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The freedom of expression also protects certain kinds of conduct that are important for people to express themselves effectively. It protects a person’s freedom to associate with others in groups that express messages, such as advocacy groups or political parties. It also protects those groups’ freedom to exclude people whose presence may interfere with the group’s speech. That was the basis for the Supreme Court’s decision in Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (2000), in which the court held that the Boy Scouts, which at the time opposed homosexuality, may exclude gay scoutmasters. The government may ban many kinds of discrimination—but not when such a ban unduly interferes with expressive groups’ ability to convey their messages.
The freedom of expression likewise protects people’s freedom to spend money to speak. People are thus free to buy advertisements or to print leaflets expressing their views—for instance, “Vote for Candidate X” or “Defeat Proposition Y”—and to pool money with others to express views. But, as the Supreme Court held in Buckley v. Valeo (1976), legislatures may impose dollar limits on direct contributions to political candidates, because those contributions may operate as bribes and because limits on such contributions leave people free to speak independently of the candidates. In McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (2012), however, the Supreme Court struck down aggregate limits on contributions by individuals to multiple federal candidates, which the Buckley court had upheld. Two years earlier, in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (2010), the Supreme Court ruled that laws preventing corporations and unions from spending money on independent political advertising in support of particular federal candidates constituted a violation of their right to freedom of expression.
The freedom of expression also protects people’s right to attend criminal trials, so that people can learn what is happening in order to report it to others. That applies even when the defendant, the prosecutor, and the judge prefer that the trial be closed. But the First Amendment does not ensure access to other government processes or records. Such access is usually provided by statutes, such as the federal Freedom of Information Act (1966).
Finally, the freedom of expression protects symbolic expression, such as wearing armbands, waving flags, and burning flags. Restrictions on such behaviour that are unrelated to its message—for example, fire-control laws banning burning anything in public or laws banning public nudity—may be constitutional. But laws that punish symbolic expression precisely because of its symbolic message are generally unconstitutional. As a result, in Texas v. Johnson (1989), the court struck down a law prohibiting the burning of the U.S. flag.
Free exercise of religion
The First Amendment’s free exercise clause prohibits deliberate religious persecution and discrimination by the government. The government may not, for instance, outlaw a particular religion, refuse to hire someone from a particular religious group, or exclude the clergy from political office. Likewise, the clause prohibits the government from singling out religious practices for punishment on the basis of their religiosity. For instance, the government may not specially ban religious animal sacrifice and yet allow ordinary nonreligious killing of animals.

The clause, however, does not limit generally applicable laws that do not single out religion. General bans on the use of marijuana or peyote, for instance, may be applied even to those who view the use of the drugs as sacramental. Similarly, religious objections do not give people a constitutional right to avoid taxes, discriminate in employment (except in the special case of religious groups discriminating in choosing their clergy), or refuse to testify in court.
Many state and federal statutes do exempt religious objectors. The military draft, for instance, has long exempted pacifists (though not those who have religious objections to some wars but not others). The prohibition of alcohol in the 1920s and early 1930s exempted sacramental wines. The federal ban on peyote and many state bans similarly exempt religious peyote users. But these exceptions exist because legislatures chose to create them—that is, the free exercise clause did not itself protect religious rights in these instances.
From 1963 to 1990 the Supreme Court took the view that the free exercise clause did require some religious exemptions from generally applicable laws. The court acknowledged that many laws had to be applied to everyone, including to religious objectors (e.g., laws against murder or trespassing). But the court held that such religious exemptions could be denied only if denying them was necessary to accomplish a very important government goal and if the law in question was the least restrictive means of achieving that goal. That rule became known as the Sherbert/Yoder test, named for the court’s rulings in Sherbert v. Verner (1963) and Wisconsin v. Yoder (1972), in which the court strongly enforced this religious exemption requirement.
In practice, however, even from 1963 to 1990, religious exemptions were rarely granted. Courts routinely concluded that denying such exemptions was indeed necessary to accomplish various important goals. Finally, in 1990, in Employment Division v. Smith, the Supreme Court generally rejected the Sherbert/Yoder test, holding that the free exercise clause does not require legislatures to grant religious exemptions.
In response, several state legislatures enacted general statutes—often called “Religious Freedom Restoration Acts” (RFRAs)—that authorized courts to create religious exemptions from state and local government actions, using the Sherbert/Yoder test. Congress passed a similar statute (1993) whose scope was subsequently limited to federal government actions by the Supreme Court in City of Boerne v. Flores (1997). Following that decision, several additional states adopted RFRAs. Meanwhile, some state courts interpreted their state constitutions’ religious freedom provisions as requiring the Sherbert/Yoder test. But, like other religious exemptions, those rules are chosen by legislatures (or state courts) and are therefore not required by the federal free exercise clause. In Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. (2014), the Supreme Court held that, under the federal RFRA, religiously oriented for-profit corporations could claim exemption from a federal regulation requiring them to provide coverage of certain contraceptives in their employees’ health insurance plans.