Bodily structure

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“wise man”
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Tim D. White


Early Humans Thrived in Rainforests Feb. 26, 2025, 4:20 AM ET (New York Times)

As intimated above, the physical definition of H. sapiens is bedeviled by a basic divergence of views among paleoanthropologists. One school of thought derives its philosophy from the “single-species hypothesis” popular in the 1960s. This hypothesis held that two kinds of culture-bearing hominins could not, on principle, exist at any one time and that, as a result, all hominin fossils had necessarily to be accommodated within a single evolving lineage. By the mid-1970s, however, a rapidly expanding fossil record had begun to reveal a variety of extinct hominins that simply could not be contained within this linear construct. The proponents of the single-species hypothesis thus began to shift to the notion that H. sapiens is in fact an enormously variable species with roots extending far back in time to the era of H. habilis, some 2 mya. All subsequent hominins (including H. erectus, H. neanderthalensis, etc.) are in this view classifiable within H. sapiens. The tremendous anatomic variety among the populations that would compose this single species are then credited to separate evolutionary and adaptive histories in different parts of the Old World. Meanwhile, the reproductive integrity of this huge and diversifying species would have been maintained over time by interbreeding between local populations in the peripheral areas where they would have come into contact. According to those who support such regional continuity, modern variants of humankind would have resulted from long quasi-separate evolutionary histories. In this so-called “multiregional” scenario, Australian Aboriginals are derived from Java man (i.e., Javanese H. erectus), modern Chinese from Peking man (Chinese H. erectus), today’s Europeans from the Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis) with some admixture from Cro-Magnons, and so on.

This formulation, which places the roots of today’s geographically distinctive groups of H. sapiens extremely deep in time, does not accord well with how the evolutionary process is known to work. Anatomic innovations can become fixed only within small, effectively isolated populations; large populations simply have too much genetic inertia for changes to occur throughout the species. This multiregional notion, moreover, implies an evolutionary pattern that is at variance with that of all other successful mammalian groups, not to mention the diversity that is already recognized among the very early hominins. Taxonomically, it also stretches the morphological notion of species beyond its limits.

The alternative model, called the “out-of-Africa”—or, more cautiously, the “single-origin”—theory of human emergence, are actually two closely related models, called Out of Africa 1 and Out of Africa 2, that complement one another. Out of Africa 1 contends that earlier Homo species did in fact migrate from Africa before the evolution of H. sapiens. Out of Africa 2 (also called the population replacement hypothesis) picks up where Out of Africa 1 leaves off. It posits that H. sapiens also evolved in Africa, but some members of the species exited the continent, spreading to new lands while also replacing the populations of other species in Homo.

Fossil evidence suggests that Out of Africa 2 was not a single migration event but several occurring both before and after 60 kya. As H. sapiens journeyed into the Middle East and beyond, it interacted with other members of Homo. DNA analysis of present-day humans has shown that genetic traces remain of Neanderthals, Denisovans (a group of hominins from Asia who were neither modern humans nor Neanderthals), and H. floresiensis (a group of hominins presumed to have lived on the Indonesian island of Flores as recently as 12,000 years ago).

Scientists recognize the anatomic diversity of the hominin fossil record as representing a substantial diversity of species. In its bony structure, H. sapiens is quite distinctive, boasting a relatively lightly built skeleton distinguished in many anatomic details from its closest relatives. In the cranium a high, rounded, and quite thin-boned braincase overhangs a greatly reduced face that is not expanded by large air sinuses. This face is topped by small or only modestly pronounced brow ridges that are uniquely divided into distinct central and lateral halves. In the lower jaw, the chin is not simply a swelling in the midline of the mandible (as can be found in certain other hominins) but a complex and distinctive structure that does not exist in other members of the human tribe. This list could continue with many other features.

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If human beings define themselves in terms of a suite of anatomic characteristics, few representatives of H. sapiens appear in the fossil record until comparatively recent times. Many paleontologists hesitate to view the oldest known fossils of H. sapiens—that is, those from Jebel Irhoud, Morocco, dated to approximately 315 kya—as the remains of early modern humans, because they have a primitive appearance reminiscent of a highly evolved version of H. heidelbergensis. Instead, they are considered “protomodern” and may be more representative of individuals at the root of the H. sapiens lineage. Indeed, the first intimations of our distinctively modern anatomy come from southern and eastern Africa only in the period between about 160 and 100 kya. Unfortunately, most of the fossils concerned (from such sites as Klasies River Mouth, Border Cave, and Omo) are fragmentary, or their dates are questionable. Still, the unmistakable signal they send is that H. sapiens, in the sense of a creature that looked just like present-day human beings in its essential bony attributes, did not exist in Africa before about 160 kya.

