Linguistic characteristics
- Key People:
- Wilhelm Bleek
Click Here to see full-size tableWhile the word and sentence structure of the various Khoisan groups differ considerably, the similarity in sound structure of the Southern African Khoisan languages is pervasive. All these languages are tone languages and use the same four basic clicks, symbolized |, ǁ, !, and ǂ; the Southern group is unique in its use of a fifth, the bilabial or “kiss click,” symbolized ʘ. Sandawe and Hadza use only the three basic clicks |, ǁ, and !. Each click combines with a number of accompanying articulations such as voicing, nasality, aspiration, and ejection to produce a large number of sound complexes involving a click. Languages differ in the number of such distinctions; they vary from a low of 9 in Hadza through 20 in Nama, 52 in | Gui, 55 in Ju, and 83 in !Xóõ. To the click complexes must be added varying numbers of nonclick consonants resulting in some uniquely large and complicated consonant systems. The | Gui system of 90 consonants, the Ju system of 105 consonants, and the !Xóõ system of 126 consonants are the largest in the world. By contrast, Nama—which, like | Gui, is a Khoe language—has only 32 consonants, and Hadza has a modest 54. While these figures show that the numerical balance of clicks to nonclicks in the Khoisan languages varies, the proportion of words containing clicks to those with other consonants reveals a strong bias toward clicks. In Nama the ratio is 8:1, and in Ju, | Gui, and !Xóõ it is 7:1. In Hadza, however, click words are outnumbered by nonclick words 7:1, confirming a very different history for that language.
In all the Southern African Khoisan languages, strict rules govern where particular consonants may appear in a word: all the clicks and most of the nonclicks must appear at the beginning of a word and must be followed by a vowel; between the vowels of a word only a handful of consonants such as b, m, n, l, and r may appear, and, if a word ends in a consonant, it must be m or n (and possibly p, ts, or s, which are grammatical suffixes in the Khoe languages only). Hadza and Sandawe deviate completely from these restrictions, thus reinforcing their distinct historical development. The effect of the Southern African Khoisan restrictions somewhat compensates for the complexity that an abnormally large number of unusual consonants might pose for speech perception and language learning: clicks and most other consonants uniquely identify the beginning of words. In running speech the effect of the clicks is diluted by the grammatical particles, most of which do not contain a click. Nevertheless, the overall auditory clicking effect of a Khoisan language is nothing less than spectacular. In addition to consonantal complexities, many of the languages expand a basic system of five plain vowels through the use of colourings—for example, nasalization, pharyngealization, and different voice qualities such as breathy and creaky voice. !Xóõ thus ends up with more than 40 vowel differences.
Word and sentence structure varies markedly between the major groups of languages and even within the Southern group. Word structure in the Ju languages is extremely simple, with a dearth of suffixes and no prefixes. Nouns are assigned to five classes determined entirely by the pronouns they select, and the semantic basis of the different classes is vague: one class includes nouns referring to humans, most animals are assigned to a different class, and many inanimate nouns fall into another. The main parts of a sentence follow the order subject–verb–object (SVO), as in English. The Khoe languages are distinguished by a system of noun genders based on the categories masculine, feminine, and common, which are present to different degrees in the form of distinctive singular, plural, and dual (pair of) suffixes. Thus the Nama root khoe- ‘person’ appears as khoe-s ‘woman,’ khoe-b ‘man,’ khoe-i ‘person.’ In Khoe languages of the Non-Khoekhoe branch these suffixes may be dropped when the gender is clear from the context. While the assignment of animate nouns to such sex-based classes is fairly obvious, the assignment of inanimate nouns is quite arbitrary. However, because the genders are also associated with rough semantic distinctions of shape (masculine with long, narrow objects and feminine with short, broad, round objects), specificity, and countability, inanimate nouns may be more naturally assigned to one rather than the other gender.
