also colonized under royal grants to great proprietors. Under Charles II a group of eight men obtained a grant of all North America between the 31st and 36th parallels. Two segments of this great domain were developed in very different ways. Sir John Colleton and Anthony Ashley Cooper, who later became Lord Shaftesbury, founded Charleston, South Carolina, in 1670 with settlers from England and overcrowded Barbados. Groups of French Huguenots and Scots at once migrated to South Carolina, giving it by the year 1700 a population, including black slaves, of about 5,000. At first the colony was based on exports of foodstuffs to the West Indies and of turpentine, tar, and furs to Europe. Then rice was introduced from Madagascar, and the South Carolinians developed large plantations which grew rice and indigo very profitably. The area to the north, meanwhile, was settled in moderate-sized farms by a variety of immigrants: English, Germans, drifters from Virginia, and adventurous New Englanders. A settlement of Swiss at New Bern added one especially prosperous element.
The “Fundamental Constitutions” which John Locke helped Shaftesbury draw up for the Carolinas, providing for a hereditary landed nobility bearing bizarre titles, was totally unsuited to the American scene and never went into real effect. The proprietors gave each colony instead a simple workable form of government with a governor, council, and assembly. In the Carolinas, as in Virginia, the population spread widely over the land. Although Charleston became an opulent and fashionable little city, other towns were few and small. In social and economic character the two colonies differed sharply. North Carolina found that its tobacco and naval stores, shipped from poor harbours, offered much less revenue than South Carolina’s staples. It had no merchants and ship captains to match those of Charleston, and it had very few great planters. Its populace tended to be poorer and less-educated, and only a few coastal centres could boast of the aristocratic atmosphere that was emerging in the southern colonies. In South Carolina many planters accumulated wealth at their country estates, where they lived most of the year. They had fine town houses in Charleston, where in the hottest summer months they kept up a pleasant social life with rich traders and a robust professional class. They gave the commons house, which they called the assembly, an English tone. North Carolina’s white population grew at a faster rate, however, and its slave population was smaller than its southern neighbour’s.
Georgia, the last of the 13 colonies to be founded, was the creation of a group of British philanthropists. These proprietors, obtaining a grant of lands between the Savannah and Altamaha rivers, hoped to give debtors and other deserving poor people a new start in life In 1733 they sent over Gen. James Oglethorpe with 100 settlers to establish the town of Savannah. Some of the regulations imposed by the trustees were more idealistic than realistic. Slavery was prohibited; the importation of rum, brandy, and other strong drink was forbidden; and, to prevent the growth of large estates, every charity colonist was restricted to 50 acres (20 hectares) of land, which he might transmit only to a male heir. This benevolent paternalism retarded the growth of Georgia. The settlers quickly found that they needed larger units of land for economic tillage and that slave labour would be advantageous. They wanted to exchange their lumber for importations of rum from the West Indies. The trustees gradually liberalized their rules, while in 1751 they allowed the colonists to elect an assembly. The following year, when their tenure of the proprietorship lapsed, they made no effort to renew it but allowed the crown to take over Georgia.
As a crown colony it still remained so weak that it needed constant subsidies. Its agriculture became more and more like that of South Carolina, and it developed a society of slave-owning planters in the lowlands, merchants in Savannah, and small farmers in the uplands. But the philanthropists had accomplished three valuable results: they had saved a considerable number of neglected and abused people, they had maintained a buffer between the other southern colonies and Spanish Florida, and they had laid the foundations for one of the greatest of the southern states.
New shapes of colonial development
In the 80 years between 1660 and 1740, three great new forces began to reshape the British colonies in North America. They were the economic regulations embodied in the Acts of Trade and Navigation, the partial systematization of imperial administration, and the contest with the French for dominion over the continent. By the year 1700 the colonists probably numbered about 250,000 and were increasing at a rate that has seldom been equaled in the history of Western nations. Immigration, early marriages, the economic value of children in an agricultural society, and the relatively high level of health sped this growth.

Under the concept of mercantilism generally accepted by western Europe, English economic policy regarded the colonies as part of an imperial whole which should aim at self-sufficiency and a favourable trade balance. Each part of the empire had something to give and something to receive. This policy was first embodied in three Navigation Acts by Parliament in 1651, 1660, and 1663. The law of 1651 provided that all goods imported into England or the colonies must be carried in ships of which the owner, captain, and crew were English (colonials, of course, were considered Englishmen). The exception to this rule was that all goods imported into England and the colonies from Europe might come in ships of the country which produced the goods. The law of 1660, strengthening the first, required that ships used in carrying goods in and out of England must be built as well as owned and manned in England or the colonies. It also required that certain “enumerated articles,” of which sugar, tobacco, and indigo were the chief, be sold only to England or to other colonies. To give the colonists full control of the home market, no one could grow tobacco in England or import it from a foreign land. The law of 1663 was more serious. It stipulated that European goods must be shipped to the colonies through England and thus made it necessary for many colonial merchants to add an extra leg to their voyages.
Many colonists attempted to evade these acts. They shipped enumerated articles to Europe instead of to England, and they imported European goods directly from Europe without stopping in English ports. New laws of 1673 and 1696 were then passed by Parliament to end the evasions. Moreover, the list of enumerated articles was lengthened, so that by the year 1721 rice, molasses, naval stores (tar, pitch, and turpentine), furs, and copper, all important to the colonies, had been placed under control. In 1733 the British Parliament adopted a still more serious measure, the Molasses Act, which placed heavy duties on all sugar, molasses, rum, and other spirits imported into the colonies from the French, Dutch, and Spanish possessions. The object was to restrict trade to the British West Indies. Had it been enforced, this law would have been disastrous, for the colonies exchanged large quantities of fish, lumber, meat, and foodstuffs with the foreign islands for these commodities. Fortunately, the British government winked at the wholesale violations.
Other irksome restrictions on the colonies concerned manufactures, for the mother country wished to preserve the colonial market for its own industries. The Wool Act of 1699 prohibited the shipment of woolen fabrics across any colonial boundary. The Hat Act of 1732 similarly forbade any colony to export its hats and limited the number of apprentices. Late in the colonial period the Iron Act of 1750 stopped the erection in the colonies of rolling and slitting mills, forges, and iron-making plants. Like all new communities, the colonies needed a more abundant currency than they had and wished to print paper money, but the British authorities feared an inflation which would hurt British creditors and raise the price of colonial exports. In 1751 they therefore forbade the issuance of paper money by New England and in 1764 applied the ban to the other colonies.
But the mercantilist enactments had many features favourable to the colonies, and in total effect they were far from harsh. The navigation laws fostered shipbuilding in the colonies. A number of important American products were given a monopoly of the British market. Colonial pig iron and bar iron were admitted to Great Britain without duty. British bounties were paid on the production of naval stores. These facts, coupled with the salutary neglect of the colonies introduced by Robert Walpole and the nonenforcement of the more onerous laws, permitted a steady development of American economic life. The colonists meanwhile had the protection of the British army and navy. Nevertheless, two facts respecting the acts of trade had their bearing on later events. First, the colonies, like most frontier agricultural communities, were plainly exploited by the older countries both as a source of low-priced raw materials and as a market for manufactured wares—and, like other frontier lands, they resented the fact. Second, widespread law evasion fostered in the colonists a spirit of disobedience and insubordination.