This conclusion of the single-origin hypothesis matches the one reached by molecular geneticists who analyze the distributions of different types of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cells of living human populations. This form of DNA consists of a tiny ring of hereditary material that actually lies outside the nucleus of the cell and is passed solely through the maternal line. It is not recombined between generations, as is nuclear DNA, and it seems to accumulate changes quite rapidly, which makes it ideal for analysis of recent evolutionary events. Comparisons of mtDNA samples, as well as Y chromosome samples, derived from people all over the world point to the common descent of all modern humans from a small population that existed about 150 kya. In addition, the African samples show more variability in their mtDNA than do those of other continents, suggesting that African populations have been diversifying longer. Finally, the mtDNA types of native Asians and Europeans are subsets of the African mtDNA types, again suggesting that other populations of modern humans ultimately derived from an African one. For all these reasons, it appears that modern human beings originated as an anatomically distinctive species quite recently and probably somewhere in the continent of Africa.

The first sequencing of the Neanderthal genome in 2009 and subsequent research reaffirmed the differences between H. sapiens and Neanderthals, but they also provided evidence that limited interbreeding had taken place between H. sapiens from Europe and Asia and Neanderthals between 80 and 50 kya. (The oldest fossil evidence of both species inhabiting the same area contemporaneously—which increased the chances of the two species interbreeding with one another—was dated to 55,000 years ago in the western Galilee region of Israel.) The result of interbreeding between the two species was revealed in a 2011 study that showed that some alleles (differing forms of genes) from Neanderthals and other archaic human groups influenced the development of immune systems belonging to modern humans with non-African ancestries.

Despite evidence of later inbreeding between the two species, the mtDNA sequences of H. sapiens and Neanderthals are different enough to suggest that the lineages leading to H. neanderthalensis on the one hand and to H. sapiens on the other split at least 136 kya. This observation supports a scenario whereby a European diversification of hominins culminating in the Neanderthals was descended from a population of H. heidelbergensis that had exited Africa. Similarly, East Asian hominins such as H. erectus were descended from an earlier wave of African émigrés (perhaps H. ergaster or a related species) that had spilled forth more than a million years earlier. Later, between about 100 and 50 kya, a final exodus of H. sapiens (or successive waves of such emigrations) ultimately led to the replacement of those indigenous (albeit ultimately African-derived) Asians and Europeans. Limited inbreeding between the species notwithstanding, there is ample evidence from Europe that the previously successful Neanderthals succumbed quite rapidly to the arrival of the Cro-Magnons, and remains that have been dated to about 40 kya for late-surviving H. erectus in Java suggest that invading H. sapiens may have accomplished a similar feat of replacement in Indonesia about the same time. Other studies, however, suggest that H. erectus died out in that region at least 100,000 years prior.

One of the best-preserved early fossils that bears all the anatomic hallmarks of H. sapiens is a skull dated to about 92 kya from the Israeli site of Jebel Qafzeh. This part of the Middle East, called the Levant, is often regarded as a biogeographic extension of Africa, so perhaps the discovery of this fossil in this particular location is not surprising. The specimen is a fractured but quite complete example of an individual whose skeleton is typically H. sapiens but whose cultural context is Mousterian—the name also given to the stone tool industry of the Neanderthals. Indeed, all hominin fossils known from the Levant in the period between about 100 kya and 50 to 40 kya are associated with Mousterian tool kits, whether they belonged to H. neanderthalensis or H. sapiens. Apparently, these two physically distinctive hominin species managed to conduct a long coexistence in the limited confines of the Levant for upward of 50 millennia. Exactly how the two forms managed this is unknown, but one suggestion involves a kind of time-sharing, for the sparse record contains no definite evidence of temporal coexistence. If the Neanderthals evolved in comparatively frigid Europe, it is possible that they were “cold-adapted,” as their rather stocky frames might suggest. Perhaps early H. sapiens, having originated in Africa, was “heat-adapted.” It is thus possible that the Neanderthals withdrew from the Levant in warmer times while the H. sapiens population advanced northward. In colder times, on the other hand, the reverse might have occurred. Whatever the case, what seems most significant is that once blade-based tools, similar though not identical to those later used by the Cro-Magnons, were introduced in the Levant around 54 kya, the Neanderthals rapidly disappeared. This is not absolutely conclusive evidence, but it does appear that when the Levantine H. sapiens had devised a technology that in at least one way is associated with modern humans, there is no longer evidence of coexistence.