Anatolian languages
Anatolian languages, extinct Indo-European and non-Indo-European languages spoken in Anatolia from sometime in the 3rd millennium bce until the early centuries of the present era, when they were gradually supplanted. By the late 20th century the term was most commonly used to designate the so-called Anatolian group of Indo-European languages: Hittite, Palaic, Cuneiform Luwian, Hieroglyphic Luwian (see Luwian language), Lycian, Lydian, Carian, and possibly Pisidian and Sidetic. Hittite, Palaic, and Cuneiform Luwian are known from 2nd-millennium cuneiform texts found mainly in the ancient capital of the Hittite empire, Hattusa, near the modern town of Boğazkale (formerly Boğazköy), Tur. Hieroglyphic Luwian is found on seals and inscriptions from circa 1400 to about 700 bce. Lydian, Lycian, and Carian are known from texts in alphabetic script from circa 600 to perhaps 300 bce. Although there is evidence enough to suggest that they belong to the Anatolian group, Sidetic (c. 300–100 bce) and Pisidian (c. 1–200 ce) are very poorly attested languages.
Historical background of ancient Anatolia
The earliest non-Indo-European texts—and the oldest textual evidence from Anatolia—are the so-called Cappadocian tablets (2000–1735 bce), cuneiform documents kept by the merchants of central Anatolia. They are written in one of the Semitic languages, Old Assyrian, and mainly stem from trading centres such as the ancient city of Nesha (also known as Kanesh; now Kültepe, Tur.).
It is customarily assumed that the Indo-Europeans entered Anatolia sometime in the 3rd millennium, although there are no specific archaeological data that might enable scholars to identify more closely the period of entry or the route the invaders followed. Hattian (or Hattic) was the substratum language spoken in central and northern Anatolia before the entry of the Indo-European Hittites. All extant Hattian texts have been found in Hittite archives. Hattian is completely unrelated to Hittite and its sister languages as well as to Hurrian, a language also spoken in Anatolia but originally from the east. In the Caucasus region that centres on Lake Van, Hurrian of the 3rd and 2nd millennia bce was replaced by the related Urartian language in the 1st millennium. However, the latter should not be considered a direct continuation of Hurrian. Hattian, Hurrian, and Urartian are all non-Indo-European.
Although the Hattian and Hurrian peoples did influence Hittite culture, their contributions to the Hittite language were mostly limited to terms for local flora, fauna, and a few other categories. Comparisons of Hittite agricultural terms and those of other Indo-European subgroups indicate that the “Anatolians” seceded from the parent group before the creation of a common agricultural nomenclature but after the onset of a common Indo-European notion of the hereafter, pictured as a pastureland with grazing cattle “for which the dead king sets out.” This suggests that the Indo-European forebears of the later speakers of Hittite, Palaic, and Luwian, as well as those of minor members of this group, entered Anatolia together, following a common route, as the Anatolian languages share a considerable number of losses as well as innovations that presuppose a long common past.
In the central parts of Anatolia, within the bend of the Halys River (now called the Kızıl River), and in the northern regions, Hittite and Palaic were influenced by Hattian as a substratum language. The Hattian culture also influenced the political and religious concepts of the newcomers, and a clear cultural dependency of the Indo-Europeans on the older Hattian population is evident. Some scholars have stressed the likelihood that farther to the south the Luwians might have been conversant with a different substratum language. In view of the absence of textual evidence and because knowledge of the Luwian vocabulary is rather restricted, it is perhaps not surprising that this possible substratum element escapes definition.

After the fall of the Hittite empire (c. 1180 bce), the most important invaders of Anatolia were the Phrygians, but their entry into recorded history does not begin until the 8th century bce. From then until the 3rd century bce, Old Phrygian is attested as the main language in central Anatolia. An Indo-European language, Old Phrygian is not considered to be part of the Anatolian group; instead, it is considered akin to Thracian, Illyrian, or possibly Greek.
In the first half of the 1st millennium, the southern and western shores of Anatolia attracted Greek-speaking peoples; the western coast had attracted Greek settlers beginning in Mycenaean times, several centuries earlier. During the second half of the millennium, Greek entered central Anatolia as the language of the ruling caste; Latin took this role from about 200 bce onward.
In the Caucasus region to the east, Armenian-speaking invaders penetrated into the former Urartian territory well before the beginning of the Persian period, probably in the 7th and 6th centuries bce. During Persian times (559–331 bce), a Persian ruling caste entered Anatolia and was still clearly recognizable in the Hellenistic and Roman periods (e.g., in Bithynia, Pontus, Cappadocia, and Commagene). Late data on names and scattered remarks made by Church Fathers indicate that until late Roman and perhaps even Byzantine times some Anatolian dialects remained in use in certain isolated parts of the interior. (See also Anatolia: Ancient Anatolia.)