In certain cases these semantic distinctions can be seen clearly when the same root for an inanimate noun appears in the different genders. Thus, in Naro, tsa-ba (masculine) is a borehole, tsa-sa (feminine) is a pan or water in a (geographic) pan, and tsa-ne (common) is water; |’e-ba (masculine) is a match or piece of firewood, |’e-sa (feminine) is a fire, and | ’e-ne (common) is firewood; tsau-ba (masculine) is a finger, but tsau-sa (feminine) is the whole hand. In addition to affecting the singular, dual, and plural forms, nominal genders control agreement (known as concord) on dependent forms in the sentence. For example, in ǁAni the singular and dual forms for masculine ‘leopard’ control the italicized suffixes of the numeral and the object marker in the sentences | ui-m !’ui-ma ti mũ-m-ta (literally ‘one-[masculine singular] leopard [masculine singular] I-see [masculine singular]’; i.e., ‘I see one male leopard’) and | am-tsa !’ui-tsa ti-mũ-tsa-ta (literally ‘two-[masculine dual] leopard [masculine dual] I-see [masculine dual]’; i.e., ‘I see a pair of male leopards’). Unlike that of the Ju group, the order of the major parts of the sentence in the Khoe languages is commonly subject–object–verb (SOV).
The word and sentence structures of the two branches of the Southern group of languages differ in some major respects. Whereas suffixes are few in the !Kwi languages, they are prolific in the Taa dialects, and there is even a remnant of a prefixal system in some of the latter. Nouns fall into five classes, some of which have distinctive suffixes that—as in Ju—are associated with vague semantic classes but not ones based on the Khoe gender principle; the singular and plural forms of a noun may be marked by a change of suffix but not necessarily by a change of class. By contrast, a common way of forming plurals in | Xam, a !Kwi language, is through reduplication of the stem: ǁnáin ‘house,’ ǁnáin-ǁnáin ‘houses.’ Nouns in the Taa dialects govern suffixal agreement on dependent forms in a way reminiscent of Khoe agreement. This rule requires that adjectives, transitive verbs, and third-person pronouns bear an appropriately agreeing suffix, as can be seen in the demonstrative pronouns in the following examples: tâa té’e (literally ‘person this’; i.e., ‘this person’); tùu tú’u (literally ‘people these’; i.e., ‘these people’); |ûma tá’ã (literally ‘python this’; i.e., ‘this python’); tàli tí’i (literally ‘blood clot this’; i.e., ‘this blood clot’); tháa tán’n (literally ‘thing this’; i.e., ‘this thing’). A grammatical feature common to many of the Khoisan languages is the use of verb compounds where English would use a preposition or a single verb. Thus ‘go in’ is ‘go enter’ and ‘trample’ is ‘stand squash’ in !Xóõ; ‘send away’ is ‘send go off’ and ‘touch’ is ‘feel sense’ in Ju.

Vocabulary and writing
As may be expected, Khoisan vocabulary reflects the cultural adaptations of the hunter-gatherers who speak the languages. In !Xóõ, for example, there is an extensive anatomic vocabulary reflecting their scientific knowledge of the animals they hunt; all botanical species, whether functional or not, are named; and there is an elaborate set of terms to describe ecological niches where particular plants and trees grow, niches that attract specific game animals and provide edible berries, seeds, and tubers or arrow poison and herbal medicines. Nine verbs for ‘squeeze’ express the subtleties of extracting edible material from intestines, insects, and the pulp of moisture-bearing tubers. Drinking hot or cold liquid, whether kneeling or not, from an ostrich egg or through a straw, from the rumen of an antelope or the pulp of a tuber, to quench one’s thirst or not, needs 10 different verbs. Stalking prey unsighted, sighted, at a run, or as a feline requires 4 different verbs. More than 20 words describe subtle differences in the taste or texture of food, testifying to a gourmet sensitivity to the hunter-gatherer menu. At the same time there are elaborations in vocabulary that are not obviously functional, such as the 13 verbs for ‘carry’ and the 26 verbs for ‘sit’; the attention to the vertical or horizontal orientation of one as opposed to many things leads to 25 different verbs for ‘put.’ Finally, a rich and colourful vocabulary of insults provides some verbal lubrication for the workings of the social categories of respect and familiarity and the obligations, generosity, and meanness of the participants.
There is a rich and well-documented folklore of the Khoisan languages. Most of the languages are unwritten, but Nama, Naro, and Ju have practical orthographies and teaching materials. Nama has a long tradition of literacy, and it even boasts a radio service. Click
for an audio clip of a news report in the Nama language.Anthony Traill