- Key People:
- Richard Wagner
- Snorri Sturluson
- Related Topics:
- dwarf
- elf
- nix
- Gullveig
- Brísingamen necklace
There is no more baffling figure in Norse mythology than Loki. He is counted among the Aesir but is not one of them. His father was a giant (Fárbauti; “Dangerous Striker”). Loki begat a female, Angrboda (Angrboða; “Boder of Sorrow”), and produced three evil progeny—the goddess of death, Hel, the monstrous serpent surrounding the world, Jörmungand, and the wolf Fenrir (Fenrisúlfr), who lies chained until he will break loose in the Ragnarök. Loki himself lies bound but will break his bonds in the Ragnarök to join the giants in battle against the gods.
Loki deceived the gods and cheated them, but sometimes he got them out of trouble. He is seen in company with Odin and an obscure god Hœnir, and he is called the friend of Thor. He is essentially a “trickster” figure who can change sex and shape at will. Thus, he can give birth as well as beget offspring. The eight-legged horse of Odin, Sleipnir, was born of Loki in the shape of a mare. According to an Eddic lay, Loki ate the heart of an evil woman and grew pregnant. He fights with Heimdall in the shape of a seal for the possession of the Brísingamen necklace, and later, he sneaks into Freyja’s residence in the form of a fly to steal the same precious object for Odin. According to an early poem, Odin and Loki had mixed their blood as foster brothers. It has been suggested that Loki was a hypostasis of Odin, or at least that he represents Odin’s darkest side. He seems to symbolize “impulsive intelligence,” together with an irrepressible urge to act and an unpredictable maliciousness.
Minor Aesir
A number of minor deities are also ranked among the Aesir. The god Heimdall (Heimdal[l]r) is particularly interesting but rather enigmatic. His antagonism with Loki, with whom he struggles for the possession of the Brísingamen necklace, results in their killing each other in the Ragnarök, according to Snorri. Heimdall is of mysterious origin: he is the son of nine mothers, said to be sisters, all of whom bear names of giantesses, though they are mostly identified with the storm waves. Heimdall lives in Himinbjörg (“Heavenly Fells”), at the edge of the world of the Aesir, which he guards against the giants. He is endowed with a wonderful hearing, detecting anything in the world, but he is blamed with drinking too much mead. When the Ragnarök draws near, he will blow his ringing horn (Gjallarhorn).
Another myth in which he appears as Rigr (Rígr), a name probably derived from the Irish rí (“king”), makes Heimdall the father of mankind. He consorted with three women, from whom descend the three classes of men—serf (thrall), freeman (karl), and nobleman (jarl).
Information about the Scandinavian gods is based chiefly on poetry composed late in the pagan period and on the remarks of outside observers, who generally had little interest in what they considered to be heathendom. Many gods were nearly forgotten when these authors mentioned them, as is the case with Ull, described above. Similarly, memories had apparently faded about Tyr (Týr), who must have been a major god in early times. His name, derived from Germanic Tîwaz (Old English Tīw) and related to the Greek god Zeus, suggests that he was originally a sky-god, but in Roman times, he was equated with Mars, and hence dies Martis (Mars’s day; French mardi) became Tuesday (Icelandic Týs dagr). Tyr is the one-handed god, because one of his hands had been bitten off by the wolf Fenrir. He is brave and warlike; in the Ragnarök he will face the hellhound Garm (Garmr), and they will kill each other. Like other gods, Tyr is said to be a son of Odin, but, according to one early poem, he was the son of a giant. Tyr’s cult is remembered in place-names, particularly those of Denmark.
Bragi appears in later sources as the god of poetry and eloquence. It is remarkable that the first recorded skald, living in the 9th century, was also called Bragi. Since there is no record of a cult of the god Bragi, some have suspected that the god and the poet are identical.
Frigg is the wife of Odin. In the southern Germanic sources she appears as Friia (Second Merseburg Charm) or Frea (Langobardic), the spouse of Wodan. Snorri depicted her as the weeping mother of Balder, but Saxo described her as unchaste and makes her misconduct responsible for the temporary banishment of Odin. In the “Ynglinga saga,” Odin’s brothers Vili and Vé share her during his absence in a polyandric relationship similar to that of Draupadī in Hindu myth. She has been equated with Venus, and her name survives in Friday (Old English Frīgedæg) from dies Veneris, Venus’s day.
Idun (Iðunn)
According to an early skaldic poem (c. 900), Idun, the wife of Bragi, was entrusted with the apples that prevent the gods from growing old. She was abducted by the giant Thjazi, but Loki brought her back with the precious apples. This myth has many parallels such as Heracles’ obtaining the golden apples of the Hesperides.
Jörd (Jörðr)
The name Jörd means “earth,” but this goddess who is described as the mother of Thor, and consequently Odin’s lover, is also known under different names, such as Fjörgyn (“Earth”), perhaps originally a goddess of the furrow, and Hlódyn (Hlóðyn). A dea Hludana is also remembered in votive inscriptions of lower Germany and Holland.
The Vanir
The Vanir represent a distinct group of gods associated with wealth, health, and fertility. Although they would also fight, the Vanir were not essentially gods of battle, like the Aesir. The best known Vanir—Njörd, Freyr, and probably Freyja—came as hostages to the Aesir. Njörd was the father of the god Freyr and the goddess Freyja.
In his Germania, Tacitus described the worship of a goddess, Nerthus, on an island, probably in the Baltic Sea. Whatever symbol represented her was kept hidden in a grove and taken around once a year in a covered chariot. During her pageant, there was rejoicing and peace, and all weapons were laid aside. Afterward, she was bathed in a lake and returned to her grove, but those who participated in her lustration were drowned in the lake as a sacrifice to thank her for her blessings.
Nerthus is described as Terra Mater (“Earth Mother”), but her name corresponds to that of the god Njörd (from Germanic Nerthuz). Scholars have attempted various explanations of this puzzling change of sex, assuming that the original deity was androgynous or claiming that the loss of feminine nouns of the type Njörd represents triggered the reinterpretation of the goddess as a male god. As Njörd is essentially a god of the sea and its riches, it may be preferable to consider Nerthus and Njörd as originally separate gods altogether, whose relationship might be similar to that of Poseidon (“Husband of the Earth-Goddess”) and Demeter (“Earth Mother”) in Arcadia. Etymologically, the name Njörd could then be related to that of the Greek “Old Man of the Sea,” Nereus. Before coming to the Aesir, Njörd was supposed to have begotten his two children with his (unnamed) sister. Since such incestuous unions were not allowed among the Aesir, Njörd afterward married Skadi (Skaði), daughter of the giant Thjazi. Evidence from place-names shows that Njörd was worshiped widely in Sweden and Norway, and he was one of the gods whom Icelanders invoked when they swore their most sacred oaths.