- Italian:
- Le nozze di Figaro
- On the Web:
- The Online Library of Liberty - Mozart’s Opera Marriage of Figaro (Feb. 27, 2025)
The Countess’s boudoir.
The Countess bemoans the Count’s infidelity (“Porgi, amor”). Susanna has told her about the Count’s plan to seduce her. Figaro arrives. He knows that the Count is plotting to help Marcellina. He has his own plan: through Basilio, he will send the Count an anonymous note about the Countess’s “lover.” This is sure to drive him to distraction. Meanwhile, Cherubino, disguised as Susanna, will meet the Count in the garden. The Countess can then surprise and embarrass him. Figaro goes off to get the boy.
Cherubino arrives and, at Susanna’s urging, sings the Countess a love song that he wrote for her (“Voi che sapete”). He shows the Countess the regimental commission he had just gotten from Basilio. She and Susanna realize that the commission has no seal on it. Figaro has told Cherubino of the plan to deceive the Count, and Susanna begins to dress the uncomfortable boy as a woman. When she goes into another room to find some ribbon, he declares his love for the Countess. At that moment, the suspicious Count bangs on the door, and Cherubino dives into the closet.
The Count demands to know who was with the Countess, and she tells him it was Susanna, who has gone into another room. The Count shows his wife the anonymous letter that Figaro had written about her “lover.” A noise from the closet obliges the Countess to say that Susanna is in there, not in the other room. Susanna reenters the room, unseen by the Count and Countess, and realizes that there is a problem, so she hides behind a screen. As Cherubino cowers, terrified, in the closet, the Count orders “Susanna” out, but the Countess insists that the door remain closed. The Count is convinced that the Countess is hiding a lover in there. As they argue, they warn each other not to go too far and create a scandal. Susanna remains behind her screen, horrified by the situation. The Countess absolutely refuses to open the closet, so the Count brings her with him to look for something with which to break the closet open. He locks the door behind them. Susanna lets Cherubino out of the closet. In a panic, he escapes through the window, and Susanna hides in the closet.
When the Count and Countess return, she finally admits that Cherubino is in the closet, claiming that it was just a joke. He does not believe her protestations of innocence and threatens to kill Cherubino. Drawing his sword, he flings open the closet door. They are both astonished to find Susanna. The Count, abashed, is forced to beg his wife’s forgiveness. She and Susanna explain that the episode with the closet, and the anonymous note, were all a prank. Figaro arrives to announce that the wedding is about to begin. Questioned by the Count, he denies writing the anonymous note, to the consternation of Susanna and the Countess. The Count is anxious for Marcellina’s arrival so that he can stop the wedding.
Antonio, the gardener, barges in, complaining that someone has jumped from the Countess’s balcony onto his flower garden. Susanna and the Countess caution Figaro, who had seen Cherubino jump. Figaro claims that he himself leapt from the balcony. But Antonio claims he saw a boy, someone half Figaro’s size. The Count immediately realizes that the fugitive was Cherubino. Figaro, sticking to his story, says such optical illusions are common and that Cherubino was on his way to Seville. Figaro explains that he was hiding in the closet waiting for Susanna. After hearing the Count’s shouts, he decided to escape by jumping, and he has injured his foot in the process. He suddenly develops a limp in order to prove his story. But Antonio produces Cherubino’s military commission, which he found in the garden. Figaro, confounded, throws the gardener out. Prompted by the women, Figaro triumphantly explains that the page gave the paper to him because it lacks a seal. Marcellina, Bartolo, and Basilio arrive to demand justice, claiming that Figaro had entered into a contract to marry Marcellina in exchange for a loan. The Count agrees to judge the case, to the joy of Marcellina and the consternation of Figaro.